Any Shop Dealing With Chinese Art Will Buy Art Pieces From End Users ?

neighbour got one very nice  carved ''painting'' of Fu Lu Shou............more than 20 years liao............bought for about 2,000 bucks back then.............but never displayed before on 

the wall..........but shifting house so he wanna sell it away.............can go where to sell ?................any of those shops selling Chinese art will buy ??

maybe Lau Jac will be interested ??...........i can bluff him say the ''painting'' was owned by Jiang Ziya ??  Rotfl

Hard to sell in Singapore will lose money all will low ball you.

(05-01-2025, 09:26 AM)Cmpunk Wrote:  Hard to sell in Singapore will lose money all will low ball you.

thanks for the reply, bro...............

sell at loss is expected lah.........even though bought at nearly 2,000 bucks around 20 years ago...............he's willing to sell at couple hundred any shop that will buy ?..............i tried to sell for him at Carousell but no offers leh........

(05-01-2025, 09:25 AM)Napoleon Porlumpar Wrote:  neighbour got one very nice  carved ''painting'' of Fu Lu Shou............more than 20 years liao............bought for about 2,000 bucks back then.............but never displayed before on 

the wall..........but shifting house so he wanna sell it away.............can go where to sell ?................any of those shops selling Chinese art will buy ??

maybe Lau Jac will be interested ??...........i can bluff him say the ''painting'' was owned by Jiang Ziya ??  Rotfl
Who is the artist?     Thinking

 Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge
                    Carl Jung

(05-01-2025, 09:25 AM)Napoleon Porlumpar Wrote:  neighbour got one very nice  carved ''painting'' of Fu Lu Shou............more than 20 years liao............bought for about 2,000 bucks back then.............but never displayed before on 

the wall..........but shifting house so he wanna sell it away.............can go where to sell ?................any of those shops selling Chinese art will buy ??

maybe Lau Jac will be interested ??...........i can bluff him say the ''painting'' was owned by Jiang Ziya ??  Rotfl

[Image: ang_mo_kio_online_66015f73-fd76-4052-94d...1695198389]

(12-01-2025, 05:46 PM)Huliwang Wrote:  Who is the artist?     Thinking

no artist name lah............he bought it at an's a Fu Lu Shou type of carved ''painting''..........not really those art piece

(12-01-2025, 05:48 PM)grotesqueness Wrote:  [Image: ang_mo_kio_online_66015f73-fd76-4052-94d...1695198389]

Cashconverter are back ??!!

(05-01-2025, 09:25 AM)Napoleon Porlumpar Wrote:  neighbour got one very nice  carved ''painting'' of Fu Lu Shou............more than 20 years liao............bought for about 2,000 bucks back then.............but never displayed before on 

the wall..........but shifting house so he wanna sell it away.............can go where to sell ?................any of those shops selling Chinese art will buy ??

maybe Lau Jac will be interested ??...........i can bluff him say the ''painting'' was owned by Jiang Ziya ??  Rotfl

any way for me to find these art shops ??...............or any other websites to sell apart from carousell ?

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