Are SG Citizens made Scapegoats?

For PAP mistakes? 

[Image: OYK-CECA-are-political-scapegoats-2.png]

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

(03-08-2022, 07:20 PM)Ola Wrote:  Which idiot driving courses to build skills?

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 
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Nope, daft sheep.

(03-08-2022, 07:23 PM)Ola Wrote:  For PAP mistakes? 

[Image: OYK-CECA-are-political-scapegoats-2.png]

Not all FTAs.

CECA is being singled out to be the political scapegoat, but also at the same to be a convenient vent for racism by the ethnic Chinse towards ethnic Indians.  Let's not pretend that this is not the case, but confront it in the eye.

(03-08-2022, 07:23 PM)Ola Wrote:  For PAP mistakes? 

[Image: OYK-CECA-are-political-scapegoats-2.png]

This is old news liao !

Everyone knows FTA is about business and jobs. The problem with CECA is everyone also knows it has more bad business for SG enterprise and practically little employment opportunity for a country that practices Caste Systems under the guise of FAKE DEMOCRACY. No need to agree with me...just ask  why LKY had such dim view on India and Indians after he was asked how to make Indian like China...Big Grin

BTW, CECA was not the idea of LKY, but initialised by Woody Goh and later naively promoted by Lee's eldest son. Perhaps our 2nd and 3rd PM should hv heeded LKY's warning that there are "many India"...
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(16-08-2022, 11:50 PM)Manthink Wrote:  This is old news liao !

Everyone knows FTA is about business and jobs. The problem with CECA is everyone also knows it has more bad business for SG enterprise and practically little employment opportunity for a country that practices Caste Systems under the guise of FAKE DEMOCRACY. No need to agree with me...just ask  why LKY had such dim view on India and Indians after he was asked how to make Indian like China...Big Grin

BTW, CECA was not the idea of LKY, but initialised by Woody Goh and later naively promoted by Lee's eldest son. Perhaps our 2nd and 3rd PM should hv heeded LKY's warning that there are "many India"...

LKY don't fancy about much on India unlike his son zzzz End up? so far does CECA aid SG? When ask they claim need a lot IT talents but wait how about our one? Every year fresh IT grads from ITE/POLY Uni go where? Must be either school never teach well lose to CECA ? or ?

LYK why he not say fancy on india due to its history of political conflicts

He prefer China more next USA.

LHL is want extra so add India but so far you see what SG gain ? I don't see any from CECA deal.
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[Image: Screenshot-2022-08-17-at-02-52-18-Pfizer...ousand.png]

(16-08-2022, 11:50 PM)Manthink Wrote:  This is old news liao !

Everyone knows FTA is about business and jobs. The problem with CECA is everyone also knows it has more bad business for SG enterprise and practically little employment opportunity for a country that practices Caste Systems under the guise of FAKE DEMOCRACY. No need to agree with me...just ask  why LKY had such dim view on India and Indians after he was asked how to make  . . . 

It is rather childish of our Govt to think that CECA can fit our plug when a square cannot squeeze into a round hole. Instead of assessing the risks and impact, the Govt blindly imported them in huge bulk without any holistic planning on the micro issues having reactive wait & see tweaks in some policy guide. The whole CECA warrants a major reconstruction years ago which is still an outstanding national problem.

All sinkees are tricked into believing that ceca is good for all.


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Why PAP must collect both levies and set Quota for Work Permit

for the blue collar jobs we do not want to do

This generates inflation and those business suffer

while we also have to pay more for those services!

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

(10-09-2022, 12:16 PM)Ola Wrote:  Why PAP must collect both levies and set Quota for Work Permit

for the blue collar jobs we do not want to do

This generates inflation and those business suffer

while we also have to pay more for those services!
Because the white collar foreigners are renting from the rich and they can earn. The blue collar are levy slapped so eventually Singaporeans can take up those jobs and be enslaved.

This is a rich man's world and Singapore is the iconic place to showcase this statement.

Talk so much.. Just look at Global India International School (GDIS) in Sinkie land..

Will tell if sinkie peasants had benefited or lose out from CECA deal..

1. I have served the nation in a combat unit for 2.5 + 10 years. I had fulfilled my duty as a citizen, but has the country do it's part for me?
2. I don't know where the threat of CCP is, but I know the threat of CECA is already at my doorsteps
3. I had been called a CCP, JHK, Pinoy, but they never called me a CECA..

(10-09-2022, 12:51 PM)Sticw Wrote:  Because the white collar foreigners are renting from the rich and they can earn. The blue collar are levy slapped so eventually Singaporeans can take up those jobs and be enslaved.

This is a rich man's world and Singapore is the iconic place to showcase this statement.

