MOM warns it will revoke work permits of helpers who borrow money from loansharks


loanshark who are doing money laundering can stay until the next raid

after the maid borrowed the money,MOM revoked the permit n asks the maid to repay the money..maid usually have no money to repay,MOM no choice send them home with loan unsettled,the money lender will go harass the maid employer..if MOM ask the maid to continue to work and repay fully the loan then can be sent back?but what if the maid not agreeable to this arrangement?

headaches headaches for mom n employers

This regulation will deters helpers to take loan shark money. 
Once revoked, cannot come back to work in SG...

And also deters loan shark from such business with helpers.

A Blanket to rrstrict maids to takr any loans in Singapore from legal lending business and loansharks would be more effective.

Win the World but lost your Soul. 
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