The Westoids believe because they were conquered by the Romans and the Romans made it a law for everyone to adopt the Christian religion for political prudence of governing and getting obedience from its masses, not because it is the truth, but the Westoids in Europe all have no roots because they believe in primitive shamanic spirits and other imaginary myths and nonsense
But we are not Arab or Jew, we were not conquered by the Crusades or the Romans or the Othomans
So why so stewpig to believe in such sheet, unless your parents have very low self esteem or very low IQ, just like that retards LKSM and Luncheonmeat and that pest Oyk
Very bad family upbringing, traitor to your own roots, defective gene pool
Thinking that the Arabs and Jews are the chosen people of a God that is different from yours
Only you think you are believing in the same God, when they themselves are killing each other for centuries saying their God is not the same God, even among themselves
Though all are Abrahamic religions, you know, descendants of Abraham
You descendant of Abraham meh? Can use your brain a bit or not? Fcuking idiots!!