Civil War in Myanmar

In Myanmar's jungles, young volunteers train hard to fight junta. In Myanmar's jungles, young new recruits of the Bamar People's Liberation Army (BPLA) participate in training session at a camp in a territory belonging to Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), in Karen State, Myanmar on Mar 6, 2024. (File photo: REUTERS/Stringer)…see more
23 Aug 2024 07:57AM (Updated: 23 Aug 2024.
A dense bamboo forest in rebel-held territory surrounds the training ground in eastern Myanmar where more than 100 young people, mostly in their twenties, are undergoing rigorous military drills.

From former chefs to ex-journalists, rappers and poets, people from all walks of life have joined the resistance movement with a single goal: to overthrow the military regime that seized power in the Southeast Asian nation in 2021. CcThe Bamar People's Liberation Army (BPLA), led by onetime anti-war poet Maung Saungkha, is a prominent force in Myanmar's resistance movement. A trainer, whistle in hand, commands synchronised movements of recruits. Discipline is enforced with harsh blows for any mistake. Under the scorching sun, sweat soaks their bodies, and their skin is marked with bruises from the demanding training.

The trainees' daily routine starts at 4am and ends at 9pm., with Sunday being their only day off. They endure hours of intense training without being allowed a single drop of water during the sessions. Representing Myanmar's Bamar ethnic majority, the BPLA was formed in April 2021 to fight the junta after it toppled an elected government in February of that year. Since October, the group has been a key player in Operation 1027, a joint offensive with other rebel militias that has significantly weakened the military.
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It wil never works for the junta military to train, arm and supply their military to counter-fight rebels. The rebels forces hv many young volunteers who are hard-trained in jungle to fight the junta military. They hv strong perseverance and unity to fiercely attack the junta military who hv killed their family members. They are strong rebels forces to aim their winning goals.

(23-08-2024, 10:30 AM)Gemstar Wrote:  It wil never works for the junta military to train, arm and supply their military to counter-fight rebels. The rebels forces hv many young volunteers who are hard-trained in jungle to fight the junta military. They hv strong perseverance and unity to fiercely attack the junta military who hv killed their family members. They are strong rebels forces to aim their winning goals.

Bamar People's Liberation Army (BPLA), led by onetime anti-war poet Maung Saungkha, is a prominent force in Myanmar's resistance movement. Trainees' daily routine starts at 4am and ends at 9pm., with Sunday being their only day off. They endure hours of intense training without being allowed a single drop of water during the sessions. Representing Myanmar's Bamar ethnic majority, the BPLA was formed in April 2021 to fight junta after it topple elected govt in Feb of that year. Since October, group has been a key player in Operation 1027, a joint offensive w/other rebel militias has significantly weakened the military. Myanmar independence won from Britain in 1948, has dominated by its military. A brief spell of civilian rule ended with the 2021 coup that toppled the govt of Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi.

To joining under BPLA's, trainee home in jungle are makeshift tents, accommodating around 20 to 30 each, sleeping mats are laid out a few inches apart floor. Maintaining a tidy space is essential, so uniforms, toiletries & study books are neatly arranged on their makeshift beds. BPLA's basic training is renowned for harshness & strict discipline, training spans 3-mths, pushing recruits to their physical & mental limits, arrival at training camp, personal belongings, like phones, are confiscated & returned after completion of training, 1-trainee, an 18-yr woman about 1.5m tall, shows wear from gruelling regimen. She has dark circles under her eyes, hair is cut almost to the scalp, her skin is sunburned from long hours spent outdoors exhaustion, she carries a hint of resilience and determination, her possessions in a stuffed toy brought with her. When asked about it, she smiled said: "One of the trainers kept it for me & she will give it back after the training."

LESSONS IN POLITICSIn addition to military training, BPLA recruits undergo political education. morning drills, short break for rest to review recent political lessons, the dinner where everyone gathers bamboo-constructed assembly hall. BPLA flag hangs above whiteboard. Powered by generator, fluorescent lights illuminate room, where political classes take place. Senior officer from BPLA's start principles, govt structure, federalism & even gender equality. His words echo through makeshift hall.

