Xinjiang cotton ban : Latast nightmare for American women -- TAMPON SHORTAGE

National Tampon Shortage Is Affecting American Women — and No One Knows When It Will End

Like baby formula in 2022 or toilet paper in 2020, the essential sanitary product is the latest casualty of the pandemic, increased demand and disrupted supply chains.

On social media, women are posting photos of empty drugstore shelves and saying they can't find tampons for miles and miles. They wonder if they will have to switch to other methods like pads or menstrual cups. Even Amy Schumer is being dragged into the conversation after being mentioned in an article as contributing to an increased demand of Tampax since she appeared in ads — in 2020.

What's behind all of this?


A tampon shortage is the latest nightmare for women

Supply chain problems and inflation have hit virtually all consumer goods, but women who menstruate are now facing an added strain as a shortage of period products hits the United States.

Top retailers and manufacturers acknowledged the shortages this week, confirming complaints that have been circulating on social media for months. The issue garnered national attention this week after an article in Time called the dearth of tampons and pads the shortage "no one is talking about."
"I haven't seen any products in stores for months," one user posted on Reddit. "I've been ordering my tampons on Amazon and have been getting price gouged."

Can send cotton chan there to help since he knows cotton come from sheep

No Tampon is Xinjiang's fault. 😂
Good one.. 👍
[+] 1 user Likes Migrant's post

syonan can offer his service for them  Laughing
[+] 1 user Likes WhatDoYouThink?'s post

(12-06-2022, 04:57 PM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote:  syonan can offer his service for them  Laughing

Kokee can help?  Thinking

Can stuff Macdonalds paper napkins… Mai kia Laughing

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

Nationwide Tampon Shortage Affecting Bay Area Stores


US cotton from sheep

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