Did Jesus really dies for you???

(02-04-2024, 04:43 PM)luncheonmeat Wrote:  Yes, Bro Ali is looking for the word "Trinity" which does not appear in the Holy Scriptures even though many descriptions of the Holy Triune can be found in the latter part of scriptures after the  Resurrection of Christ.

No bro. I am not looking for the word Trinity in the Bible. 

I ask that you show me where in the Bible any of the many guides sent by God to mankind ever taught the Trinity. You can't show me even one because none of them ever taught the Trinity. Even St Paul didn't teach the Trinity.

I also ask that you show me any personality in the Bible that ever worshipped a Triune God. You can't show me even one because there is none.

(02-04-2024, 04:40 PM)Ali Imran Wrote:  If the Holy Trinity is clearly defined in the Gospels, it would not have taken 300 years of debating in many ecumenical councils to formulate the apostle creed.

Why did they have to forge the Trinity verse (1 John 5:7) more than a thousand years after Jesus's ascension? Because people were still arguing about the Trinity so they wanted to put it to bed. That's why they had to forge the Trinity verse to kill off all arguments. Remember Servetus? He was burned at the stake by the church for refusing to believe in the Trinity.

Even without the later addition , the Holy Trinity is still clearly defined. It is not known who inserted the additional verses, it made little difference to theology of the Holy Trinity as expressed by all the Gospel Writers.

This thread has become Geylang  Serai market 
Kambing is best, no lembu is best the other pointed

 No weapon that forms against me shall prospers.

(02-04-2024, 04:46 PM)Ali Imran Wrote:  No bro. I am not looking for the word Trinity in the Bible. 

I ask that you show me where in the Bible any of the many guides sent by God to mankind ever taught the Trinity. You can't show me even one because none of them ever taught the Trinity. Even St Paul didn't teach the Trinity.

I also ask that you show me any personality in the Bible that ever worshipped a Triune God. You can't show me even one because there is none.

I have already posted the food and provided the spoon yet you are unable to feed yourself. Pray to God for whatever is lacking that you may be able to do so.

Mark 8:18
Having eyes do you not see, and having ears do you not hear? And do you not remember?
[+] 1 user Likes luncheonmeat's post

(02-04-2024, 05:01 PM)luncheonmeat Wrote:  I have already posted the food and provided the spoon yet you are unable to feed yourself. Pray to God for whatever is lacking that you may be able to do so.

Mark 8:18
Having eyes do you not see, and having ears do you not hear? And do you not remember?

U don’t know that pachik his purpose is to attack Christianity 
He won’t take your spoon n feed himself 
I already knew his cunning move..😄

 No weapon that forms against me shall prospers.

(02-04-2024, 04:57 PM)Fancy-Bus8506 Wrote:  Have you considered the possibility that the New Testament was edited? That's why only certain things were found in the Old Testament?

Humans have different levels of reading comprehension skills. 
Perhaps there is a possibility that the guy who edited the New Testament had very poor reading comprehension skills so much so that he did not realize that there is such a thing as a Royal we / us and so he thought that God is more than one entity? 

Definitions from Oxford Languages · we
1. used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself and one or more other people considered together.
"shall we have a drink?"

2. used in formal contexts for or by a royal person, or by a writer or editor, to refer to himself or herself.
"in this section we discuss the reasons for this decision"


God is majestic. He uses "we" / "us" to refer to HIMSELF. No need to overthink. It's simple logic.

Simple logic for simple people. Don't overthink then.

(02-04-2024, 11:44 AM)Hope Wrote:  After attending a funeral , He began showing signs of sickness , intense headaches and fever.It lasted about two weeks.Despite his sickness he led congregations prayers for 11 days.
I know you wanted me to accept he was poisoned as Christian claimed.
It is not the case. God want him to die he died. Long before his sickness revelations of Quran completed.He performed his Haj pilgrimage and also delivered his famous final message . His mission was over.

