19-03-2022, 09:43 AM
4 km? 65 km convoy also gone totally.
nice US weapons to destroy almost all russia tanks.
Ukraine try to throw away all the junk russian weapons, use more advanced western weapons.
標槍、刺針齊飛俄坦克慘淪「鐵棺材」!? 反坦克武器顛覆戰場成「標準配備」!
俄精銳35軍團遭奇襲殲滅「美式」部隊完勝! 去蘇聯化正烏軍「93機步旅」!
nice US weapons to destroy almost all russia tanks.
Ukraine try to throw away all the junk russian weapons, use more advanced western weapons.
標槍、刺針齊飛俄坦克慘淪「鐵棺材」!? 反坦克武器顛覆戰場成「標準配備」!
俄精銳35軍團遭奇襲殲滅「美式」部隊完勝! 去蘇聯化正烏軍「93機步旅」!