China cuts RRR to bolster economy....

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

+40% of production out of the market a deliberate action
a PCR-induced test pandemic
Reports coming out of Shanghai show riots now breaking out among desperate people fighting back against police forcing people into quarantine concentration camps, and horrible side effects from the Sinovac COVID-19 vaccines where people are reportedly dropping dead soon after the shots.

(15-04-2022, 09:17 AM)kokee Wrote:  this shows how bad is china economy today, whole world already has enough liquidity to hike rate.
just look at china stock market & property crashing down now, all know what is happening in china today, dont talk about ton of foreign investment & factories move out, sanction on china starts, china tradin plunges, china domestic market almost gone due to covid, jobless surges to sky in china now, look at the rest of the world today, spore, taiwan, US, korea all on full recovery mode to expand.
comie dogs here still bark lies non stop on how strong is china economy, import & export grow, my foot, all these liars same as china BS data, totally shameless, can never be truth & fact, all lies, LOL LOL.


china is super far behind US in all aspect, from technology, economy, finance, military, wet dream of comie dogs here, all these know nut think china overtake US anytime, LOL LOL.

truth & fact about china today are there, no need to argue.
covid, not enough food is huge issue in china today, dont BS about 18 months or whatever, china cannot grow enough food for half of their population today. China still cutting rate today at super high inflation due to oil price & covid, economy is crashing hard, SSE plunging super fast, same as HSI, china property is even worse, now come RMB. global sanction on china still in initial stage, when go full like russia, totally gone case like russia today.

with china serious covid in Q1 & Q2 this yr, got morons here believe all these BS china data>
if so strong, whole world hike rate, china super high inflation, still need to cut rate> LOL LOL
china data got morons believe> Q1, shenzhen covid till lock down, foxxconn & ton of factories move out of china, sanction & cut off trade with china also started in Q1, china can bark whatever number they like, look at HSI & SSE, HK & china stock market, how is all these china company stock crash almost 30% in Q1, all know what happening in china economy, alibaba stock down from almost 300 to 70, down 50%, NO, almost 80%, LOL LOL.
Q2 will definitely worse as shanghai covid started big way, plus ukraine war, sanction on china is much stronger, Q3 & so on will be even worse as EU will take super hard stand on china like russia, Europe ready to cut off russia oil & gas, trade with china> LOL LOL.
comie dogs here can bark whatever, look at china stock & property market today, jobless rate surge to sky, inflation surge to heaven, reserved in negative, investment & fund almost all pull out, sanction, frozen & SWIFT waiting for them, LOL LOL.


4大行起诉20万断供房奴,断供潮来了 !请求延迟还贷上热搜!国际订单绕着中国走,唯一增长支柱外贸熄火,萧条的信号全面发出



Remember u got to familiarise your self how to war
Only 2 parts Currency/Money ex. Singapore
wait finding snapshot now cannot upload due to ...

Foreigners continue to have confidence in Singapore
watch this fiqure going into the storm
A higher no. denotes strength in our management
Singapore Gold Bullions stand at 153.74tonnes
soon our Bank trading rooms will get RedHot
look after our trading boys give them ginseng
first arbitrage later take risks when we become rich

PS still cannot nevermind
our currency are what foreigners put them into Singapore
we need to put a negative sign(-) infront of abt 1695B

In this market, you can afford to cut rate, it is very good.

The worse is like US, FORCED to raise rate very unwillingly.


Another concerning Money/currency
we learn both sides of river are called Banks
dat direct the current/cy
there is another the FLOW
wat u toking?
are they hot and bubble we need to know

Russia's Ministry of Finance is working on draft regulations that will legalize crypto as a payment method.
Is it a property or is it a currency big different
Property u can report police.
currency like gold once it changes hand that 's it.
Merchant law
PS gold is a property and currency all roll into ONE
u got to report police fast for once it goes under the touch
it stays there

(16-04-2022, 07:25 AM)webinarian Wrote:  In this market, you can afford to cut rate, it is very good. 

The worse is like US, FORCED to raise rate very unwillingly. 


Both economies are in de sync.
US economy is highly stimulated... where as in China they deflated their economy with housing slowdown, tech regulation and Covid Zero.

