Are Christians purer than other faiths?

(24-04-2022, 06:04 AM)*天哥* Wrote:  Therefore, there is no point trying to argue with non-believers about Christ since only the chosen ones will be eventually led to believe just like me. I was an unbeliever until I saw GOD and I believe in eternity now.

That's right no point arguing. Either you believe or you don't.

If you believe, you will find ways to justify your belief. If you don't, you will also find ways to justify your position.

Truth is no one knows the truth.... ever. Even when you die, you may not know the truth.

It is your call and mine...


(24-04-2022, 06:07 AM)Sentinel Wrote:  Believing in GOD and believing eternal life as espoused in the Christian bible are two very different mental frameworks

Besides, the concept of believing in God is not exclusive to those who believe in the Christian faith

There are non Christians who are religious and fully believe in God and many believe in different Gods and many Gods

The debate manufactured to pit Evolutionist with Creationist is so darn Christian centric and it obviously a distraction manufactured by naive or highly manipulated minds to kelong unsuspecting individual souls into the Chrístian faith

I actually agree with you but don't want to extend this debate with my views.

Why? Because it will never end.

Religion is a very emotional subject so people involved tend not to think logically.

I will stop here.

[+] 1 user Likes RichDad's post

I find some X' tians very fake

Like Jac Lau who thinks he is good

like prince of god to be chosen

He talk to Ah- Moan with this reply-
[Image: You-are-not-the-Chosen-One.png]

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

(24-04-2022, 06:10 AM)*天哥* Wrote:  because you are a cheekopek la..but your cheeko is no match to me before I was a Christian. I was a playboy and must have had around 200 girlfriends until I became a Christian and stop the cheekopek act LAH

Tiankor's girlfriends must have relieved quite a load of his diamonds fortune. Thinking
[+] 1 user Likes SotongOngTee's post

(23-04-2022, 10:01 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  Better dun talk about other religions here. If dun believe then just dun believe and leave them alone.
Xtian dun believe in taoism but criticise it as warshiping to wooden statures.  HOW?

"I like your Christ, but not your Christianity." In these words of Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. J.H. Holmes...

(24-04-2022, 11:07 AM)Bigbluedot Wrote:  ...
Xtian dun believe in taoism but criticise it as warshiping to wooden statures.  HOW?

My position is, you may disagree with my religion but dun criticize it, otherwise I will debate with you point by point on why your view is wrong.

Don't use words like, "you'll be going to hell because you dun believe', or "you're not the chosen one". Nobody knows for sure where he'll be going. 

Have a respect for other people's religions. That will show outsiders how great your own religion is.
[+] 2 users Like Blasterlord2's post

(24-04-2022, 12:10 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  My position is, you may disagree with my religion but dun criticize it, otherwise I will debate with you point by point on why your view is wrong.

Don't use words like, "you'll be going to hell because you dun believe', or "you're not the chosen one". Nobody knows for sure where he'll be going. 

Have a respect for other people's religions. That will show outsiders how great your own religion is.

I also kena attacked at HDB void decks before

Because 2 units in that block converted to temples

So downstairs have around 6 to 10 people

Harassing as I walk to NTUC FP

When I say I free thinker

Then 5 will crowd round me and refuse to let me escape

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 
[+] 1 user Likes Ola's post

I am the Anointed Messenger of the Multiverse GOD
The Divine Guardian of the Universal TRUTH
The Omnipresent Deliverer of Universal Cosmic Karma to all Sentient Beings
I have NO End and NO Beginning

In all religions, there are bad eggs. Cannot simply blame the whole lots just because of some bad eggs.
[+] 1 user Likes Gemstar's post

I am the Illuminated,
The Master from the Dark
Every single billionaire on this planet listen to me.
When I hail left, none of them dares to go right.

Remember I told u this Ukraine war will last min 2.5 years ? What did all the gongkia say and belittle me ?

Remember ?

How i know ?

Because I am the illuminated.

Now I am telling you this again :

The next angmoh target is China.

At the end of 2.5 years when USA has a new President. Putin will win the War.

(24-04-2022, 03:04 PM)*天哥* Wrote:  At the end of 2.5 years when USA has a new President. Putin will win the War.

You heard it from me here first.

After Putin won the War, the People's Republic of Russia will be formed...mark my post and come back here in 2025 to verify that I am indeed the illuminated.

(24-04-2022, 12:03 AM)singlon Wrote:  I have a feeling God did not create Man.
ET did
When I think of the Sun she looks like one who gets her energy behind the canvas

ETs created the body 
when the curious soul who wanteed to experience 3rd dimensional life
they were trapped 
caught in the reincarnation cycle
but the more enlighten soul who are awake
will chose to leave the reincarnation cycle
[+] 2 users Like singaporean1964's post

My God is Nature. Big Grin
In Chinese, Nature is called 老天爷。
The teaching I learn is called I Ching(易经)

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"
[+] 1 user Likes RiseofAsia's post

(24-04-2022, 09:42 PM)RiseofAsia Wrote:  My God is Nature. Big Grin
In Chinese, Nature is called 老天爷。
The teaching I learn is called I Ching(易经)


What is eternal life?

So far no one has been able to prove its existence

(25-04-2022, 09:18 PM)Sentinel Wrote:  What is eternal life?

So far no one has been able to prove its existence

(25-04-2022, 09:25 PM)Obamao Wrote:

No proof, just believe, hard to accept for me

If one say the dog is a cat, it does not make the dog becomes a cat

Religion and faith can be deeply personal, and everyone's beliefs are unique. It's not about one being "purer" than another; it's about what resonates with individuals.I recently started attending church after reading a post about When you need God's help. It's been a journey of seeking answers and finding support during challenging times. Faith can bring comfort and guidance, but it's a personal journey to find what feels right for each of us.Ultimately, the quest for understanding and meaning is something we all share, regardless of our faith or beliefs.

(23-04-2022, 10:01 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  Better dun talk about other religions here. If dun believe then just dun believe and leave them alone.

true, they got their right to believe, and if one dont believe just shut up and mind his own business,

all religion are good,

There are only one God One faith

There is no such thing as purer 
cause you cannot compare the one God when there are no other Gods to compare with

I respect all religion. ONE THING COMMON is all teach u to be good person.

Now come to " additional compare " what I noticed , like most rich people are Christian.

Chow C M , lee Nanxing become christian , like life become not bad in the sense come financial.

Is due to " connection partly " due to quite a lot rich bosses are christian go church come Sunday. After praying etc , come social around than naturally you tend will find " lobang " connection hook up with rich bosses etc

of course come other religion too , events, etc meet up new friends, indirect " new clients " .

(23-11-2023, 11:28 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  I

Now come to " additional compare " what I noticed , like most rich people are Christian.

Well Jesus said to them all
"I do not know you"

Becareful who you are praying to

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