"I know you're exhausted," he told them, "but a soldier's duty transcends fatigue. One night, as lesson progresses, a chilling silence descends upon camp. A junta scout drone has detected presence, the generator shuts down, plunging the camp into darkness. Everyone freezes, waiting for drone to disappear, following morning, the senior Maung Saungkha gathers his officers to reinforce emergency procedures in case of a fighter jet attack if roar of jets is a familiar threat in jungle, but vigilance remains crucial.

Ma Chel, a 25 woman deputy head of recruitment screening for BPLA, recalls her journey - civilian to soldier after completing basic training, she was proud to become an instructor. My trainer told me that if soldier goes to frontline w/ one bullet, there's one bullet fired. But if 100 trainee here are 100 bullets,” Ma Chel said. "This made me feel proud and motivated."
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Monk who led junta-trained militias condemns Myanmar junta’s abductions for forced recruitment

The nationalist monk, commonly referred to by the epithet ‘Pauk Ko Taw’ and known for supporting the formation of junta-armed Pyu Saw Htee groups, reported that authorities took two young civilian men captive and pressed them into military training

Myanmar Junta Airstrikes Target Sagaing After KIA Attacks. The Kachin Independence Army says it has made advances along the Irrawaddy River as it aims to block regime access to the key waterway. Myanmar junta airstrikes have targeted Tigyaing Township in Sagaing Region amid fighting with the Kachin Independence Army (KIA), according to the armed group.

KIA & its allies launched attacks on junta outposts in Mya Taung village in township on the banks of Irrawaddy River, facing Tigyaing town. As KIA & allies seized Mya Taung’s junta outpost three patrol camps around village, according to Colonel Naw Bu, the KIA’s spokesman.
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junta boss on pro-ethnic army finishes training for thousand folks in southern Shan state

Thousand of trainee in southern Shan state, fighters from ethnic Pa-O Army shore up junta’s depleted forces, (Pa-O Army, or PNA), completed training its recruits in southern Shan state. They graduation ceremony, held in Naungtayar town, within Pa-O Self-Admin, attended by militia’s chief of staff & regional commanders officials from Pa-O National Organization party was aimed at supporting junta boss that had suffered to many numerous battlefield setbacks in Shan state in recent months, a political analyst who requested for security reasons. Pa-O treeArmy trainees attend graduation ceremony on Aug. 21, 2024, in Naungtayar, Shan state. (PNA Info)

“Objective is demonstrate strength & power,” analyst told Radio Free Asia. “Suggests they'll likely in conflicts fighting each others and not fighting we junta boss in border region, acting as proxy for military boss council.” Founded in 1976, Pa-O by or PNA, signed ceasefire agreement in 1991 with previous military junta, State Peace and Development Council. Later transformed into a state-backed people’s militia force merged with other Pa-O paramilitary groups in 2009, following year, area its control was designated as Pa’O Self-Admin zone, or Special Region 6?. The Pa-O people or their folks are 2nd largest ethnic group in Shan state, they are crying split into between two part, the pro-junta and anti-junta factions. Rotfl Flag bearers stand during a Pa-O Nat Army
graduation ceremony on Aug. 21, 2024, in Naungtayar, Shan state. (Info). Earlier this year, a different militia – ( They the Pa-O National Liberation Army, or PNLA) – Big Grin fought several battles against junta troops in southern Shan State, (the PNA attack or counterattacks)
 on behalf of junta during this fighting).  Opasnie-25
The newly trained thousand of troops militia's
are intended to protect military junta boss.

PNLA spoken said, fighting each others?. Khun Rain Yan told RFA.

(25-08-2024, 02:44 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  junta boss on pro-ethnic army finishes training for thousand folks in southern Shan state

Thousand of trainee in southern Shan state, fighters from ethnic Pa-O Army shore up junta’s depleted forces, (Pa-O Army, or PNA), completed training its recruits in southern Shan state. They graduation ceremony, held in Naungtayar town, within Pa-O Self-Admin, attended by militia’s chief of staff & regional commanders officials from Pa-O National Organization party was aimed at supporting junta boss that had suffered to many numerous battlefield setbacks in Shan state in recent months, a political analyst who requested for security reasons. Pa-O treeArmy trainees attend graduation ceremony on Aug. 21, 2024, in Naungtayar, Shan state. (PNA Info)