I see the point you are driving which is called “economic slavery”.  In fact, the latest slew of job creation by the Govt at Changi Airport is truly evident of  Govt forcing us to work till 80 years old due to low pay as local PME.

(10-09-2022, 05:11 PM)ArielCasper Wrote:  Talk so much.. Just look at Global India International School (GDIS) in Sinkie land..

Will tell if sinkie peasants had benefited or lose out from CECA deal..

PaP under PM Lee HL has shown serious cracks and a divisive society. I doubt with him stepping down 2 years later can salvage anything especially Lawrence Wong is just a puppet. I think for now, PM Lee HL may want to show us he can discipline his team for ill performance instead.

Win the World but lost your Soul. 
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Useless Desmond Lee failed to handle the sale of expensive coffee shops

=just like Shoot Blank Queen failed to handle EP


(08-09-2022, 10:51 PM)Tangsen Wrote:  This is an absolute poor management from the authority …. in the end who suffer ….. resident because no hawker open there and if there is, the food will be priced sky high

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

PSP has taken a reason staance on the issue most of the time asking for statistics.

Insinuations that they are racist, xenophobic and fan tensions are politicisation of the issupe by the PAP who seems to slam anyone who question their foreigner import policy.

If the policy is good let's have the facts and all the facts laid out to have an honest discussion.

Even simple statistics about Singaporean unemployment rate (instead of mixing the data with PR) which is a reasonable request from Opposition member is characterised as something sinister...why?

Minister Chan asked "What is the point behind the question?".

The point is this...Sungaooreans voted for a gift that is suppose to benefit Singaporeans with it's policies. We want to know the data to quantify this 

Why is there a need to hide?

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

When hopeless Mr Suay and Shoot Blank Queen over- issued EP

many Non- Tech is forced into lousy Mid- Career Jobs

often paying lesser below $10k/ mth to suffer for PAP's mistakes

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

Instead of preventing mistakes

PAP sit and lay eggs to wait for mistakes

Now they must BEG 61% PAP Supporters

to donate their wealth to fix their own mistakes

But can it ensure that 40, 50 or 60 years old citizens are hired?

No point wasting $400 million and end up training FTs & PRs.

(15-09-2022, 12:16 PM)forum456 Wrote:

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 
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(16-08-2022, 11:20 PM)Oyk Wrote:  Not all FTAs.

CECA is being singled out to be the political scapegoat, but also at the same to be a convenient vent for racism by the ethnic Chinse towards ethnic Indians.  Let's not pretend that this is not the case, but confront it in the eye.

Last time in HWZ, moi got 6 NTUC pts for joking at CECA but only got 3 NTUC pts for joking at wumao and little pink. So CECA may be more protected than Chinese ethic hor. Sad

On side note, never gotten any NTUC pts there for joking at sinkie. That show where sinkie truly are in our society.

There was a time when the country asked ordinary men to do extraordinary things.

But now, they'll only do it for money.

so little. last time I joked at flowery goat my points suddenly jumped to over 100

They banned me permanently when I give my opinion that karma could have caused the early death of LKY.

They are worse than CCP.

If my best friend can lose his whole future, then when is my turn? Having such an unreliable Govt generating more mistakes all over is a surety of worse things to come.

[Image: CF7-A365-B-9359-4-DDF-BDDD-BE5-BCA645-C8-A.jpg]

Why would anyone even give a shit about HWZ? It is a SPH owned forum! Even viewership is dropping like mad!
LKY did not think much of ceca.
Holy Cow was a fool about ceca
Pinky even worse when ceca politicians whacked him upside down for shooting off his big mouth calling ceca politicians rapists and murderers.
He dare not even answer! Just hang his head low like a subservient aqua. Even SPH doesn't dare to report.
Now even 377A has been repealed because cecas like to get their arseholes poked.
Strokie heng has been castrated becos he said sinkingport not ready for ceca PM.
eunuch wong is totally subservient to pinky wishes. and will only bring in more ceca.
stinkingport is doom lah. might as well declare it a ceca state early

Under the leadership of LW, we will see even more cecas influx into this country.

Quote:“As Mr Ong Ye Kung said in July, we are prepared to fight the next election on this issue; we are prepared to fight any party that chooses to take a populist line and stirs racism and xenophobia,” said Mr Wong.

I failed to see why is this a race issue when it's about nationality.
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(16-09-2022, 01:27 AM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  Under the leadership of LW, we will see even more cecas influx into this country.

I failed to see why is this a race issue when it's about nationality.

I can see clearly that MP Lawrence will not be better than PM Lee and will just continue to exploit words to their advantage. CECA is very real and instead of solving this problem, they just chose to build up anti- foreigners sentiments and at the end, we will be blamed and sued.

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