50-yr-old woman with disabilities stuffed with paper in throat in care home & died



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Cheryl Yewdall spent most of her life at a Philadelphia care home for people with developmental disabilities. It was there, on Jan. 26, that the 50-year-old was found face down on the floor, in a pool of urine, suffocating on a large wad of paper that had been stuffed down her throat.

She died five days later.


Yewdall’s mother, in a new wrongful death lawsuit, casts suspicion on an unidentified staff member at Merakey Woodhaven — and suggests that Yewdall herself left a disturbing clue about what how she was treated at the place she called home for four decades.

“She was just so sweet and innocent and helpless, and she depended on them to care for her and love her and be safe,” Yewdall’s mother, Christine Civatte, said in a phone interview. “I just thought they would protect her.”


Born three months premature, Cheryl Yewdall went to live at Woodhaven as a child. She loved nursery rhymes, doo-wop music and especially Buddy Holly’s “Peggy Sue” — whenever her mother put it on, Yewdall would smile, clap her hands and rock back and forth in her wheelchair.


But in January 2021, a year before her death, Cheryl suffered a broken leg that went undiagnosed, the lawsuit said. Then, after an X-ray confirmed the fracture, staff failed to place an immobilizer on her leg as required, telling a visiting physician weeks later they didn’t know how


And in a separate incident, from September 2021, Yewdall was reported to have a black eye and swollen cheek


Yewdall, who had limited verbal skills, often repeated words and phrases she heard other people say, a condition called echolalia. One day, her sister asked her to say, “Hi Daddy.”

Yewdall’s response, recorded by her sister on an iPhone, was chilling.

“Listen to me, a———. Settle down baby. I’m going to kill you if you don’t settle down,” said Yewdall. “I’m going to kill you, a———.”

Much better to read full report at: https://apnews.com/article/health-lawsui...b5aba7b71c

the 80 years old must have lost the match

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