
Why are these new nicks digging up very old threads to post, just to get post counts?

Is it possible to close all threads that are 1 month old, or 3 mths old, whatever..

Very irritating!

(20-08-2023, 10:23 PM)Fancy-Bus8506 Wrote:  Poor farker telling admin what to do
For ur own good, stewpig!!!

(20-08-2023, 11:30 PM)Fancy-Bus8506 Wrote:  I don't need a farker to think what's good for me

Why you say IAM a farker?

Is it because I never teach you how to ride a bicycle?

(21-08-2023, 07:07 AM)Fancy-Bus8506 Wrote:  admin, do something. muahahahaaaa. admin couldn't give u a fark either

How you know ADMIN didn't give a fark?

Do you see anymore such outdated threads been revived by new nicks just for post counts?

Why dun you try one, since you're a new idiotic nick?

(21-08-2023, 08:25 AM)Fancy-Bus8506 Wrote:  now i know why you keep replying to me. u r desperate to increase ur post counts. hahaha. get a wife, loser

We know you're a clone, but right now, we just keep quiet and see what sheet you can post here besides condemning all fathers who did not teach their kids how to ride a bicycle

Just because you deleted that Bicycle Thread, you think I cannot talk about it is it?

That thread alone tells me all I need to know about you

You're a narrow-minded zero IQ goondu, that's what you're

(21-08-2023, 08:38 AM)Fancy-Bus8506 Wrote:  who is "we"? u and ur imaginary friend? no one replies to ur most of ur threads leh.

You actually think IAM the only one who knows you're a clone, is it?

Why you so STEWPIG! Or you actually think the forumers are STEWPIG LIKE YOU, is it?

Why you delete your Bicycle thread, BOZO?

(21-08-2023, 09:11 AM)Fancy-Bus8506 Wrote:  you grew up lacking fatherly love huh? that explains why you keep making new threads hoping to get some love but alas even strangers don't wanna love u. stop crying to sleep ok? not good for ur health

Change the subject, is it?

Your Bicycle thread is so epic, dun think we can forget for a very long time....

(21-08-2023, 09:27 AM)Fancy-Bus8506 Wrote:  it's epic alright. so epic cos it shows that you lack reading comprehension skills and thus securing your place as the dumbest sgtalker

Oh really ah? lolol

Then why you so hastily DELETED IT AWAY if it shows me in such a bad light??

Is it the thread showed u in very bad light leh? WAHAHAHAHA, CLOWN!!


(21-08-2023, 11:30 AM)Fancy-Bus8506 Wrote:  nothing hasty about it. i delete most of my posts within a week

Really ah? Is it dun want anyone to know how idiotic your character is and how horrid your threads are? Is it?

(21-08-2023, 12:14 PM)Fancy-Bus8506 Wrote:  that title is safely yours to keep. be sure not to tell ur father lest he hates u more than he already does. maybe one day he'll teach u how to cycle after all.

Still harping over your bicycle thread is it? Can't get over it that your father never buy you a bicycle and teaches you to cycle is it? So, post the thread to get affirmation from forumers that your father neglected you is it because you come from a poor family and a malfunctioning family is it?

C'mon lah, this forum is NOT your Auntie Agony ok

I seriously hope you will post that Bicycle Thread again, so EVERYONE can laugh at you

Read this correctly hor....IT IS LAUGH AT YOU, NOT LAUGH WITH YOU HOR


(21-08-2023, 12:34 PM)Fancy-Bus8506 Wrote:  when i read this thread of yours i can't help but pity you:
you ownself created thread and replied to yourself... hahahaaaaaaaaaaaa. no wonder you took offence at my bicycle thread. you grew up without fatherly love.

You idiot! thread is meant to inform, not to participate in

Anyway, I don't reply to any responses if it is not confrontational and hypocritical

Like most forumers know, and I believe your Master Clone knows, I only whack hypocrites, charlatans and fakes

You fall into all 3 of these categories and one more category: WHINING!!

(21-08-2023, 12:43 PM)Fancy-Bus8506 Wrote:  yeah, right. loser say loser la. not hard to see many of your threads are "informative" . hhaha. pitiful

You must be blind if you say that

I have so many threads so they all fall into many categories of response

Unlike you, the first thread you post here when you created your nick is that Bicycle Thread...

Get the Drift?



(21-08-2023, 01:03 PM)Fancy-Bus8506 Wrote:  don't talk cock. there are "informative" threads of yours that you replied to yourself for at least three times before one other person came in. e.g. obviously you bumped your own thread hoping for participation. if your posts are informative you would have posted all in one post. what a loser.

btw, if you think that's my first thread it shows that you don't know anything about me. go ask admin how many threads i've deleted before that.

I dun give a sheet how many thread you hv deleted, because IAM here 24/7/366 and I dun see any of your threads at all, likely you post using your other clones, that I dun give a flying fark

The only thread I saw from you is that Bicycle Thread, and you deleted it before IAM done with you, that's why I said you hastily deleted

In any case, that thread is so STEWPIG you should ask Admin to pin it up, or I would, if only you didnt delete it in such a haste

Shameful man, ownself backyard smelly like sheet, still hv the cheek to come and comment about my threads

Go check it out lah, you know how many threads I have created here or not?

Want to o-e-o with me also u need to look at your own level ok

You're NOTHING!! Sub-zero IQ, bottom feeder!!


(21-08-2023, 01:29 PM)Fancy-Bus8506 Wrote:  i don't have time to screenshot all of them but below are your "informative" threads that have ZERO participation. they aren't informative threads because they have a question mark in the title. as for the rest we can see that the "last post" is by you. obviously you crave for attention. that's the result of growing up without fatherly love. no wonder you hate that bicycle thread of mine. face it lah. your mother is a whore who got impregnated by your grandfather.

[Image: Capture.png]

You selectively screenshot what you like to see, but to do a thorough job, you better screenshot every thread, you lazy prick

Use your brain a bit can or not, not asking for much

If my threads all got kosong response, then tell me how my REP PTS is higher than average? Are you blind?

Likely it will take you 10 years on this forum to get to 99 REP PTS, maybe never and you get BANNED 

Please in future do not delete your threads, so we can LAUGH at them, especially your Bicycle Thread, can you repost it?



(21-08-2023, 01:45 PM)Fancy-Bus8506 Wrote:  if you're any good, EVERY single one of your thread will have participation. so much so that you won't be so desperate to bump your own thread every hour.

Tell me which thread I keep bumping?

Ok, cut the chase

You go start a thread, preferably another Bicycle kind of thread and leave it there, dun delete it

We shall see how much response you get

From my analysis of your sub-zero IQ, you likely will get a lot GIFS that make fun of you

Go on, do it

Then come back here to continue disgracing yourself and your entire ancestry

Really no farking brain, SENTINEL THE ORACLE you also dare to meddle with, you must be out of your freaking mind!!!

(21-08-2023, 02:02 PM)Fancy-Bus8506 Wrote:  oh dear. i've been talking to an imh patient all this while

For someone who post retarded Bicycle thread and then hastily delete, do you think you earn that privilege to say IAM from IMH?

In all possibility and very high chance you suffer from Paternal Neglect Syndrome....LOL, yes lack of fatherly love syndrome

That's why start retarded Bicycle thread


(21-08-2023, 02:18 PM)Fancy-Bus8506 Wrote:  ** added IMH person to ignored list **

Coward, come here, dun run!! IAM not done with you yet


(21-08-2023, 02:02 PM)Fancy-Bus8506 Wrote:  oh dear. i'm replying to an imh patient all this while
Laugh and laugh when u like to... Rotfl
[Image: happy-dance.gif]
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