CPF Board holdings of SGS Govt Bonds blew a hole as MAS Conti rate raises.

USA said they won't rescue SVB so who will rescue it ?.....

(13-03-2023, 08:02 AM)FartSunKing Wrote:  CPF is NOT YOUR MAMA'S TITS!

It's your sshole lah

(13-03-2023, 08:26 AM)ArielCasper Wrote:  Nothing will happen to cpf. U can't even do a bank run on cpf..

That's why they can do whatever they like..

.Suggest A much fairer OA interest rate .

Why CPF management cannot peg OA interest rates to GIC investment portfolio basing either on mixed equity, bonds and cash 

or % ROI from various countries eg. India, China, US and Australia.?

It's Ridiculous to peg @ 2.50% pa. While investing in India @ 16%-22%>

When it comes to the bond market no need to hold any bond till maturity dates. Can sell anytime. Has cpf adopt such strategy? Also cpf faces a big problem- sell to who as no one wants to buy a lower yielding asset. Is there a market maker for the SG bonds?

(13-03-2023, 03:41 AM)Scythian Wrote:  CPF Board holdings of SGS Govt Bonds blew a hole as MAS rate continued raises.

In past 3 years, those bonds were bought @ nearly  close to zero yield while today, MAS rates have skyrocketed

Unanswered question:
How is CPF management going to manoeuvre out of  twisted entanglement? 

Kindly top up your CPF Account to help them to average.

They are closing non SC n pr cpf account 
What u think?

No weapons that forms against me shall prosper
No tongue that rises against me I shall condemn 

(13-03-2023, 09:36 AM)A2Z Wrote:  When it comes to the bond market no need to hold any bond till maturity dates. Can sell anytime. Has cpf adopt such strategy? Also cpf faces a big problem- sell to who as no one wants to buy a lower yielding asset. Is there a market maker for the SG bonds?

CPF Board can only buy, cannot sell.

If they allowed to do, it will create uncertainty and turbulent for GIC.

It's not right to treat the country's largest pension funds, CPF savings contribution to GDP and national Budgets ..

W/O CPF savings, there's no GIC

This is fake news posting

(13-03-2023, 11:55 AM)red3 Wrote:  This is fake news posting

You seem to know more than the rest of us here.

Tell us why OA interest rate held @ 2.50% since 1 July 2022?


Today, CPF CEO makes a wrong decision, the whole nations future generations suffered.

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