Be prepared to get CoVid, are you ready !!

Even vaccinated those above 70 may not survive.

(30-09-2021, 11:04 AM)Huliwang Wrote:  I concur with your finding....... Big Grin

Thank you for your concurrence....

(30-09-2021, 10:19 AM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  FYI is not hiding at home, common sense isn;'t here.

Is Avoid crowded places, ONLY go out IF needed.  Of course, going to work, is a must  and do shopping just that in the sense restrict your movement to more places,

Nail on the head, we need to live with the virus. Only people act responsibly I believe we can open up more. Many people still gather at kopi tiam or hawker center table for 2 for a few limp chui talk kok whole night ...... once in a week or so ... fine .... BUT SOME every night

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

(30-09-2021, 11:11 AM)dynamite Wrote:  Mother nature approach will be herd immunity without vaccination. There will be some that will survive to let the world carry on.

But now a few died .... Cry father cry mother liow .... if mother nature approach .... can you stomach this process

50million death

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

ya looks like no way out even if stay at home
unless you are shen xian no need to eat living alone

(30-09-2021, 12:39 PM)theold Wrote:  My friend said after his third dose, he had more fever. Second dose, slight fever. Went to see the doctor, all the underlying conditions reports came out. If die, will die of complications.

I have chill and fever after the 2nd jab. Shivering and body burning.

(30-09-2021, 07:18 PM)Goldmine Wrote:  I have chill and fever after the 2nd jab. Shivering and body burning.

the fever is to 'burn' away the pathogen that was injected
even if you dont beLIEve you were injected with a pathogen
your body 'knows' generate a 'fever' to kill off the pathogen

Almost everybody will eventually get Covid at this rate of spread. The only question is whether your body has the antibodies to fight it when that day comes. No antibodies, you are a goner.

Covid 来吧。 我要跟你一较高下。

(30-09-2021, 06:32 PM)Tangsen Wrote:  But now a few died .... Cry father cry mother liow .... if mother nature approach .... can you stomach this process

50million death
生死有命富贵在天”,出自《论语·颜渊》,旧时指人的生死等一切遭际皆由天命决定。 常用作事势所至,人力不可挽回之意。 生死有命富贵在天,也不是人力可强的。

(30-09-2021, 10:18 PM)dynamite Wrote:  生死有命富贵在天
生死有命富贵在天”,出自《论语·颜渊》,旧时指人的生死等一切遭际皆由天命决定。 常用作事势所至,人力不可挽回之意。 生死有命富贵在天,也不是人力可强的。

Like that .... go join them then 

Uncles seen gathering in group size of more than 2 at Chinatown Complex after reopening

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

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