The de sync is creating unprecedented ways to make money.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(16-04-2022, 06:55 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:

All waiting for something substantial but the stimulus is too little too late, plus regulations fears starts again with livestream forefront bear burnt. There is little tools China can use now, looks like a retest of Mar low coming.

(16-04-2022, 08:01 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Both economies are in de sync.
US economy is highly stimulated... where as in China they deflated their economy with housing slowdown, tech regulation and Covid Zero.

The de sync is creating unprecedented ways to make money.

Market don’t fall for no reason. China maintain current policy of zero Covid n slow to act, investors foresee opportunity cost to invest in China. If they really win the zero Covid, which is practically impossible, the economy will already be under sea where other economies restarted will already taken over alot of the market. It’s a net loss strategy and have to discount a lot of future growth. This is what the market is reacting now, reflected fairly in their share price.

(16-04-2022, 11:42 AM)Zannn Wrote:  Market don’t fall for no reason. China maintain current policy of zero Covid n slow to act, investors foresee opportunity cost to invest in China. If they really win the zero Covid, which is practically impossible, the economy will already be under sea where other economies restarted will already taken over alot of the market. It’s a net loss strategy and have to discount a lot of future growth. This is what the market is reacting now, reflected fairly in their share price.

Situation in China looks very bad

1. Zero covid sending the economy downhill.
2. Housing crisis caused by Evergrande and many developers fail.
3. Tech stocks regulation and slowdown...until these companies retrenched thousands.
4. Russia war strains China trade relations with major trading partners US and EU. They may take action and do something.

Economic news from China is bad and only getting worse.
If you are futures trader, you will short the China A50 index or SSE until things turn around.

So market always bottom first even as things get worse.

After the march 2020 c9vid crisis, China rose for 1yr because it handled covid well. Peak in a Feb 2021.

After that all the economic problems pop up knew by one.

It has now fallen for 1 yr 2 months or 14 months.
Just when we thought problems were ending in March 2022...Omicron entered China and now we see new problems.

It's like china has triple whammy tech burst, covid and housing crisis.....

[Image: p22AWzH.jpg]

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

Based on above situation  what should investors do?
Alot depends on what is your strategy. Short term trading or long-term. 

The market is without doubt going to be volatile given we are in high risk situation. But LONG term investors should look at bigger picture. For long term investing, you never get to buy at extreme low valuation when things look good...situation has to look bad for things to be cheap.
[Image: KsYd9iW.jpg]

China is at PE=15 and US 28...and if you look at CAPE the disparity is even bigger.

All this does not mean things will turn around and gap closed. Economies van be mismanaged and cheap can become cheaper aka value trap.

However granted the systemic risks, short of a catastrophic collapse there is room to seek out well managed companies that are at good valuations.

Remember the financial crisis things look very bad but it was the best time to buy for long term investors.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

must b careful once real int goes below ZERO
since Putin laughed
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-16-11-12-52.png]
only a professor name Fekete understand well. U push down some more u get tomato kechap on your face.
Not fun to play. Do understand singlon not professor now dat youtube scrubbed everything

(16-04-2022, 07:07 AM)singlon Wrote:

Lao uncle, pls stop posting FAKE NEWS hor!  Angry

(16-04-2022, 07:13 AM)kokee Wrote:  china is super far behind US in all aspect, from technology, economy, finance, military, wet dream of comie dogs here, all these know nut think china overtake US anytime, LOL LOL.

truth & fact about china today are there, no need to argue.
covid, not enough food is huge issue in china today, dont BS about 18 months or whatever, china cannot grow enough food for half of their population today. China still cutting rate today at super high inflation due to oil price & covid, economy is crashing hard, SSE plunging super fast, same as HSI, china property is even worse, now come RMB. global sanction on china still in initial stage, when go full like russia, totally gone case like russia today.

