
comie dogs here bark lies 7/24 here not going to change hard truth, all the communist source of shit has been wrong & fake all the time, still has so many brainless here read & watch all these liars posts, wrong all the time, these morons still believe & read, real morons.
whole world know putin & russia already game over, threatening is useless, no one give a shit to russia, whether is military or economy, only comie liars here bark lies so panic & desperately.
same to china, all the way down.

4.28 【垂S掙扎的普京?!】美智庫踢爆普京面對5個負面現象! 俄羅斯一直走下坡路!



Cokee suck white cums till brainless.🤣🤣🤣
[+] 1 user Likes Notdumb's post

(28-04-2022, 06:41 PM)Notdumb Wrote:  Cokee suck white cums till brainless.🤣🤣🤣


all these moronic dictator, they are lawless & has all the power to do what they like, once listen to wrong advice, use wrong advisors, listen & trust wrong person or they get insane after lost in ar, end of the regime & country, also the people, like china & russia today.
now putin is furious & angry, sick & all kind of stress & sickness due to wrong information provided by morons surrounding him. today, putin lost till pantless & cant turn back, both military & economy, russia likely to become 3rd world with no ore military power after this Ukraine war.



comie dogs here can bark whatever lies here, truth & fact is putin already lost the war.
43 countries against russia & putin, putin know well no way to win, alternative from US is why not Russia attack china, then 43 countries let russia off?
now war with china is much easier than attack 43 countries.
russia has any choice? continue with ukraine war, russia will lose his country totally & no more chances in next 100 yrs.



US pass an act to supply ton of Ukraine weapons & ammunition, US$33B or much more, set up weapons factory in Ukraine to produce more, enough to attack russia & conquer russia, destroy russia military power totally, so that russia cant invade or bully small country in future.

普京输定了! 美国通过【乌克兰租借法案】! 美国成为乌克兰的巨大兵工厂! 俄军内部通话爆出真实军情!



putin needs to go for his cancer operation or chemo? so many army & top leaders against him, best time to topple putin arrived.
inside russia politics, army & the rest also fighting now, no way putin can settle it, putin in very danger position now, anytime can be throw away if army is not in his hands.
russia in real huge trouble today both military & economy bankrupt. china not scared? my foot, next china.
putin, idol of comie dogs here, lick & worship this nazi invader & killer like crazy dogs here 7/24 using their rubbish communist sources of fake & lies here everyday.


普京得上手术台!俄罗斯面临政变! 害怕资产被西方冻结、没收,中共高层急了!



This guy gone liao.. got cancer. Retribution. Before dying must kill so many Ukranians.


(01-05-2022, 05:20 AM)kokee Wrote:  almost 65 days of russia invades ukraine now, russia achieve nothing till date.
russia weapons & army diminish very fast now, no new replenish anymore.
ukraine receive ton of new weapons from 43 countries alliance everyday, ton on the way from US.
Russia already died  >26000 army, generals & chief commanders, more to come.
russia cant drag for too long now, no money & no weapons.



as above, after 65 days of war, russia still cannot control 1 inch of Ukraine land yet die so many generals & chief commanders, almost 60% of total weapons destroyed & can never replenish in next 10 yrs.
putin stomach cancer, operation or can gone forever liao, his opponent can replace him during this time once control the army, he is finished.

普京将进行胃癌手术 权力暂转移给他


【#世界越來越盧 中集】美巨額援烏武器 去向不明!恐流入黑市 安全隱憂大!和談無望!近千萬難民有家歸不得 @中天新聞 20220428

whole world know putin health in huge trouble, only stomach cancer? ton more, who still give shit to a half death man.
Ukraine said only putin died then war can be end, but russia military power almost gone case, best time to finish it, destroy all their nukes, make them surrender, take over whole russia, huge lands, many country can dissect russia, take their parts, end russia totally.