“Objective is demonstrate strength & power,” analyst told Radio Free Asia. “Suggests they'll likely in conflicts fighting each others and not fighting we junta boss in border region, acting as proxy for military boss council.” Founded in 1976, Pa-O by or PNA, signed ceasefire agreement in 1991 with previous military junta, State Peace and Development Council. Later transformed into a state-backed people’s militia force merged with other Pa-O paramilitary groups in 2009, following year, area its control was designated as Pa’O Self-Admin zone, or Special Region 6?. The Pa-O people or their folks are 2nd largest ethnic group in Shan state, they are crying split into between two part, the pro-junta and anti-junta factions. Rotfl Flag bearers stand during a Pa-O Nat Army
graduation ceremony on Aug. 21, 2024, in Naungtayar, Shan state. (Info). Earlier this year, a different militia – ( They the Pa-O National Liberation Army, or PNLA) – Big Grin fought several battles against junta troops in southern Shan State, (the PNA attack or counterattacks)
 on behalf of junta during this fighting).  Opasnie-25
The newly trained thousand of troops militia's
are intended to protect military junta boss.

PNLA spoken said, fighting each others?. Khun Rain Yan told RFA.

Myanmar Junta Airbase Suffers ‘Rain of Fire’ in Latest Resistance Attack. Myanmar resistance drone units targeted the junta air base at Taungoo in Bago Region with improvised rocket bombs and suicide drones on Monday, inflicting casualties and damage, according to the civilian National Unity Government (NUG)’s Defense Ministry.

Operation “Rain of Fire” was conducted by resistance groups jointly commanded by the NUG Defense Ministry and the country’s oldest ethnic armed organization, Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), armed wing of the Karen National Union (KNU).
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China steps up armed patrols on border. Myanmar conflict deepens as China has reported artillery shells injuring residents and damaging buildings in its territory amid fighting in Shan State. Stepped up army and police patrols along its western border with Myanmar amid deepening conflict between the military regime and armed groups opposed to its coup.

The patrols, which also involve air surveillance, will focus on the towns of Ruili, Zhenkang and other front-line areas, the military said in a statement on Monday. Ruili, in China’s southwestern province of Yunnan, is a main route for people and goods heading to and from Myanmar, but China has reported artillery shells injuring residents and damaging structures in its territory amid rising conflict across the border in Myanmar’s Shan State.

Myanmar Junta Bombardments Kill 21 Hsipaw Civilians in August: TNLA
by Hein Htoo Zan August 28, 2024 82

On Tuesday, a Y-12 transport plane reportedly dropped at least 50 bombs on Hsipaw town and a fighter jet bombed the town, said the Ta'ang National Liberation Army

(28-08-2024, 10:38 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Myanmar Junta Bombardments Kill 21 Hsipaw Civilians in August: TNLA
by Hein Htoo Zan August 28, 2024 82

On Tuesday, a Y-12 transport plane reportedly dropped at least 50 bombs on Hsipaw town and a fighter jet bombed the town, said the Ta'ang National Liberation Army

French Aircraft Are Abetting War Crimes in Myanmar: Report. French aircraft are critical for Myanmar’s military to transport troops, arms and supplies for combat, as it continues to commit crimes against humanity, Justice for Myanmar reveals in its most recent investigation.

The report exposes a global network of companies that allowed Myanmar’s military to acquire, operate and service at least 10 French-manufactured turbo aircraft over the past 14 years despite a ban on their sale to Myanmar’s military.

That is why the people love Aung Sang Su Chi so much

Their current Govt like SAI

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 
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Myanmar Junta Forces Push Back in Kachin’s Bhamo After Losing Battalion HQ.

Junta regime has launched a counteroffensive after resistance forces captured the HQ of its Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) 437 between Bhamo & Momauk townships in Kachin State, according to KIA spokesman Colonel Naw Bu. Junta troops based in Bhamo launched counteroffensive last Saturday. Base that housed LIB 437, guarded Momauk Township, is located around 11 km from Bhamo, & two sides are clashing at place 9.6 km from Bhamo. Momauk is 13 km from Bhamo.

The KIA controlling the road to Momauk east of Bhamo town seizing junta positions in Kawng Ja Yang & Man Yut villages on the road to Mansi south of Bhamo, the regime launched the counteroffensive to defend Bhamo. Kawng Ja Yang is just a 20-minute drive from Bhamo

Depleted Myanmar Military to Recruit Men Aged Over 35 for ‘Security’ Teams.

