At 38, he has lost a foot, his kidney function and a promising career due to diabetes

SINGAPORE — Freelance accountant Shashitharen Ambalaka is only 38 but the Singaporean’s life has been upended by diabetes. In the past six years, the chronic disease has robbed him of his right foot, his kidney function and the ability to take part in his favourite sporting activities.

His foot was amputated in 2015 and he suffered a stroke in 2019.

Six months after the stroke, he was diagnosed with diabetes-induced kidney failure.

He now needs dialysis to survive and moves around on a prosthetic foot.

Speaking to TODAY about his condition ahead of World Diabetes Day, which is on Nov 14, Mr Shashitharen hopes that more young adults would pay attention to their health and be aware of the risks of the chronic disease.

“Diabetes is not a joke,” he said. “Even if you feel fine now, it is killing everything inside you. And you just don’t feel it right away.”

Around 14.2 per cent of the adult population here have diabetes, the latest figures by the International Diabetes Federation showed.

Now on thrice-weekly haemodialysis, Mr Shashitharen is among some of the youngest adult patients admitted to the National Kidney Foundation (NKF). Haemodialysis cleanses the blood of toxins, extra salt and fluids through a machine.

Diabetes is one of the main causes of kidney failure in Singapore.

Dr Rachel Teo, consultant nephrologist with NKF, said that about two-thirds of the patients on dialysis it sees have kidney failure due to diabetic kidney disease.
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A young man’s cautionary tale on how he had kidney failure at 22

Patients aged 40 and younger make up under 4 per cent of the patients on dialysis at NKF.

Poorly controlled diabetes also increases the risk of stroke.

Mr Shashitharen was diagnosed with diabetes when he was a teenager, after his teachers noticed his drastic weight loss.

Diabetes runs in his family. He has Type 1 diabetes, in which the body produces little or no insulin. By 21, he was prescribed daily insulin jabs.

Being an active youth who took part in sports such as football, basketball and taekwondo at the time, he did not think that it was a serious matter.

“I was young and had so much energy then. Even after I was diagnosed, I continued with my usual diet, eating several portions of rice at every meal.

“Most of the time, I didn’t take my insulin jabs because they felt like a hassle. I wondered why I had to go through all those jabs when I could still play sports as well as my friends.”


After he turned 30, though, he noticed a decline in his health and fitness levels.

From being able to run 10km to 15km easily, he started feeling numbness in his legs and got tired easily.

However, it was not until he lost his right foot at 32 that he said he “woke up”.

During a pilgrimage to India, he developed burn wounds on the sole of his right foot because he had to be barefoot in the temple. He recalled that the daily temperature there was around 40°C to 41°C and the grounds were very hot.

“When I returned home, my foot was already heavily infected and I was running a very high fever.”

The wound would not stop bleeding and could not heal. All of his toes turned black.

Eventually, the top half of his right foot was amputated.


It is type 1...he was born with it.

Type 2 is due to lifestyle.
Today human being each 50 times the amount of sugar from 100 yrs ago... Imagine the impact to human body.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

[Image: Screenshot-20211115-055614-Chrome.jpg]

bitter gourd and leaves are very good at controlling blood sugar. stevia leaves and many others as well

as the saying goes, 苦口良药
[+] 1 user Likes WhatDoYouThink?'s post

He and those with diabetes need to be careful,
one of the underlying illness that known to weaken the vaccine.

Sg food n drinks mostly sugar high because all imported need to be cheap. sugar is cheap.
[+] 1 user Likes Sharexchange's post

Must ask Gan KY, how effective was his Healthy Lifestyle MTF Team he set up.

[Image: Gan-KY-Taskforce-for-Healthy-Lifestyle.gif]

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

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