Calculus of Revenge : How Iran settled the US killing of Top General in 2019

Very interesting story. President Trump was given a choice of 13 options  to retaliate for an incident that saw one US soldier killed by Iranian shelling. 

The last extreme option ...killing of the Iran general was put in by staffers to make the other options look more reasonable and safe .....but Trump picked that option some say because the general once insulted Trump by saying he is good enough only to be a bartender at a casino.

So the Americans went ahead and assassinated the general. After that the Iranians promised revenge...thr general was a household name and a beloved national hero.

But why have we not seen this act of "revenge" the video for the reason.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

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