Do not let vaccination status divide us!!!!!

Dear Prime Minister Mr Lee and Health Minister Mr Ong,

We write as concerned Singaporeans. COVID19 has caused much hardship worldwide and in our country and I thank the government for doing what you can to help us sail through this pandemic.

Today, we wish to speak up about the issue of vaccines in society. There has been much-heated debate about the safety of Covid vaccines worldwide. As a small country we need people to stay united and not let these issues divide us.

We do not agree to the implementation of a "Vaccine Passport" that allows different levels of access and rules for the vaxxed and non-vaxxed in public areas, schools, work areas, etc. We do not agree to different dining rules / safe distancing rules in society.

The reasons are as follows:

1) The current reports have shown that the vaccine doesn't prevent someone from being a carrier / or getting COVID 19. It only reduces the symptoms. If indeed the vaccine is effective, then it should do what it is supposed to do, which is to protect people from getting infected. A non-vaccinated person is not in more danger of being a carrier than a vaccinated person. We also only need to look at Israel to see the results of their vaccination programme.

2) Implementing complicated dining restrictions puts additional pressure and strains on F&B and establishments already overwhelmed by all the existing regulations. We do not need to have even more TO-DOs for our already stressed out operators and their employees who may / may not be able to verify rules of engagement quickly and accurately. 
3) Such rules send the message of further division within our society and can incite anger, violence and hatred against each other and to the establishment which I believe is not something that the government would want. National Day is coming. There is no better time to remember that we are all Singaporeans regardless of race, language or religion. Why should we let vaccine matters divide us?

4) There are people in our society who cannot take the vaccine for medical reasons. Should they be discriminated against too for these reasons?

5) There is currently no approved vaccine by HSA or any health authorities for all the vaccines listed. They have only been approved for Emergency Use only. Further more, the manufacturers of the vaccines have absolved themselves from all recourse. What responsibilities are they going to take if lives are lost / hurt during the process?

According to an Educational Resource by the Physicians of Philadelphia,
"Vaccine development is a long, complex process, often lasting 10-15 years and involving a combination of public and private involvement.

The current system for developing, testing, and regulating vaccines developed during the 20th century as the groups involved standardized their procedures and regulations." 
There simply hasn't been enough time for us to test the safety of the various vaccines effectively.

We are concerned that the speed at which the current vaccines have been created and the current narrative that they are somewhat "safe" is not standard medical practices used to safeguard populations. People have not been told that these vaccines are actually still in the developmental / trial stage because the 10-15 years needed to verify their safety has simply not been reached. As such, we wish to proceed with caution.

Discrimination based on whether someone has taken the vaccine is against the Nuremberg Code. 

"The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have the legal capacity to give consent; should be situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior forms of constraint or coercion, and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.

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They don't approve any traditional non mrna vaccine. Instead they say the new mrna which is very dangerous is safe. Their intention is sinister. This is obvious.

(27-07-2021, 04:10 PM)Zhaoyun Wrote:  They don't approve any traditional non mrna vaccine. Instead they say the new mrna which is very dangerous is safe. Their intention is sinister. This is obvious.

I agree traditional vaccine will be useful in the fight but disagree that govt claimed an insane vaccine ro be safe

Any govt that does that will collapse.
The mRNA vaccines are safe hundreds of millions have taken it. A tiny number had side effects as with all vaccines

(27-07-2021, 04:27 PM)BigBossX Wrote:  
(27-07-2021, 04:10 PM)Zhaoyun Wrote:  They don't approve any traditional non mrna vaccine. Instead they say the new mrna which is very dangerous is safe. Their intention is sinister. This is obvious.

I agree traditional vaccine will be useful in the fight but disagree that govt claimed an insane vaccine ro be safe

Any govt that does that will collapse.
The mRNA vaccines are safe hundreds of millions have taken it. A tiny number had side effects as with all vaccines
The untold truth is many had died or suffered from sickness after the MRNA vaccine but not reported at all.
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(27-07-2021, 09:52 PM)bobby Wrote:  [Image: nudie.gif]

病急乱投医 and fear not if you are not in Yanluowang's register.

(27-07-2021, 04:27 PM)BigBossX Wrote:  
(27-07-2021, 04:10 PM)Zhaoyun Wrote:  They don't approve any traditional non mrna vaccine. Instead they say the new mrna which is very dangerous is safe. Their intention is sinister. This is obvious.

I agree traditional vaccine will be useful in the fight but disagree that govt claimed an insane vaccine ro be safe

Any govt that does that will collapse.
The mRNA vaccines are safe hundreds of millions have taken it. A tiny number had side effects as with all vaccines

When govt claimed that the vaccine is safe, they also don't know if there are any long term side effects. That's why it's not mandatory and only approved under emergency use. It's safe because govt want to open up the economy and earn $$ that's all. Even doctors or scientist don't know whether there are any long term effects for sure, how would the govt know? What is known is that after the injection, u are still alive, some with side effects. mRNA is initially researched to treat cancer. But has it been used to treat cancer after being researched for so many years?
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(28-07-2021, 03:10 PM)winbig Wrote:  
(27-07-2021, 04:27 PM)BigBossX Wrote:  I agree traditional vaccine will be useful in the fight but disagree that govt claimed an insane vaccine ro be safe

Any govt that does that will collapse.
The mRNA vaccines are safe hundreds of millions have taken it. A tiny number had side effects as with all vaccines

When govt claimed that the vaccine is safe, they also don't know if there are any long term side effects. That's why it's not mandatory and only approved under emergency use. It's safe because govt want to open up the economy and earn $$ that's all. Even doctors or scientist don't know whether there are any long term effects for sure, how would the govt know? What is known is that after the injection, u are still alive, some with side effects. mRNA is initially researched to treat cancer. But has it been used to treat cancer after being researched for so many years?

i go hawker ctr, enter with trace toGETher, i buy food, i sit down. i eat.

sg ambassador : 'you vaccinate already?'
me : no
sg ambassador : 'then you cannot eat inside!"
me : 'then my food how?'
sg ambassador : 'ok you quickly eat!'

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