Last Sermon of Prophet Muhammad PBUH
Date delivered: 632 A.C., 9th day of Dhul al Hijjah, 10 A.H. 
in the ‘Uranah valley of Mount Arafat, Saudi Arabia
After praising, and thanking God, he said: “O People, listen well to my words, for I do not know whether, after this year, I shall ever be amongst you again. Therefore listen to what I am saying to you very carefully and TAKE THESE WORDS TO THOSE WHO COULD NOT BE PRESENT HERE TODAY.
O People, just as you regard this month, this day, this city as Sacred, so regard the life and property of every Muslim as a sacred trust. Return the goods entrusted to you to their rightful owners. Treat others justly so that no one would be unjust to you. Remember that you will indeed meet your LORD, and that HE will indeed reckon your deeds. God has forbidden you to take usury (riba), therefore all riba obligation shall henceforth be waived. Your capital, however, is yours to keep. You will neither inflict nor suffer inequity. God has judged that there shall be no riba and that all the riba due to `Abbas ibn `Abd al Muttalib shall henceforth be waived.
Every right arising out of homicide in pre-Islamic days is henceforth waived and the first such right that I waive is that arising from the murder of Rabi`ah ibn al Harith ibn `Abd al Muttalib.
O Men, the Unbelievers indulge in tampering with the calendar in order to make permissible that which God forbade, and to forbid that which God has made permissible. With God the months are twelve in number. Four of them are sacred, three of these are successive and one occurs singly between the months of Jumada and Sha`ban. Beware of the devil, for the safety of your religion. He has lost all hope that he will ever be able to lead you astray in big things, so beware of following him in small things.
O People, it is true that you have certain rights over your women, but they also have rights over you. Remember that you have taken them as your wives only under God’s trust and with His permission. If they abide by your right then to them belongs the right to be fed and clothed in kindness. Treat your women well and be kind to them, for they are your partners and committed helpers. It is your right and they do not make friends with anyone of whom you do not approve, as well as never to be unchaste…
O People, listen to me in earnest, worship God (The One Creator of the Universe), perform your five daily prayers (Salah), fast during the month of Ramadan, and give your financial obligation (zakah) of your wealth. Perform Hajj if you can afford to.
All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not, therefore, do injustice to yourselves.
Remember, one day you will appear before God (The Creator) and you will answer for your deeds. So beware, do not stray from the path of righteousness after I am gone.
O People, NO PROPHET OR MESSENGER WILL COME AFTER ME AND NO NEW FAITH WILL BE BORN. Reason well, therefore, O People, and understand words which I convey to you. I am leaving you with the Book of God (the QUR’AN*) and my SUNNAH (the life style and the behavioural mode of the Prophet), if you follow them you will never go astray.
All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to others again; and may the last ones understand my words better than those who listen to me directly. Be my witness O God, that I have conveyed your message to your people.
Heard was food poisoning 
Easy to kill than use sword.

 No weapon that forms against me shall prospers.

(02-04-2024, 05:07 PM)Lukongsimi Wrote:  U don’t know that pachik his purpose is to attack Christianity 
He won’t take your spoon n feed himself 
I already knew his cunning move..😄

Pacik Ali does not read long quotes, articles, videos. He doesn't open his mouth to let you spoon feed.. Big Grin

You have to play by his rules...not too late for you to back down now...
I kena his trinity questions plenty of times...and then he will go back to Paul, why Jesus had to die for our sins...back and forth ding dong ding dong...and he will go back to attack the Trinity again.. Big Grin
[+] 1 user Likes pinkpanther's post

(02-04-2024, 05:25 PM)pinkpanther Wrote:  Pacik Ali does not read long quotes, articles, videos. He doesn't open his mouth to let you spoon feed.. Big Grin

You have to play by his rules...not too late for you to back down now...
I kena his trinity questions plenty of times...and then he will go back to Paul, why Jesus had to die for our sins...back and forth ding dong ding dong...and he will go back to attack the Trinity again.. Big Grin

He only wanted to win, heck care what source u gave him.
Once he said my friend means good food  lai Liao.
Eat finish even chews the bones 
Yum yum

 No weapon that forms against me shall prospers.