with china serious covid in Q1 & Q2 this yr, got morons here believe all these BS china data>
if so strong, whole world hike rate, china super high inflation, still need to cut rate> LOL LOL
china data got morons believe> Q1, shenzhen covid till lock down, foxxconn & ton of factories move out of china, sanction & cut off trade with china also started in Q1, china can bark whatever number they like, look at HSI & SSE, HK & china stock market, how is all these china company stock crash almost 30% in Q1, all know what happening in china economy, alibaba stock down from almost 300 to 70, down 50%, NO, almost 80%, LOL LOL.
Q2 will definitely worse as shanghai covid started big way, plus ukraine war, sanction on china is much stronger, Q3 & so on will be even worse as EU will take super hard stand on china like russia, Europe ready to cut off russia oil & gas, trade with china> LOL LOL.
comie dogs here can bark whatever, look at china stock & property market today, jobless rate surge to sky, inflation surge to heaven, reserved in negative, investment & fund almost all pull out, sanction, frozen & SWIFT waiting for them, LOL LOL.


4大行起诉20万断供房奴,断供潮来了 !请求延迟还贷上热搜!国际订单绕着中国走,唯一增长支柱外贸熄火,萧条的信号全面发出


as above, look at all the china company stock price, melt down like crazy, IT, developers, education & almost all sectors.
not down 10-20%, all the blues chips in these segment down 50-90% from their recent peak.
down for no reason yet comie dogs here keep barking import-export shoot up, GDP up, trade up, everything up but company stock melt down totally, why huh> LOL LOL.
all these data up yet need to print $$ & cut rate like crazy to rescue.
just like communist source & comie here twist fact & truth here 7-24 to con or brainwash morons here yer because of xxxx xxxxx these morons are insane & support evil, let them be, let their family & next generation be, their choice.

(16-04-2022, 12:53 PM)kokee Wrote:  as above, look at all the china company stock price, melt down like crazy, IT, developers, education & almost all sectors.
not down 10-20%, all the blues chips in these segment down 50-90% from their recent peak.
down for no reason yet comie dogs here keep barking import-export shoot up, GDP up, trade up, everything up but company stock melt down totally, why huh> LOL LOL.
all these data up yet need to print $$ & cut rate like crazy to rescue.
just like communist source & comie here twist fact & truth here 7-24 to con or brainwash morons here yer because of xxxx xxxxx these morons are insane & support evil, let them be, let their family & next generation be, their choice.

China's biggest economic risk is return to communistic thinking. Like the shutdown of private education because they feel the poor cannot afford tuition. It is rather bad idea.
They can make public education better so that people don't need to go for private tuition. With widespread access to Internet, they can use a govt sponsored online learning programme make it free and level up everyone. It makes it harder for tuition centers to value add once your public education is better. But they just use a draconian approach that put so many tutors out of the job. Another approach that makes everyone compete to improve everybody's access to education will be much better.

Going after biggest success like Jack Ma. Jack Ma is of great value to society and an inspiration to future entrepreneurs.  Alibaba did not appear overnight and conquer e commerce, it competed over one decade to provide the best services to users and businesses. Such a eco system can never emerge from central planning. Jack Ma is a hero ...and was treated like a threat...same to all the world beating companies that used the best Chinese talents to create world class companies e.g. Tencent.

USA should be happy that China is run by someone like Xi the opposite of Deng XP. Xi is a dogmatic person. Under him, China will lose much of the dynamism that led to its rapid rise.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(16-04-2022, 01:09 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  USA should be happy that China is run by someone like Xi the opposite of Deng XP. Xi is a dogmatic person. Under him, China will lose much of the dynamism that led to its rapid rise.

You are absolutely right!

Pls ask your beloved Assmerica to stop worrying about China which is going to collapse soon! !  Laughing

(16-04-2022, 01:21 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  You are absolutely right!

Pls ask your beloved Assmerica to stop worrying about China which is going to collapse soon! !  Laughing

I think that js not the issue China can choose XYZ whoever ...that is fine. But if that person go and claim some disputed island or international waters that is not okay.

For trade relations...the US and China are free to say what they want out of it.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(16-04-2022, 01:59 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  I think that js not the issue China can choose XYZ whoever ...that is fine. But if that person go and claim some disputed island or international waters that is not okay.

For trade relations...the US and China are free to say what they want out of it.

You are contradicting yourself! 

1. You should be asking how the dispute came about and not blaming one side for the dispute. 

2. Which international water is China claiming or occupying ???

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