
(19-04-2022, 05:37 PM)kokee Wrote:  with US & UK heavy weapons, Ukraine army attacking russia army in donbass, killed ton , well done.
protecting their own country, fight till the last soldier, unlike low morale junk russia army.
with more advanced weapons from the west, attack anytime.
like sink russia carrier moscow, special weapons & war information will be used anytime to slaughter all russia army at once any moments.


This round Ukraine won lah!

顿巴斯战役开始!俄军突破乌军第93旅防线!依久姆方向通往利西昌斯克 北顿涅茨克通道已被俄军控制 俘虏乌军60人 乌军顿巴斯集团军群恐被俄军全歼


(19-04-2022, 05:37 PM)kokee Wrote:  with US & UK heavy weapons, Ukraine army attacking russia army in donbass, killed ton , well done.
protecting their own country, fight till the last soldier, unlike low morale junk russia army.
with more advanced weapons from the west, attack anytime.
like sink russia carrier moscow, special weapons & war information will be used anytime to slaughter all russia army at once any moments.


look how Ukraine tank destriy russia army.
also mariupol steel mill, ukraine army attack & chase russia army out.
ton more to come, war only started last night, long way to go.

Ukrainian tank destroys Russian armoured personnel carrier in a single shot



(19-04-2022, 05:43 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  

顿巴斯战役开始!俄军突破乌军第93旅防线!依久姆方向通往利西昌斯克 北顿涅茨克通道已被俄军控制 俘虏乌军60人 乌军顿巴斯集团军群恐被俄军全歼


How much white cums u sucked today. Laughing
[+] 1 user Likes Notdumb's post

(19-04-2022, 05:51 PM)kokee Wrote:  look how Ukraine tank 
(19-04-2022, 05:52 PM)Notdumb Wrote:  How much white cums u sucked today. Laughing


Weather in Donbass not favorable for Russian tanks and heavy artilleries

Laughter-13  Laughter-13


I said many ties, Ukraine army is not only fighting for their country & people, they are fighting for the world in front line, once Ukraine conquered, Europe, china in asia will be spread.
Ukraine army is using their life to protect the world now.
poland, NATO & US, UK all are behind with Ukraine, same to asia side, japan, korea & US are all behind taiwan.




[Image: 8-A5695-E7-F08-F-456-D-9367-7-A5-B9-C15-DC87.jpg]

Moronic kokee king of know nuts your daddy very happy hor

assmarrycunts cannot win, else they'll kill more ppl

(14-04-2022, 11:33 AM)Notdumb Wrote:  Kokee very scare now.🤣🤣🤣

nudie nudie nudie

ton of russia army kena capture by Ukraine, easily>2000-3000, just not showing like communist dogs like to propaganda, self BS.
also google map & elon musk starlink has ton of war information about russia army, all their movement are under monitoring all the time.
ton of tanks from czech, poland & US arriving donbas for Ukraine to attack russia army, more weapons on the way.

俄军没有突破乌军防线! 来自波兰、捷克的大量坦克正在驰援乌东前线! 上海人现在才明白:原来自己只是蝼蚁!

看得到打得到!解析度達50公分 Google地圖俄軍基地、航母行蹤全都露!


Kokee hv very wet dream last night....must be suck too much white cums b4 bed.🤣🤣🤣
[+] 1 user Likes Notdumb's post

1st day of donbas war, russia bomb like crazy but like comie dogs here, anyhow hantam, end up russia army kena surrounded & slaughtered, ton of russia army died, wait patiently for the number, nice.

顿巴斯会战俄军第一天气势汹汹,但只是大炮乱轰! 俄军包抄顿巴斯战术失败! 马里乌波尔成俄军坟场!



comie dogs dont panic, just 1st day of donbas war, Ukraine said they can fight 10 yrs in donbas.
But if Ukraine can get all the most advanced weapons from US, UK & NATO, they can end fast & even took over crimea from Russia.
Russia weapons & army are total junk lah.
as for moscow, need NATO & US army to join in, LOL LOL>

烏克蘭有機會拿回克里米亞半島?俄羅斯軍隊"無能"令人驚訝!烏"水攻+泥將軍"俄寸步難行 頓巴斯開打 美智庫:俄軍不太可能成功.


but moronic no nut flg dogs very kancheong

everyday bark bark bark nonstop

mariupol is still fighting, russia retreat, whether is steel factory or town.
comie dogs bark surrender & russia wins everyday here for > 1months, but real fact & truth is mariupol is still under ukraine, after 55 days of war, russia cant even occupy & control mariupol, beg mariupol for surrender, LOL LOL, all these moronic comie liars here.