Junta military regime plans to recruit men older than 35 as militia members across the country, according to junta spokesman Major General Zaw Min Tun.

In February, the regime introduced mandatory military service of two years for men aged 18-35 and women aged 18-27. Except for people with certain kinds of technical expertise like doctors and engineers, men older than 35 were exempt from the national conscription law.

Myanmar's largest rebel group quietly gains strength amid civil war. In shadow of Myanmar's brutal bloody civil war, a rebel army with close ties to China & illicit drug trade is spreading bulking up without a fight, the United Wa State Army, largest & most powerful of Myanmar's many ethnic armed groups, has been moving hundreds of its soldiers into new positions across central part Shan State, in country's east next to China, Laos & Thailand.
Officially, UWSA says it is only trying to contain the fighting been spreading across Shan between the Myanmar military & other rebel groups last year shield its own properties & satellite offices. A spokesman for group did not reply to VOA's request for an interview.

With the junta's control waning, analysts tell VOA group sees a golden opportunity to build already formidable might, its growing footprint is likely both to advance China's interests in Myanmar and give an already booming drug trade a boost. Part of what the UWSA strategy is here is to basically expand its power, influence and territorial control at very low cost," said Jason Tower, Myanmar program director for US Institute of Peace, a U.S.-government funded think tank. The UWSA is by far Myanmar's biggest and best-equipped rebel army with some 30,000 soldiers. Tucked away in the rugged hills of the eastern part of Shan State, it controls two enclaves on the Chinese and Thai borders over an area greater than that of Belgium, running them much like an independent state for the ethnic minority Wa. Secure in its remote strongholds, the UWSA has largely stayed out of the civil war that has followed the military's 2021 coup, even after a trio of ethnic armed groups it allies with joined the fight on the side of those across Myanmar vying to oust the junta.
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‘Blood type O. DM me’: Myanmar’s poorest are so desperate they’re turning to social media to sell their kidneys. He had recently been detained and tortured by the country’s military junta for weeks, he said, on suspicion of transporting goods for opposition forces, during which time his wife had been forced to take out loans to support the family. When he was finally released, he had lost his job and the family found themselves penniless and ridden with debt. Desperate, Maung Maung went on Facebook and offered to sell his kidney.

“In that moment, I felt life was so harsh. There is no other way I could survive other than to rob or kill people for money,” he said. “My wife was the same, she didn’t want to stay in this world anymore. But only for the sake of our daughter we stayed. Poverty is so bad in Myanmar that people are offering to sell their kidneys online. Hear one man's story.

‘Blood type O. DM me’: Myanmar’s poorest are so desperate they’re turning to social media to sell their kidneys Updated Fri August 30, 2024

Delivery driver Maung Maung’s wife and young daughter hadn’t eaten in three days, he recalled, when he walked into an internet cafe in his hometown of Mandalay, Myanmar, in late 2022. He recently been detained, tortured by country’s military junta for weeks, he said, on suspicion of transporting goods for opposition forces, during which time his wife had been forced to take out loans to support the family. When he was finally released, he had lost his job and the family found themselves penniless and ridden with debt. Desperate, Maung Maung went on Facebook and offered to sell his kidney.

“In that moment, I felt life was so harsh. There is no other way I could survive other than to rob or kill people for money,” he said. “My wife was the same, she didn’t want to stay in this world anymore. But only for the sake of our daughter we stayed.” Months later in July 2023, Maung Maung, who asked to use a pseudonym for safety reasons, traveled to India for the transplant surgery. A wealthy Chinese-Burmese businessman had bought his kidney for 10 million Burmese kyat ($3,079), nearly twice the annual average urban household income in Myanmar, according to 2019 data from UN affiliated Myanmar Information Management Unit.

Maung Maung is not the only one. crying
A yr-long CNN investigation revealed desperate people in Myanmar, known as Burma, hawking their organs to wealthy people on Facebook. With help of agents, travel to India, for instance, for transplants — defying laws in both countries, where selling organs is illegal.

CNN found posts offering to sell organs @least 3-Burmese-language Facebook gups & spoke to 2 dozen people involved in organ trade — including sellers, buyers & agents — to piece together the inner workings of an illicit industry fueled by desperation in a country ravaged by civil war.