(02-04-2024, 05:15 PM)Fancy-Bus8506 Wrote:  Honestly speaking, if kings use "we" / "us", what's so difficult to accept that the majestic God uses it too?

This is the problem when people don't know the meaning of words. Earlier above RichDad thought that "story" implies fiction.

You are thinking in "simple logical" terms. The Holy Scriptures is not exactly a plain narration  that is why there are scholars who've spent lifetimes studying the bible throughout the ages. Jesus is God's word who existed before the creation of the world. This is already a pre-cursor that explains  why God uses plural when explaining the process of creation in Genesis. 
The royal "we" you are thinking of is an English grammatical  convention which has nothing to do contextually  with the plural form that is used in the OT Holy Scriptures.

(02-04-2024, 05:35 PM)Lukongsimi Wrote:  He only wanted to win, heck care what source u gave him.
Once he said my friend means good food  lai Liao.
Eat finish even chews the bones 
Yum yum

This person is dangerous,  he plays the Bible and quran ....one day sure 走火入魔 Big Grin

(02-04-2024, 04:57 PM)Fancy-Bus8506 Wrote:  Have you considered the possibility that the New Testament was edited? That's why only certain things were found in the Old Testament?

Humans have different levels of reading comprehension skills. 
Perhaps there is a possibility that the guy who edited the New Testament had very poor reading comprehension skills so much so that he did not realize that there is such a thing as a Royal we / us and so he thought that God is more than one entity? 

Definitions from Oxford Languages · we
1. used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself and one or more other people considered together.
"shall we have a drink?"

2. used in formal contexts for or by a royal person, or by a writer or editor, to refer to himself or herself.
"in this section we discuss the reasons for this decision"


God is majestic. He uses "we" / "us" to refer to HIMSELF. No need to overthink. It's simple logic.

The original Old Testament was written in Hebrews lah! Big Grin But the New Testament was originally written in Greek lah! By the way, Jesus spoke Aramaic lah! I know it sounds very complicated lah!
[+] 1 user Likes cheekopekman's post

(02-04-2024, 05:42 PM)pinkpanther Wrote:  This person is dangerous,  he plays the Bible and quran ....one day sure 走火入魔 Big Grin

Double headed snake v dangerous
He is Lucky we only small fries.

If he kena those hornets finish Liao.

 No weapon that forms against me shall prospers.

(02-04-2024, 05:49 PM)Lukongsimi Wrote:  He is Lucky we only small fries.

If he kena those hornets finish Liao.

Ya...he lucky..we boh chap alot..
[+] 1 user Likes pinkpanther's post

(02-04-2024, 05:49 PM)Lukongsimi Wrote:  Double headed snake v dangerous
He is Lucky we only small fries.

If he kena those hornets finish Liao.

Now bro luncheonmeat is ip man...one fight all.. Big Grin
I also tired liao....la liang one corner, see see look look Smile

(02-04-2024, 05:56 PM)pinkpanther Wrote:  Now bro luncheonmeat is ip man...one fight all.. Big Grin
I also tired liao....la liang one corner, see see look look Smile

Sian Liao 
Let others entertain him.
Luncheonmeat ‘s turn he also can’t tarhan him.

 No weapon that forms against me shall prospers.

(02-04-2024, 06:01 PM)Lukongsimi Wrote:  Sian Liao 
Let others entertain him.
Luncheonmeat ‘s turn he also can’t tarhan him.

没完没了,好去好散。 Smile
[+] 1 user Likes pinkpanther's post

that why jesus never chat nor argue with SATAN

like me i did before you will regard talking to SATAN

(02-04-2024, 06:22 PM)Fancy-Bus8506 Wrote:  You need to get out more. Hornets have been defeateda dn some reverted to Islam. You can Google on YouTube. Don't live in your bubble.

Thousands of Muslim also converted to Christianity lah

 No weapon that forms against me shall prospers.

(02-04-2024, 06:20 PM)grotesqueness Wrote:  that why jesus never chat nor argue with SATAN

like me i did before you will regard talking to SATAN

Ha ha he is sacred of u

 No weapon that forms against me shall prospers.

