China《New Slave 新奴隶》

facebook, twitter, google & almost all global social media are block in china.
ccp china everything they want full control, what china people can read or listen, can see or watch, must be controlled by ccp.
what content to be block or banned, what hard truth & fact cannot be seen & listened.
to brainwash mindset, to live without freedom like slavery, to sacrify your life for them, human is just tool, what a waste of life.

火爆全网!上海rapper方略Astro《New Slave 新奴隶》狂批中国封控政策,这才是真正的嘻哈精神!原视频已遭墙内下架!

[+] 1 user Likes kokee's post

DF moronic kokee your daddy is new slaves hor lock all Chinese media in amercunts and half the world hor what says you LOL LOL Laughing Laughing
[+] 1 user Likes Fleetdestroyer's post

aiya 做羊奴也是不好

Kokee wants to promote white cok sucking after his Chinese mother told him white cums taste very nice.🤣🤣🤣

Singapore Godfather
we already serve kopi
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-15-13-16-41.png]
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-16-11-06-55.png]

Kokee, stop posting LIES!

Kokee's LIES exposed!




ke-ren lei papa pu-chey chia(LKY)
wor k ke-ren kopi he
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-16-11-12-52.png]
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-16-11-15-36.png]

Kokee agreed hes a white cok slave.🤣🤣🤣

(16-04-2022, 10:43 AM)kokee Wrote:  facebook, twitter, google & almost all global social media are block in china.
ccp china everything they want full control, what china people can read or listen, can see or watch, must be controlled by ccp.
what content to be block or banned, what hard truth & fact cannot be seen & listened.
to brainwash mindset, to live without freedom like slavery, to sacrify your life for them, human is just tool, what a waste of life.

火爆全网!上海rapper方略Astro《New Slave 新奴隶》狂批中国封控政策,这才是真正的嘻哈精神!原视频已遭墙内下架!

with this & such, ccp china know they have to close the door totally now, cannot let china people interact with the rest of the world anymore or their regime will be gone if slavery wake up, united, anger & prepare to lose their life to fight for freedom for their children & future generation.
china will be powerful & strong if they open up totally like taiwan & US, then ccp china will has to give way to democratic, let the people rule the country be the owner of china, all can live like human thru their own dream & aspire.
xi & ccp will choose which way, very obvious, they prefer to close the door continue to brainwash slavery, use $$ & woman continue to steal technology, spam lies & BS thru comie dogs like this forum.
also use nukes to extort the world $$ & peace thru evil way, dogs here support all their evil action thru all the posts & threads here.
all these dogs lick all these evil balls here super ugly 7-24 here, LOL LOL.

5 Lies China Told the World


Moronic kokee the phd of know nuts

[Image: 1-D11-A5-B8-04-CA-4-C57-8-B43-51357170-E346.gif]
Even your uncle laughing at you

[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-16-12-27-22.png]

(16-04-2022, 12:23 PM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  Moronic kokee the phd of know nuts

Even your uncle laughing at you


Laughter-13  Laughter-13


(16-04-2022, 12:49 PM)ROFLMAO Wrote:  中國百姓們的悲哀,改革前是奴隸,改革後還是奴隸,何時才能解放?

They are waiting for you and your beloved AMTK and FLG lor!  Rotfl

(16-04-2022, 12:49 PM)ROFLMAO Wrote:  中國百姓們的悲哀,改革前是奴隸,改革後還是奴隸,何時才能解放?

You are the king of know nuts disciple China people can go out to the world hor and they still go back to home sweet home hor don’t be moronic kokee hor

(16-04-2022, 11:01 AM)Notdumb Wrote:  Kokee wants to promote white cok sucking after his Chinese mother told him white cums taste very nice.🤣🤣🤣

Sodumb the white cums lover busy promoting am cok again Clapping

(16-04-2022, 12:53 PM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  You are the king of know nuts disciple China people can go out to the world hor and they still go back to home sweet home hor don’t be moronic kokee hor

You stupid fcuk.. China is now being locked out of the world and CCP Xi has made Chinaman the pariah of the world

Laughter-13  Laughter-13

[+] 1 user Likes ROFLMAO's post

(16-04-2022, 12:55 PM)pervertosan Wrote:  Sodumb the white cums lover busy promoting am cok again Clapping

Hi angmo cok sucker....hows Biden after your sucking? Heard he lost his mind. Laughing

(16-04-2022, 12:56 PM)ROFLMAO Wrote:  You stupid fcuk.. China is now being locked out of the world and CCP Xi has made Chinaman the pariah of the world

The real know nut disciple hor still sleeping in the nut world hor  Rotfl
Looks at sg how many Chinese form China is slave hor  Rotfl

(16-04-2022, 01:01 PM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  The real know nut disciple hor still sleeping in the nut world hor  Rotfl
Looks at sg how many Chinese form China is slave hor  Rotfl

Chinamen who come to Spore are the lucky one who escape the gulag concentrated camp.. CCP should keep you lock up in China then allowing a moron like you to come to Spore to enjoy freedom

Laughter-13  Laughter-13


(16-04-2022, 12:56 PM)ROFLMAO Wrote:  You stupid fcuk.. China is now being locked out of the world and CCP Xi has made Chinaman the pariah of the world


China needs you to be the saviour?  Rotfl

(16-04-2022, 01:25 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  Wow!

