China《New Slave 新奴隶》

why china people are slavery? simple, because ccp govt is not elected by them, ccp use gun to gain their power, if not US atomic bomb, likely ccp already demolished totally by japanese army in WW2. US rescued ccp & china, help china in last 30 yrs to develop & technology transfer, today look at all bastard & shameless comie dogs & 5 cents how they repay the gratefulness, reflect on themselves, top down from xi.
ccp china rule china using gun & weapons, dont want to be slavery must use blood to change, unlike democratic, we use vote, human right & freedom.



All these moronic kokee king of lies and know nuts hor
China street slave hor Rotfl

(05-05-2022, 06:04 PM)kokee Wrote:  not only shanghai, whole china, so many died of no food, jump down, no medicine & medical care, no milk powder or no pregnant delivery, ton more died due to lock down inhumanity, but no 1 china people dare to go against ccp, totally balless & in fear, this show the slavery mentality of china people, no freedom & human right to fight for their life, just watch their family died & keep quiet, lawless & balless to take action against authority, total slavery for 5000 yrs.



Xi know well on slavery, they are fear of lawless, gun & force, balless to see blood.
who own army, who say so in dictatorship communism.
that is why china has to closed door now before too late as sacred of slavery kena brainwash by their right thru civilized world.



All these moronic kokee king of lies and know nuts still live in pig style hor Rotfl

write  comment & dislike a china movie, also jail 7 months, not lawless?
whole world know china drama & movies are totally lies & BS, not based on real history & fact.
comie here keep barking to ask morons here watch china drama to get brainwash, all these are not reality of china, 99% of china people dont live that kind of life inside china, mostly suffer for daily necessity, no truth & fact, only con or brainwash.

批評《長津湖》 前媒體人羅昌平獲刑7個月


Moronic kokee king of lies and know nuts hor you write bad in sg moronic kokee bo lan par on race or religion hor talking expert

Everyday preaching Falun Gong hor in sg hor gov eyes big big liao

All these moronic kokee king of lies and know nuts and live in cages hor Rotfl
Be careful hor do not preaching Falun Gong ideology here sg gov eyes big big liao

this is a book on how to rule china people for last 3000 yrs, already inside the blood of china people to become slavery today.
china rule by other race in 元 and 清, also after qing, west also conquer china, you can see clearly the slavery blood inside china people all these time.
Now people inside china, dare not fight for their right & freedom in covid but will they let their only son under 1 child policy to go for war & die for the moronic ccp? then their whole family tree will be gone forever as no more child to continue now, very nice, LOL LOL.



Moronic kokee king of lies and know nuts still preaching Falun Gong hor warning liao

Moronic kokee king of lies and know nuts what you slave huh

as what  sohu founder & CEO told china slavery, why work so hard & slavery has no more chances anymore.
only be slavery for life regardless how hard slavery work, just property crash, work for whole life not even enough to settle for housing loan, just 1 war, whole family tree gone due to 1 child policy. 1 covid, ton died & see clearly dictatorship, no right & freedom to save dictator face.



to all these founders of china big IT company, in slavery country, money or life? your choice.
almost all choose life for sure, without life, you want money for what.
Now almost all these IT firm will become govt link? just a matter of time for sure in communist regime.
all these IT company not only money making, also control media, how can ccp let other to control media?
alibaba, tencent, jindong, tiktok, now lenovo, huawei needless to say, since day 1, ton more.
in ccp china, all the people, asset, land & mney all belong to ccp eventually, no individual ownership? why all these comie dogs here dont want to go back to their beloved china be slavery? lick so hard here 7/24, all know who they are here.

Why China's Big Tech Leaders Are Lying Flat | Stepping Down and Staying Quiet


china is so afraid of their own national anthem now as there is this line to call all slavery to wake up & fight, will this arouse china people to awakening?
look at all the slavery life in covid, whether in shanghai or whole china.
all the slavery block from migration & bring their asset abroad.
stop from free speech & no right for almost everything of their life.
what happen to all the top rich of IT & developers today? their company, force to step down, evaporate?
ton more.



everyone in china living in fear because of they are the weak side without weapons, norm to human.
we live in this era without many hero around, unlike in the past.
just like all comie liars in this forum has no fear to behalf like hooligan as they know no one can do anything to their lies here, they lie as they like here.
Too many morons here as they do not know truth & freedom is the utmost important things in their life till they regret, their life their choice.



50 年前,很多新加坡人做洋奴,替英军家中做女佣,园丁,厨师,司机。

Alam Kok 现在还喜欢做洋奴.  


all these moronic comie dogs here lick & worship their dictator like slavery here 7/24, real brainless, all these stupid moronic dictator they worship due to their know nut. these dogs no freedom & right that is why they worship, for democratic, human is equal, we respect people with humanity, not their hooligan or wealth or power, all these coward comie dogs here.



ccp dont treat their people as human, be slavery, just a tool to fulfil dictator wet dream.



In this covid lock down, all the foreigners & rich realise their freedom & right is all in the hands of ccp, they & their family life is just dirt in the hands of ccp, no one will protect them inside china, a lawless & slavery society.
ton will get out & will never go back to china anymore.



(17-05-2022, 01:47 PM)kokee Wrote:  In this covid lock down, all the foreigners & rich realise their freedom & right is all in the hands of ccp, they & their family life is just dirt in the hands of ccp, no one will protect them inside china, a lawless & slavery society.
ton will get out & will never go back to china anymore.


U China slave for how long? Laughing

(23-05-2022, 07:27 AM)kokee Wrote:  as above, most china people will be slavery for life, lost all their hard work money saving in life including their property yet still in debt to pay for for the rest of their life.
work till died for free.
all saving & asset, totally write off & no chance to recover in their life time.



below video, how dictatorship is slavery world for china people.
no base line, control everything & every slavery as weapons is in their hands to deal with their people, propaganda to brainwash morons like comie dogs here try so hard 7/24 to brainwash morons here.



Kokee, advice from Prof Zhang!


ccp china can never rely on domestic demand because this country money is in the hands of govt, debt is with slavery.
so china people is just slavery & tool to fulfill ccp political wish, same as all comie dogs here lick & worship 7/24, cityhantam spend >16hrs/day, 365 days/yr here in last >10 yrs in similar forum, just a tool & slavery. same to all comie dogs here.



(10-05-2022, 12:18 PM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:

Moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts preaching supper long list of Falun Gong cults hor hiaz

Rotfl Rotfl
[Image: 65-CD4068-7-D37-42-A4-B53-C-E7-B465-AF3-C44.png]

william blake jerusalem poem

china slavery mindset.
comie dogs here lick & worship ccp china but never want to go back with their family to be slavery but brainwash morons here 7/24.



(26-05-2022, 06:59 PM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  Moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts preaching supper long list of Falun Gong cults hor hiaz

Rotfl Rotfl
[Image: 65-CD4068-7-D37-42-A4-B53-C-E7-B465-AF3-C44.png]

william blake jerusalem poem

a nice interview.
Frank, truth & fact.
Informative with real facts.



dictatorship & slavery.




(26-05-2022, 06:59 PM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  Moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts preaching supper long list of Falun Gong cults hor hiaz

Rotfl Rotfl
[Image: 65-CD4068-7-D37-42-A4-B53-C-E7-B465-AF3-C44.png]

william blake jerusalem poem

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