China expected to announce rescue package for failing propeprty sector

Really wonder if any of this can work.
Property investors already over committed and last year many protested because their proepprty were not built as they pay mortgages. 

One of the ways the US propeprty market could come.back after a bust like the one in 2009 is the property loan is non recourse meaning if you cant pay debts bank take your proepprty and that settles the debt clean. They cannot go after you anymore

This allows investors to move on later the propeprty market can come back.

“Regulators will be more serious about rescuing the sector,” said Raymond Cheng, managing director of CGS-CIMB Securities. Lowering down payments from 30 per cent to 20 per cent, reducing mortgage rates and cancelling home purchase restrictions are among potential steps that could revive demand, he added.

Momentum in sales slowed after April, as homebuyers became wary of China’s faltering economic recovery, worsening unemployment rate and declining household incomes. Private developers have defaulted on their bonds recently due to weaker-than-expected sales and difficulties in accessing financing. Land sales in small cities also remain weak.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

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