Biden is 2nd worst President in US history

Just like PAP

Yet he is elected as 46th President of USA

This shows that quality does not matter

Gaslighting does!

who is the worst of all


(24-07-2024, 09:24 PM)Niubee Wrote:  who is the worst of all

you definitely

1:06:03 onwards
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The worst President of USA history

James Buchanan served as the 15th President of the United States from 1857 to 1861. A moderate Democrat, he faced the challenge of the growing conflict between the North and the South over slavery. Unfortunately, his efforts to find a compromise failed, and the American Civil War erupted during his presidency

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

No sane and high IQ person reads the guardian and takes it seriously but millions will spend money to buy O'Reilly's book Confronting the Presidents and take the book seriously, as it is based on facts, not fiction, like the guardian always dish out

(25-07-2024, 12:32 AM)Sentinel Wrote:

1:06:03 onwards

1:06:03 onwards video end riao

sgtalker Bolixin666/factuup = sales.convenience = hardwarezone Oxygenatedwater


(25-07-2024, 04:09 AM)Sentinel Wrote:  No sane and high IQ person reads the guardian and takes it seriously but millions will spend money to buy O'Reilly's book Confronting the Presidents and take the book seriously, as it is based on facts, not fiction, like the guardian always dish out
O reilly is a right wing nut.
The study reported in the Guardian is by historians and researchers

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(25-07-2024, 04:23 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  O reilly is a right wing nut.
The study reported in the Guardian is by historians and researchers
You believe what you read on the guardian??Then you're the nut!

(24-07-2024, 08:25 PM)Sentinel Wrote:  Just like PAP

Yet he is elected as 46th President of USA

This shows that quality does not matter

Gaslighting does!

Not true, he has done a good job for his big bosses lah. 他的金主。

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

The real president of the US is Netanyahu

He got more standing ovations than Kim Jung Un did

He's got Congress blackmailed or bribed or both

(25-07-2024, 12:43 AM)Sentinel Wrote:  The worst President of USA history

James Buchanan served as the 15th President of the United States from 1857 to 1861. A moderate Democrat, he faced the challenge of the growing conflict between the North and the South over slavery. Unfortunately, his efforts to find a compromise failed, and the American Civil War erupted during his presidency

If the NvS Civil war is the main reason why this is the worst PotUS in history, then moi think Nixon ish far worst than this fellow. Beside the result of their Civil War kind of united the US as one and set the ground for it to propelled to a world superpower, else there ish a chance that it might break into two countries that will be at constant conflicts and rivalry, much like N and S Korea.

After all beside the watergate scandal, Nixon ish the main reason why Vietnam peace talk failed and escalated into the worst war in post-WW2 US history that killed many US soldiers, he ish also naive enough to fall for CCP ping-pong policy and indirectly responsible for the giant monster that nao threaten the peace and orders in current days asia pacific and even US own safety.

There was a time when the country asked ordinary men to do extraordinary things.

But now, they'll only do it for money.

(25-07-2024, 04:09 AM)Sentinel Wrote:  No sane and high IQ person reads the guardian and takes it seriously but millions will spend money to buy O'Reilly's book Confronting the Presidents and take the book seriously, as it is based on facts, not fiction, like the guardian always dish out

Guardian is left wing

Telegraph and Daily Mail are right wing

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