Dancing With America Has Been a Curse for the Philippines






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The US is cultivating an antagonist to China in Beijing’s own backyard 


For some weird reason, the name "Marcos" always brings back bad times for average Pinoy.

It sounds more like the Curse is back after Duterte left.... Big Grin

You've got friendly neighbours? Grow Up! 李光耀 2013


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(14-02-2023, 11:16 AM)teaserteam Wrote:  There is an International Law called Laws of the Seas or UNCLOS.  If there is a dispute over the ocean territory,  the laws stipulate a limit of 200 nautical miles as EEZ.  How far is this island from China?


[Image: Screenshot-2023-02-14-110028-fw.png]

US never signed UNCLOS.   

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(13-02-2023, 12:08 PM)teaserteam Wrote:  President Marcos visited US  in September 2022 and then he visited Beijing in January 2023.  He made this decision after the 2 visits. Is this guy better than President Marcos?

Beijing offered him less money than what he stands to lose in his family’s frozen bank accounts in the US

This is what I really don’t understand. Even paying Marcos US$100 billion is still cheaper than wasting money on military build up in the South China Sea.

If Beijing paid Marcos $50 billion, confirm he will give the entire SCS to China!

[Image: IMG-20240412-WA0000.jpg]


You really buay sian wan. Don't be poisoned by those fake youtube videos. It takes nothing to make them. Only wants to earn your clicks. Wasting time.


(02-05-2024, 06:02 PM)teaserteam Wrote:  You really buay sian wan.  Don't be poisoned by those fake youtube videos.  It takes nothing to make them.  Only wants to earn your clicks.  Wasting time.



(02-05-2024, 06:02 PM)teaserteam Wrote:  You really buay sian wan.  Don't be poisoned by those fake youtube videos.  It takes nothing to make them.  Only wants to earn your clicks.  Wasting time.

The point of this Thread is to simply show why one of ASEAN member is so pro-Western for decades, nevermind it had been colonised by 2 western countries for over 200 years... and that mindless adulation has fail to bring any real-world benefit to the Pinoy folks...

You've got friendly neighbours? Grow Up! 李光耀 2013

(02-05-2024, 06:02 PM)teaserteam Wrote:  You really buay sian wan.  Don't be poisoned by those fake youtube videos.  It takes nothing to make them.  Only wants to earn your clicks.  Wasting time.


Now Phillipines is becoming "military superpower"!!!  Rotfl

Happy?  Thinking


(09-02-2023, 01:30 PM)grotesqueness Wrote:  american never force pinoy to open the country to them

and american never force vietnam to be  their firends 

How do you know Americans never force Filipino to do things. 

You hid under the table and listen arh. 

Your flg cult may be can listen to their talk. Very powerful cult. 



China is no longer playing soft games with PBBM and the Philippines. They are now imposing a 4-month fishing ban in the disputed area in South China Sea, also called as West Philippine Sea by Philippines. Anyone who dares enter and fish the area will be arrested.

Our Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) was quick to issue a press release condemning China for unilaterally imposing a moratorium inside of Exclusive Economic Zone or EEZ.

The conflict is now escalated to the next level. China is now daring the Philippines to try crossing and lines and see what happens. China looks determined to do what is necessary to tell Philippines who's the BOSS.

Yes we have the US Military hiding inside our cities in the Philippines. But the question is, will the US help the Philippines deal with China?

According to a former US Army Colonel, the United States already lost to China in its cold war in the South China Sea. China was able to repel and even shoot down one US Hunter Nuclear Sub in 2021 inside South China Sea. China already has complete control of the area by putting devices and sea mines making the US Navy and its submarines at great risks sailing inside South China Sea.

No wonder the US moved Heaven and Earth to put their missiles inside the cities of the Philippines. They already know they have zero chances winning a naval war inside South China Sea. The United State are basically using Philippines cities full of civilians as cover and shield from Chinese counter attacks in case of war.

Back to fishing ban, China knows the Philippines have no naval forces to counter them. China also knows the US forces are scared of them. China knows the US won't dare confront Chinese forces inside South China Sea.

In one document release by US Navy, they sent a letter to US Congressmen confessing that China has the fire power and capacity to destroy, overwhelm and defeat all US forces in the Asia Pacific. They need more budget to truly impose a real threat to China.

Now PBBM and his dumb supporters will be on their own to deal with the might of China in the South China Sea. The US Military Forces stationed in the Philippines will not be used to protect Philippines. It's purpose is to deter China from firing nuclear war heads directly to Washington and major US Cities.

No wonder, PBBM is changing stance and now doing double talk. He now preaches of being neutral and wants peace. He is scared to death what China will do in the coming days.

Philippines is a very fragile nation. If China imposes more policies that will be detrimental to Philippines like cutting off total economic relations, PBBM will likely be ousted by Filipinos for putting the nation in danger.

We all know Ukraine is losing the war. The US is struggling to send more arms to Ukraine after they send 165 Billion Dollars  worth of arms and didn't produce results.

The War in Israel vs Palestine and Iran is also draining the US Military of resources and personnel. The United States cannot afford to start a war with China at this very moment because US President Joe Biden might lose the Presidential election against Donald Trump this November. China knows it.

PBBM had it all coming. He betrayed his people and sold his country to the United States. He picked a fight with China thinking the whole might of US Military is behind him. Now China knows the US is not there to protect Philippines but the US.

We Filipinos must re-learn our history. The United States was never really a friend. If they were, we would have been the US 54th State back in 1935. During World War 2, the United States abandoned us and let Japan invade us.

Now if China decides to close the whole of South China Sea, the US will remain mum and indifferent. The US knows from the very start that Philippines have no claim of ownership in South China Sea or Spratly Islands. The US won't risk a War with China over Spratlys. Henry Kissinger was quoted saying it in a declassified US document back in the 70s.

Now Gen. Brawner is telling our fishermen to go ahead and fish in the South China Sea even with China's fishing ban. "We will protect you" said Gen. Brawner.

Why don't General Brawner and PCG Spox Tarriela lead the way?

Let Brawner and Tarriela lead in challenging the might of China by going to the disputed area and see what happens. They have the loudest mouths in preaching that we all must die fighting for our country. Now is the time to walk the talk.

I would love to see Brawner and Tarriela die fighting against Chinese Coast Guard and Chinese Navy. I want to see them getting hit by water cannon and cry for help. So they can realize how our poor soldiers actually felt being fed helplessly to the mighty Dragon. But it's much better if PBBM will sail along with them.

I promise to bring fresh flowers to their tomb.

From another VG!

Don't dream. Phillippines gone liao. Runsway liao.


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