China needs you to be the saviour?  Rotfl

Needs the king and a bunch of know nuts will good enough lor  Rotfl Rotfl nudie

(16-04-2022, 12:56 PM)ROFLMAO Wrote:  You stupid fcuk.. China is now being locked out of the world and CCP Xi has made Chinaman the pariah of the world


(16-04-2022, 12:57 PM)Notdumb Wrote:  Hi angmo cok sucker....hows Biden after your sucking? Heard he lost his mind. Laughing

Hi Sodumb…u went to perm ur hair yet this month? Rotfl

Can see angmo cok suckers lousy at rebuttals. Somemore use female avatar becose he too ashamed of his kkj.🤣🤣🤣


In CCP, at most your video get taken down.

In sinkie land, that guy probably get police case and charged liao.. See what happened to Iris Koh..

1. I have served the nation in a combat unit for 2.5 + 10 years. I had fulfilled my duty as a citizen, but has the country do it's part for me?
2. I don't know where the threat of CCP is, but I know the threat of CECA is already at my doorsteps
3. I had been called a CCP, JHK, Pinoy, but they never called me a CECA..
[+] 1 user Likes ArielCasper's post

(16-04-2022, 10:43 AM)kokee Wrote:  facebook, twitter, google & almost all global social media are block in china.
ccp china everything they want full control, what china people can read or listen, can see or watch, must be controlled by ccp.
what content to be block or banned, what hard truth & fact cannot be seen & listened.
to brainwash mindset, to live without freedom like slavery, to sacrify your life for them, human is just tool, what a waste of life.

火爆全网!上海rapper方略Astro《New Slave 新奴隶》狂批中国封控政策,这才是真正的嘻哈精神!原视频已遭墙内下架!

china almost 5000 yrs of emperor & slavery society till today, under ccp dictatorship today, still a lalwless society, this kind of empror mindset is still mold inside all china people brain, the kind of education & history they learned, most importantly, the ccp leader still want to enjoy the ruler mentality & all the people is their slaves, all the people has to listen to the emperor, follow instruction to achieve their personal goal.
now is internet world today, that is why ccp build a very high firewall to prevent their people be influence by outside free world, all the social media are banned inside china, FB, google, twitter.
the children inside china brainwash since they are very small, their life belong to the party & country, they must work very hard to sacrify their life to party & country, work to death, that is honour & glorious. Come to this world to enjoy the best of this world, from food, partner, love, work life balanced, be happy with your love one, try to be happy everyday with people you love till the day you die, not to sacrify your life, fight in a war for dictator for his personal shit. too bad, ton of china slavery died with huge debt & their children has to pay for them the debt.
live with freedom, human right with humanity.


Mask-Off moment for China




(16-04-2022, 01:45 PM)Notdumb Wrote:  Can see angmo cok suckers lousy at rebuttals. Somemore use female avatar becose he too ashamed of his kkj.🤣🤣🤣

dun shy leh…u normally ask for kpop perm or kim jong un perm..or perm like cok hair? Rotfl

(25-04-2022, 05:16 AM)kokee Wrote:  since last yrs already said china property bubble going to burst.
>30 city & town property price below RMB4500 sm=RM450 sft=S$90 sft, some complete unit at S$10k-30k is norm.
>40 city & town, price down >60% already.
ton of bad debt for housing loan for banks in china, auction easily up 30000%, ton of abandon, letb youhave their unit if you continue to pay loan & more. after covid in shanghai & most coty, situation will be much worse with income down, jobless surge to sky.
global rate hike push china rate direction, housing loan rate also on the rise, plus RMB plunges, double down for foreign buyers.
next is can china banks survive if property total burst?
HK property is the same.


樓市,又到了最嚴峻時刻……30城房價低於4500元㎡,幾萬元一套房,降價都沒人要? 房價再便宜50%才正常?

with china property crashing hard now, ton has to abandon their property at any price but their cant run away from their bank housing loan, ton due to developers bankrupt, property uncompleted, no property to stay but still need to pay housing loan in full or bank will sue them to bankrupt, that is if they loan $2 mil from bank, they did not get the property yet still need to pay up $2 mil in their life time to bank, millions of such cases now & if they die, their children has to continue to pay for them, this is real slavery in their life time & slavery their children, well done, china, this is very common in chnia today with collapsing china property market.

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