
If winnie win president next month then very likely he will close china door like NK today in next 5 yrs!
reason is simple, to protect ccp to continue to rule china he has to close china door totally.
because if china open door, then china slavery will awakening & topple ccp regime!
look at today covid lockdown, economy crashing, isolated from the rest of the world due to closed alliance with russia to push for communism globally!
If winnie closed door mean ccp lost the war with democratic, that is the core of humanity, to have a life with freedom & human right & live under a lawful country & society!
taiwan? nukes?



winnie xi abandon all what deng xiaoping has done for china, open up, free market to work together with the world!
china people is dirt to winnie xi! he wants to keep china empire to ccp! people will suffer, who care!
with ccp mindset is better for china to close their door totally, will the west let it go? LOL LOL!
it is a conflict of mindset, greed & evil!
people abandon deng & choose xi? my foot, all these liars, same as comie dog liars here totally!!!



with winnie xi for another 5 yrs, china will go back to mao times, communism, whole country owned by state or party or country, no more private asset!
closed door, isolated from the world like NK today!
china definitely has not enough agri & food for their 1.4 bil slavery, their problems!
hope the world can go back to the peaceful, serene, no lies, no BS world!




(11-09-2022, 12:18 PM)kokee Wrote:  If winnie win president next month then very likely he will close china door like NK today in next 5 yrs!
reason is simple, to protect ccp to continue to rule china he has to close china door totally.
because if china open ...You have all kinds

You have all kinds of quessing work and all kinds of "if", please lah. Give certain evidence. Don't just guess and expect people to teach you how to post.  



closed door & go extremist!
will china be as harmful as NK to the world when they closed door?
all these insane dictators!



winnie bark NK achievement! NK today is china 30 yrs ago!
winnie hope china can move backward by 30-40 yrs!
I believe what winnie meant is he hope to be fatty kim, full power like emperor!
his wet dream, at 70s then be emperor for what shit!!! LOL LOL!
whatever winnie already told you his dream of china to be NK!



Moronic Kokee Cok 可以变成老鼠吗? Laughing

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