4 KM Russian Convoy Totally Flattened in Kherson Region

Joker ! If relensky is winning, he wud not panic n asking the world to help him .

He shd surrender n save precious lives n destruction of the country.

Puddingv has 2 main objectives 1) demilitarisation n denazification..
He's not interested in regime change...n waiting to see wat cards this roti prata r playing n wat nato n joe oldman can do., applying max pressure on the west so the west nato will never dare to destabilise the region

(19-03-2022, 09:43 AM)kokee Wrote:  4 km? 65 km convoy also gone totally.
nice US weapons to destroy almost all russia tanks.
Ukraine try to throw away all the junk russian weapons, use more advanced western weapons.

標槍、刺針齊飛俄坦克慘淪「鐵棺材」!? 反坦克武器顛覆戰場成「標準配備」!

俄精銳35軍團遭奇襲殲滅「美式」部隊完勝! 去蘇聯化正烏軍「93機步旅」!

most russia army generals, either kena killed in Ukraine war orsack by putin as putin dont trust anyone anymore.
ton of russia army surrender or stop fighting or injured themselves to stay out of war.
russia army has no morale to fight this unjustifiable war of invasion, also russia weapons are too junk.
many russian also run road out of country or to siberia to get out of this chaotic war by putin himself.
putin generally dont get any support inside & outside russia now, left only use his moronic mouth to shout ot lie.




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