「不死鳥馬利波」徹底逆轉戰局!? 烏克蘭版「史達林格勒」噎死普丁喉嚨

莫斯科軍事重地爆「神秘連環火」!? 俄航天研究所燒光…研究員7死30傷


all these dogs & russia bark victory & surrender 7/24 here, eventually is russia retreat, run road.
russia army size in mariupol almost 10x of Ukraine yet cannot win, WTF, totally junk army & weapons.
comie dogs here can only lies like this thread title, lost your shit, bark for months yet russia cant even occupy & control 1 inch of Ukraine land.
yet russia military & economy almost collapse now, rubbish weapons & lack of army to sustain now, LOL LOL.
ton of russia weapons warehouse & chemical factory in russia in huge fire last 2 days, panic.

「不死鳥馬利波」徹底逆轉戰局!? 烏克蘭版「史達林格勒」噎死普丁喉嚨!



【頭條開講】外媒驚曝!馬立波神秘人物?前加拿大陸軍司令在烏克蘭參戰?加拿大拒絕回應真實去向!@頭條開講 20220422

russia has 10x more army in mariupol but cant fight, Ukraine army still protect & stay on in mariupol.
most russia youth & man refuse to fight for russisa now, I said many times, only morons sacrify their life for a nazi invader dictator.


4.22 突發 【拒絕做炮灰!】俄羅斯青年拒絕為普京賣命,用汽油彈進攻,殲滅了五個募兵處,俄羅斯人民覺醒了


(23-04-2022, 10:40 AM)kokee Wrote:  russia has 10x more army in mariupol but cant fight, Ukraine army still protect & stay on in mariupol.
most russia youth & man refuse to fight for russisa now, I said many times, only morons sacrify their life for a nazi invader dictator.


4.22 突發 【拒絕做炮灰!】俄羅斯青年拒絕為普京賣命,用汽油彈進攻,殲滅了五個募兵處,俄羅斯人民覺醒了

U not malu ah....still talking shits from your arse! Laughing

(23-04-2022, 10:49 AM)Notdumb Wrote:  U not malu ah....still talking shits from your arse! Laughing

You go and suck white Russian cum lah...dumbfcuk Rotfl

Laughter-13  Laughter-13


(23-04-2022, 10:56 AM)ROFLMAO Wrote:  You go and suck white Russian cum lah...dumbfcuk Rotfl

I know u suck black and white coks....becos u dont know who the fark r your parents. Laughing


These beloved Taiwan News have a much balance news
[+] 1 user Likes Kgliangp's post

中天 is the most BS communist source of rubbish in taiwan, used to belong to kmt, nonsense kmt lick ccp balls, sell away  their country for $$, is a real 汉奸走狗 rubbish tv station。
russia already no more attacking power in mariupol & donbas, can only use bomb which will never occupy the place, this will only end in long term war or when Ukraine, NATO & US are ready to attack russia, they will bomb & move all the way up to moscow & st. peterburg.

俄军无力继续顿巴斯会战,拜登又援乌8亿美元重武器,可碾压俄军! 西班牙首相、丹麦首相访问基辅!






Two months have gone by and two years will be coming as Russian promised that it would take over Ukraine in 2 weeks and then withdraw. 

Presently,  each side is trying to declare they are the winner and each side is pointing to the other side to be the party killing the civilians.  One fact will always remain unchanged,  Russian is the invader and Ukraine is the defender.  This basic fact will make a real difference when the 2 parties are facing the International court and would always benefit of the doubt to the defenders.  That is how things always work.

(23-04-2022, 12:49 PM)revealer Wrote:  Two months have gone by and two years will be coming as Russian promised that it would take over Ukraine in 2 weeks. Each side is trying to declare they are the winner and each side is pointing to the other side to be the party killing the civilians.  One fact will always remain unchanged,  Russian is the invader and Ukraine is the defender.  This basic fact will make a real difference when the 2 parties are facing the International court and would always benefit of the doubt to the defenders.

U dumbfark or wat....this isnt Russia attack on Ukraine. 

All along its USA and his gangs bullying Russia. Why they dare not go fullforce on Russia?

Thats becos of China and all the west lost thier lumpars. Laughing

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