China’s richest woman Whitney Duan disappears without a trace

The lady in questioned was involved in many corruption cases, this was widely reported back in few years ago. The husband had to divorce her and left the country so as to transfer their wealth out of China.

She knew that she will be investigated by the current administration, as she has involved with many high officials. With her arrest, she is just one of those that sacrifice in order to stop the investigation or arrest that eventually lead to Wen JiaBao’s family.

The lady husband knew about this but choose to paint a different picture on the Chinese regime with his publication. Probably in writing this book, he thinks that the foreign countries will help the release of his ex-wife.

After all he has billions contributing to the British government and with his “exposure” in publishing a book, he received more monies from the westerners. But they forget that when they were enjoying the great wealth they received through the connection with the government back then.

They already knew they are tied to a no return outcome, and it very much depend on how greedy they want to be.

There are many Chinese who left the country are readily to betray or paint the evilness on China, so as to save their own skin and to gain some wealth or a citizenship along the way….that’s always happened. Human greeds has no boundaries.

In a basket of fruits you will find good fruits, some really bad fruits, and some fruits that are in between so that is why you need to do proper selection correct?

Same thing for hawker stalls, foodcourts, massage parlours, barber shops, ktv pubs, girlfriends and boyfriends and others, politicians, news channels, wives and husbands, employees and bosses, and it is so hard to tell until bit too late?

kok boon gui is another corrupted businessman on the wanted list. there are many more.

why do you want to side with these criminals leh? just because they are anti china? 合你口味?

(16-10-2021, 08:13 PM)luncheonmeat Wrote:

Eh? I thought reported back in, er, 2018 when she was investigated for corruption related to the Chongqing party chief I think?  Cannot remember his name. Got new stuff?

My eyes must be getting bad. I read Duan as Du lan Laughing

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

(17-10-2021, 10:05 AM)Levin Wrote:  Eh? I thought reported back in, er, 2018 when she was investigated for corruption related to the Chongqing party chief I think?  Cannot remember his name. Got new stuff?

I think she disappear because President Xi is after  her blood.... Laughing

(17-10-2021, 10:13 AM)debono Wrote:  I think she disappear because President Xi is after  her blood.... Laughing

menstrual blood? Thinking

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

(17-10-2021, 10:13 AM)debono Wrote:  I think she disappear because President Xi is after  her blood.... Laughing

Don't think so. She quite problematic from what I read. Quite a while back though.

(16-10-2021, 08:47 PM)hooishoo Wrote:  But that rubbish Aussie media used its asshole to fake the lady as "China's most successful female entrepreneur".     Big Grin
angmo always say china government control, so how can be entrepreneur ?

(17-10-2021, 11:05 AM)cf9 Wrote:  angmo always say china government control, so how can be entrepreneur ?

There are scores of China Chinese businessmen who made it rich  as enterpuners and  had becomes billionaires.. Laughing

All thise with peanit rubbish brain...Tink n tink! Is there a 101% perfectly honest billionaire bizman???

If there is, then go n become one to prove u r v transparent , honest, open , clean , neat , tidy , pay every tax cent?

yalo. want to make big bucks must be on good terms with the garment. it's true everywhere. that's why most of us are poor

(17-10-2021, 02:31 PM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote:  yalo. want to make big bucks must be on good terms with the garment. it's true everywhere. that's why most of us are poor

So the number of people here are not in good terms with the garment, that  is why many are poor. Those PLP are the ones who makes big buck as they side with the current govt......... Laughing

(16-10-2021, 08:44 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  It's in the husband's book Red Roulette

China is full of.intrigue and power struggles....

Which political system in which country is not full of power struggle?     

Your statement is as good as saying all people need food to survive. Meaningless statement might as well not saying it.  


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