烏嗆普丁死亡才能結束戰爭!? 前線俄軍「貧血」…美烏戰後要拆分俄國


[Image: 8-BFFAF1-B-1-AFC-4075-B593-996-F40567-FAF.jpg]

what will happen to putin & russia when he goes for cancer operation?
look like power struggling to takeover as new russia president, russian fight russian for civil war?
then Ukraine, US & NATO can save some energy to wait for final attack to occupy the whole russia.




putin is going to destroy russia totally, remove russia from this world, no more russia in future world.
this is the end of russia & end of this Ukraine war, comie dogs can bark whatever lies they want, russia already so weak & cant fight yet can lie till ukraine surrender, 1 US or canadian soldier died, all kind of rubbish to con or brainwash morons here.
how about xi & ccp?



putin super scared & worry now, apologized to Israel, kneel down now.
whole world know how powerful is Israel military power.
all these moronic communist & comie dogs here, bark lies over liao, lies &lies 7/24 till baseless & no limit, only morons believe all communist shit now, for propaganda & brainwash slavery only.

普京又跪低! 俄外長老屈希特拉係猶太人,普京向以色列道歉!


Moronic kokee and gangs of dogs king of lies and know nuts still preaching Falun Gong propaganda hor watch out hor

Alam Kok issued out all the flg videos arh  ...     


Even use Financial nuclear bomb also no impact? Rotfl

[Image: 1-AF7-A628-7-C51-47-C3-A26-A-557-AEE4-EDAFE.jpg]

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

all these know nut & moronic comie dogs here, really speechless.
sibei xia suay to 易经.

speechless know nut, all these comie dogs, totally do not know what is happening, still barking ruble now.
Russia economy almost collapse now, russia almost default all their bonds recently, totally pokai, so desperate to dump all their oil & gas for $$.
russian suffer the most today with ruble but almost cant buy any foreign goods, ttotally uselesss currency, already 10x here ruble appreciate is only to save face for dictator putin, russia this yr GDP down is the worst in the world, inlfation also up the most this yr. Yet Ruble interest still at 20+%, cut down to 10% or 0%, let see, LOL LOL.
USD index hit high again, singapore reserved mostly in USD in order to have strength in SGD.
dying USD, dont know what these dogs want to bark 7/24 here.
USD is still the reserved, trading & petrol currency in today world, no one currency can touch, also too far behind.
Military, Ukraine war already shown US is no.1. china? got morons here think china can fight in a war? all these moronic brainless, china 1 child policy in 80s, send all these 1 child to hell is the best, LOL LOL.
Russia, totally gone case & game over now.

Moronic kokee king of lies and know nuts hor all your out dated stories hor I wonder who read your post hor Rotfl

how is putin now?
parkinson plus cancer?
ending soon?

普京已经病入膏肓 这两位可能是他的接班人


美軍“大魚”遠超拜登兒子!烏軍第36旅旅長舉白旗投降 哈爾科夫美國受訓烏軍第92機械旅指揮官薩夫欽中校被俄軍擊斃




1 United States Dollar equals
69.88 Russian Ruble
9 May, 8:20 am UTC

(09-05-2022, 04:30 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  1 United States Dollar equals
69.88 Russian Ruble
9 May, 8:20 am UTC

Alam Kok doesn't understand figures and calculations lah.
[+] 1 user Likes webinarian's post

in victory day, putin can only blame the west, lies about his invasion, con or brainwash morons like china slavery, that is all all these rubbish nonsense can do, no fact & truth, no power & strength, totally hopeless & useless.

why putin blame the west in victory day? if he wins, he needs to blame? when a person blame others, then he is a totally useless dog, why blame & complain in life? what kind of shit he is?

俄红场大阅兵,普京讲话干巴巴,气数将尽! 俄军的第二阶段战略目标,完败!


(11-05-2022, 10:15 AM)way Wrote:  

whole world can see putin use few blanket & more protection during the parade, so weak, now weather is not cold now.
his speech of blaming the west, also act as victim is totally a loser mindset, so weak & never annouce they win the war, that show russia already lost & defeated.



Moronic kokee is a retard hor hiaz

putin health definitely in huge trouble, all can see during victory day using blanket & more.
go for operation now? then his seat still available after operation?
will russia totally gone from world map because of him? very likely, be patient.



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