53% of people polled think S’poreans are rude, overwork might be an issue

53% of people polled think S’poreans are rude, overwork might be an issue

As people living in a big and busy city, Singaporeans can sometimes come across as rude and cold. What can we do to become a more welcoming society?

👉 https://tsl.to/rudesingaporeans


(10-04-2024, 08:29 PM)Bigiron Wrote:  53% of people polled think S’poreans are rude, overwork might be an issue

As people living in a big and busy city, Singaporeans can sometimes come across as rude and cold. What can we do to become a more welcoming society?

👉 https://tsl.to/rudesingaporeans


the PAP monopoly
what can you do
[+] 1 user Likes grotesqueness's post

Too many ccp n ceca makes us rude becos they bring in their stypid brain mind body attitude

This is true and inevitable. Being a minority in our own country, how else can we communicte effectively with 4 or 10 different mtionalities in the office without beating the bush?  This is how this country has evolved.

Win the World but lost your Soul. 
[+] 2 users Like Symmetry's post

Overcrowding is the real reason.

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(10-04-2024, 09:50 PM)Sharexchange Wrote:  Too many ccp n ceca makes us rude becos they bring in their stypid brain mind body attitude
You forgotten many JHK and JHB hiding among us and back stabbing us. One example is asking us to return our own tray.

All of the minor examples listed in article are laughable...🤣

Wait until you are Rob, Sucker Punch, Rape and Shot in bigger countries. Then the writer will know what is rude in life..🤣

Waste of time la...

(10-04-2024, 08:29 PM)Bigiron Wrote:  53% of people polled think S’poreans are rude, overwork might be an issue. As people living in a big and busy city, Singaporeans can sometimes come across as rude and cold. What can we do to become a more welcoming society?

In the US, New Yorkers are renowned for being rude, unfriendly and uncaring. Their behaviour is typical of people in an overcrowded, expensive and overly competitive city. S'pore has 6 million people crammed into a living area smaller than NY which has 8 million inhabitants. Both cities are ranked as the most expensive in the world as well. So if the govt truly wants Sinkies to be more compassionate, then return our population to 3 million so that we have more breathing space and affordable homes, cars and essential goods and services. 

(10-04-2024, 10:14 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  Overcrowding is the real reason.
[Image: Crowded-Train.jpg]

Aiyah! We are not overpaid nor under-performing without any disciplinary action like PAP Ministers

Our lives are 100 times more stress than theirs

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

This is an article about an experiment on overcrowded fish tank.

Quote:Tropical fish hobbyists will tell you their tanks are a source of relaxation, but recent research suggests the fish might disagree.

Nearly 13 million American households contain a fish tank, and the average tank size is less than 10 gallons. Yet a study comparing the behavior of common freshwater fish in a variety of habitats found that those kept in such small tanks were considerably more aggressive than those in larger ones — more likely to fight, flare their gills and guard whatever tiny alcoves they could find.

“In larger tanks, the fish were not in continuous eyesight of each other, and were swimming around checking everything out rather than beating the heck out of each other,” said the study’s author, Ronald G. Oldfield, a professor of biology at Case Western Reserve University.

The fish in question were Midas, or “red devil” cichlids, a species popular among hobbyists for their brilliant colors and active swimming habits. Dr. Oldfield used only very young fish to eliminate aggressive behaviors associated with mating.

Dr. Oldfield concedes that the emotional well-being of fish may not tug many heartstrings. “It’s probably not the end of the world,” he said in a telephone interview. Even the Humane Society, which routinely has commercials featuring slow-motion video of abused pets, does not offer guidelines for the treatment of pet fish.

“We work on almost every animal issue under the sun,” a spokesman said by e-mail, “but I don’t think this is one of them.”Still, Dr. Oldfield noted that the average household tank was only one-tenth the size of the smallest tank in the study to yield docile fish. “If people kept dogs in these conditions, they’d be put in prison,” he said. “It’s something we should think about.”

The study consisted of two experiments conducted side by side. In one, Dr. Oldfield tested the effects of overcrowding by keeping tank size constant while increasing the number of fish. In the other, he tested environment by placing three fish in consistently larger and more complex tanks. He then recorded their behavior at least two hours after feeding, to eliminate competitive behaviors related to food.

While aggression seemed to remain constant regardless of the number of fish in a tank, Dr. Oldfield observed that it dropped off considerably once the fish were placed in a 100-gallon tank with several plants and rocks to form alcoves.

The findings confirmed what he found when observing Midas cichlids in the wild. “If you go out and observe these fish swimming in a river,” he said, “they’re not aggressive at all, really.”

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(11-04-2024, 02:29 PM)Ola Wrote:  Aiyah! We are not overpaid nor under-performing without any disciplinary action like PAP Ministers. Our lives are 100 times more stress than theirs

The man-in-the-street S'porean does not get to decide his own pay nor is he shielded from foreign competition for his white collar job like our politicians. 

Even farm animals living cheek to jowl will go mad and fight each other for survival.

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