China & HK Stock Market Crisis Will Be For Years!

(04-01-2024, 10:58 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  So far the stock and property market is a one way street down

Your guru release a video why China & HK market will be in crisis for years

Laughter-13  Laughter-13

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[Image: chengsiuchou-big-time.gif]

Third world china is dying and collapsing fast under their incompetent ccp cult LOL!

That's what you get when the country is ruled by a primary school educated loser like xi.

Ah tiongs are struggling and becoming very poor. Many are trying to flee from the dying third world china.

(17-03-2024, 03:04 PM)Purikura Wrote:  Third world china is dying and collapsing fast under their incompetent ccp cult LOL!

That's what you get when the country is ruled by a primary school educated loser like xi.

Ah tiongs are struggling and becoming very poor. Many are trying to flee from the dying third world china.

Same pLot. Sian Laughing


[Image: IMG20240317130529.jpg]

3rd world peasants everyday big fish big meat, 1st world pdf everyday kao peh kao bu

Economic crisis nevermind..worse is their moral declining...always overheard young ccp kid..very small only maybe 6 to 10...always ask their grandpa or grandmother for money in exchange for things tasked by their simple task like studying...carrying basket...going for swim lessons...waking up early..eating food...
Sibei jiatlat ..gone case...

All ultimate amdk arse lickers stooge’s you don't know meh China is much better than your daddies cuntry looting hor LMAO

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