China warns Myanmar rebel army to stop fighting
Security officials told insurgent group they would 'teach them a lesson' if they didn’t comply. In not the
 ethnic minority insurgent group northeastern border to stop fighting Myanmar junta or be “responsible for consequences,” according to a spokesperson for the group. China has extensive economic interests in neighboring Myanmar, including oil & gas pipelines, plus mines, has been increasingly concerned about pact of a surge of fighting this year between various insurgent forces and the junta military.

Spokesman for insurgent, the Ta’ang National Liberation Army, or TNLA, told Radio Free Asia, Chinese border town of Ruili told TNLA in a letter to stop must stop immediately to maintain stability & peace on China-Myanmar border to protect lives of Chinese citizens,” Chinese security committee said, a copies of which were posted online. If TNLA did not comply, China can “teach them a lesson,” they be “responsible for the consequences,” security committee said.

Radio Free Asia was not able to contact security committee in Ruili, Chinese Embassy in Yangon din't respond comment by time of publication, a regular press briefing in Beijing Friday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian told reporters, is "highly concerned about conflict in northern Myanmar" & "will continue to promote easing & cooling of the situation" in the region.

Spokesperson for TNLA, Lway Yay Oo, confirmed letter from Chinese authorities but declined to comment except to say group’s top leaders were meeting to discuss it. China known to maintain contacts with Myanmar rebel groups op along border have promised to protect Chinese business interests. China-brokered two short-lived ceasefires

China shd stop interfering in the internal affairs of Myanmar.  And yet, China can talk cock on countries interfering in the affairs of another country. They shd see themselves into the mirror. Want to act as if they are an upright country. If China want peace in Myanmar, they shd join forces with the rebels and finished the junta chief once and for all, so that civilians can live peacefully without fear.

China Discusses Military Training with Myanmar Junta. The new Chinese ambassador to Myanmar, Ma Jia, met junta defense minister General Tin Aung San in Naypyitaw on Wednesday to discuss border security and joint military training, regime media reported.

She said military cooperation was an integral part of the bilateral friendship, according to the Chinese Embassy.

The best thing abt China is they love to supports those rogue countries, for the benefits of China.

(02-09-2024, 08:10 AM)Gemstar Wrote:  
The best thing abt China is they love to supports those rogue countries, for the benefits of China.

Myanmar junta announces census for a promised 2025 elections.

Shadow govt suspects junta will misuse census data. 2 Sep 2024. WRITER: Reuters

A member allied Bamar People's Liberation Army stands guard in territory held by Karen National Liberation Army, in Karen State. (Photo: Reuters)

Myanmar's military govt will conduct a nationwide population & household census in October, state media said on Monday, paving way for a promised general election next year amid raging conflict across swathes of the country.

The census, to be held Oct 1-15, will be used in holding a general election next year, junta chief Min Aung Hlaing told a meeting on Sunday, state media reported.

"Census can be used in compilation of correct and accurate voter lists which is a basic need for successfully holding a free and fair multi-party democratic general election," Min Aung Hlaing said separately in a televised speech on Sunday.

With the military in control, Myanmar wil never hv a fair democracy with such military interference. It wud be better off with rebel forces in control and wipe clean the total military junta forces.

(02-09-2024, 05:51 PM)Gemstar Wrote:  With the military in control, Myanmar wil never hv a fair democracy with such military interference. It wud be better off with rebel forces in control and wipe clean the total military junta forces.

Myanmar junta forces seen encouraging each other to commit rape in online video. The footage was evidently recorded in Shwe Bo village, Gangaw Township, near where another clip was filmed showing military-backed militia members burning two resistance members alive after capturing them last year.

In video clip circulating on pro-junta online propaganda channels since last week, uniformed men who appear to be soldiers or junta-trained militia members can be heard goading one another to rape women in a village in Magway Region’s Gangaw Township.

As the men approach the village in the clip, which is just under four minutes long and recorded on a cell phone, one man says to his companions, “There are girls over there.”“[Expletive] where? Go... There are about 10 girls,” he continues, using crude, sexual slang in Burmese.