(02-04-2024, 09:52 AM)Lukongsimi Wrote:  Jesus is God n cannot get married  with His children on earth n have kids 
Simple as that.

God cannot F is it? No wonder Mary is a virgin but can get pregnant.

(02-04-2024, 11:49 AM)Hope Wrote:  In Islam we can reach the father directly.

Ali the Imam kept telling everyone to listen to Jesus. I am doing just that.

Observer = KILLjoy = starbugstk = Dan = lvlrsSTI = OWNER.
Trying so hard to find my Archilles Point wor. Hehe Love

(02-04-2024, 06:50 PM)sgh Wrote:  God cannot F is it? No wonder Mary is a virgin but can get pregnant.

Ask Ali. Was Jesus born of a virgin or through sexual intercourse between Mary and a man..

Observer = KILLjoy = starbugstk = Dan = lvlrsSTI = OWNER.
Trying so hard to find my Archilles Point wor. Hehe Love
[+] 1 user Likes Oyk's post

(02-04-2024, 06:51 PM)Fancy-Bus8506 Wrote:  That's true but look at the kind of who left. They are usually LGBT kind, those who want to marry someone who won't convert to islam, those who want to enjoy party life, drink alcohol, take drugs etc.

Compare that to the kind who reverted to Islam. They were once anti islam, they were priests, pastors, haters of Muslims, etc 

Islam don't need those who deny Allah. After all, Satan exists and its job is to lead humanity astray.

Talking about your own religion?

 No weapon that forms against me shall prospers.

(02-04-2024, 06:50 PM)sgh Wrote:  God cannot F is it? No wonder Mary is a virgin but can get pregnant.

Silly question

 No weapon that forms against me shall prospers.

(02-04-2024, 06:51 PM)Fancy-Bus8506 Wrote:  That's true but look at the kind of who left. They are usually LGBT kind, those who want to marry someone who won't convert to islam, those who want to enjoy party life, drink alcohol, take drugs etc.

Compare that to the kind who reverted to Islam. They were once anti islam, they were priests, pastors, haters of Muslims, etc 

Islam don't need those who deny Allah. After all, Satan exists and its job is to lead humanity astray.

There you go again, saying that other religions are Satanic.

What is your agenda here?  Rolleyes

Observer = KILLjoy = starbugstk = Dan = lvlrsSTI = OWNER.
Trying so hard to find my Archilles Point wor. Hehe Love
[+] 1 user Likes Oyk's post

(02-04-2024, 07:06 PM)Fancy-Bus8506 Wrote:  Isn't it clear as day what I was talking about?

Define others is defining yourself

 No weapon that forms against me shall prospers.

(02-04-2024, 07:06 PM)Oyk Wrote:  There you go again, saying that other religions are Satanic.

What is your agenda here?  Rolleyes

The thief came to steal kill and destroy 😊

 No weapon that forms against me shall prospers.
[+] 1 user Likes Lukongsimi's post

(02-04-2024, 05:42 PM)cheekopekman Wrote:  The original Old Testament was written in Hebrews lah! Big Grin But the New Testament was originally written in Greek lah! By the way, Jesus spoke Aramaic lah! I know it sounds very complicated lah!

Bro Chee, you have the last word on our joint attempt to explain to our Muslim bro who does not know/understand our Holy Scriptures.  I thnk one needs to have some fundamental Bible Knowledge to follow the discussion [I have heard of some Hindu bros who aced their O'level BK in my time].The rest is God's will.
[+] 1 user Likes luncheonmeat's post

(02-04-2024, 07:20 PM)Lukongsimi Wrote:  The thief came to steal kill and destroy 😊

We must hold fast to God's Word. Jesus said already ''I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father but by Me."

If someone comes along and says he can go directly to the Father without Jesus, we are to have nothing to do with that person.

Observer = KILLjoy = starbugstk = Dan = lvlrsSTI = OWNER.
Trying so hard to find my Archilles Point wor. Hehe Love
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