The video clip first emerged last Wednesday on a pro-junta Telegram channel, accompanied by text that describes it as showing the junta troops “clearing” the area of local resistance groups with help from junta-trained and armed militias—known as “Pyu Saw Htee”—in northern Gangaw Township, Magway Region.

Myanmar Junta Slaughtered 1,132 Women Since Coup: Report by Brian Wei Sept 3, 2024. Nearly 7,000 women have been killed, arrested, tortured and raped by the military regime in Myanmar since February 2021. M.yanmar arms civilians as rebels draw closer to Mandalay. Govt eyes complement to military and police, bracing for urban fighting. Armed groups in Myanmar have been making headway in their offensive against the government. ©AP 03-Sept.
YANGON -- Myanmar's junta govt to allow selected civilians to carry weapons, expanding its public mobilization beyond the draft as the fighting in its civil war edges closer to urban areas.Govt in mid-August reportedly established state- and district-level security groups, with certain members to be armed under the oversight of a central committee.

While ASEAN retreat session at 57th ASEAN foreign ministers meeting National Convention Centre, in Vientiane a month 25th July. (Noted) July 25, 2024. In VIENTIANE -- The Association of Southeast Asian Nations has been struggling to ease strains in its relations with the military regime in Myanmar, even as the country is hopeful of restoring normal ties with the regional bloc. Ahead of any joint statement from Laos this week, a senior government official from one of the bloc's member countries told Nikkei Asia after a plenary session of ASEAN foreign ministers on Thursday that ASEAN member countries still face difficulties interacting with Myanmar.

As Resistance Enters Mandalay, is Myanmar’s 2nd City on Brink of Falling?.

Mandalay, Myanmar’s 2nd-largest city, has emerged as a crucial target for resistance as anti-regime groups advance southwards following their capture of territory in northern Mandalay Region.

Is the People’s Defense Force (PDF) groups under civilian National Unity Govt (NUG) have encircled and penetrated the city while continuing to attack surrounding junta positions. 

Are they going to take over and control this 2nd Myanmar’s (2nd) largest city. Tongue
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(04-09-2024, 11:34 AM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  As Resistance Enters Mandalay, is Myanmar’s 2nd City on Brink of Falling?.

Mandalay, Myanmar’s 2nd-largest city, has emerged as a crucial target for resistance as anti-regime groups advance southwards following their capture of territory in northern Mandalay Region.

Is the People’s Defense Force (PDF) groups under civilian National Unity Govt (NUG) have encircled and penetrated the city while continuing to attack surrounding junta positions. 

Are they going to take over and control this 2nd Myanmar’s (2nd) largest city. Tongue

Are they going to take over and control this 2nd Myanmar’s (2nd) largest city?.

The Central Military Command headquarters at Mandalay Palace is facing a barrage of drone and rocket bomb attacks. The junta is scrambling to shore up its defenses as speculation mounts that the city is about to fall.

Capturing Mandalay is seen as crucial to maintaining the revolution’s momentum and challenge to junta rule. The second city is the hub for military operations in the central region and reinforcements and supplies for upper Myanmar
[Image: Screenshot-2024-09-04-11-39-41-50-40deb4...480b12.jpg]
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[Image: Screenshot-2024-09-04-11-39-41-50-40deb4...480b12.jpg]

[Image: Screenshot-2024-09-04-11-47-19-54-40deb4...480b12.jpg]

Twenty years earlier, on Sept. 11, 2001, when Islamic terrorists launched their deadly attacks on New York’s World Trade Center in what would become known as the 9/11 attacks, we all witnessed shocking live video of a jetliner flying into the North Tower, followed soon after by another flying into the South Tower. As the towers exploded in fireballs, with smoke pouring from within, followed by their horrifying collapse, it definitely seemed to all as if the sky was falling—especially for the onlookers in lower Manhattan.

One spring morning in 2021, the sky fell: The (Junta) military was staging another coup. That’s what every citizen felt, they knew nothing would be the same in their lives or for their nation. (Myanmar)

As Resistance Enters Mandalay, is Myanmar’s 2nd City on Brink of Falling?.

It is abt time the military govt wil falls and all junta military leaders wil be executed or faced prison terms for crimes against humanity. Rebels forces hv to strengthen their attacks to overtake the major cities and even capital. Junta chief hv to face punishments. Am waiting for more good news to come.

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