入境新加坡不打針免隔離、冇口罩 china still lockdown quarantine song song today

(26-08-2022, 09:05 AM)kokee Wrote:  why spore & china covid situation & condition is so far behind!
their junk vaccine?
their 0 policy?
how many $trillion they have totally spend to deal with covid in china! how much economy lost, how many people life taken, how many tragedy, suffer, inhuman, fight, manhour lost, effectiveness & efficiency, family broken, plus test under 45 deg, queue for hours everyday, poke few times is norm!
all these fun & insane!
eventually when you kena, 99.99% no medicine, rest for 7-10 days, cure! for those died? before 2019, every yr, ton died because of flu too every yr too globally, whether in US, china or spore! Live with virus!
7-10 days in "jail" or self-control?
this is china by force, humanity, dictator decision cannot challenge, no freedom & choice, slavery fear yet they must bark how great s this 0 policy if not, evaporate! From Li wenliang died till now, getting worse!
all the moronic comie dogs here & their brainless supporters fully support winnie xi 0 policy!!


as above, such a simple Omicron covid virus, spread fast but super mild, death rate is super low, much lower than normal flu! china fight it till almost lock down whole country now!
china lock down & quarantine are totally inhuman, fence up like in jail, sgut down all factories, no job, no income, no business, economy all halted!
all test everyday queue under hot sun or typhoon weather for few hrs, 24 hrs non stop testing, ton stuck in highway, sleep on the road for days to weeks, no place to urine or eat or shit!
all run road everywhere like insane dogs! whole country almost stop moving! 
ton more!
yet to a minor flu, all these slavery no balls to question & fight for their right, all these dogs have no choice ony follow yet still need to kneel down to thanks winnie to lock them down & get crazy & depression! LOL LOL!

成都等8个千万级人口城市封城 基层政府处于崩溃边缘 动态清零陷入绝境



(26-08-2022, 09:21 AM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  [Image: C5-D22-D5-A-464-E-4-D42-881-F-0-E773-DE3320-A.jpg]

[Image: 1-F85-B5-EF-4-CD2-4595-BD03-2-A4-CE938-FF18.jpg]

[Image: 31-F99-FE2-635-D-4-A2-C-9-F07-97029427-EAEF.gif]

what is the right resolution for my monitor

Moronic kokee your daddy laughs at you cheo kau peng hor

Bankrupt loser kokee howling jealous 
https://media.tenor.com/CrvGdHtNeqMAAAAM...er-flr.gif https://media.tenor.com/GmmLLPUs70UAAAAM...aitano.gif https://media.tenor.com/mWXg3GzhYzMAAAAM...n-hart.gif 

Kokee go take your medicine bananas

the more china lock down almost whole country now, do at least 1 bil test on their people everyday, now easily 600 mil to 1 bil of china people affected by covid lock down & quarantine, JUST because of OMICRON, a mild flu even more mild than normal flu, what are they doing? is china scientist or biotech or medical so junk?
omicron, 99.99%, no need medicine, recover in 5-10 days! what is china doing to all their people now?
I am not surprised if 1 china person tell me he tested 500-1000x of covid test & I believe ton of us in spore, not even tested once & we are living happily with the virus! what is going on here? LOL LOL! only all these comie dogs here supporting their motherland & master on all these like insane & crazy in this forum, all know who are all the comie dogs here!
china spend few $10 trillion to fight Omicron, who make all these money? LOL LOL!

1場鬧劇, 2輪封城“謠言”, 3場購物狂歡, 成都最終“原則居家”! 中國疫情再高潮, 地方官“見一個抓一個”! 人民網惊現辱包言論

深层透析类似文革的恶意清零时代! 为什么各城头目不顾民众苦难、经济衰退,执意把人民关进笼子!


(31-08-2022, 10:57 AM)kokee Wrote:  all these moronic clowns in china govt! also all their brainless dogs & supporters here!
1 case in 1 district, the whole district lock down & not allow to get out of their house for days or weeks, even months!
1 case, all the trace together around that stupid fool, all kena quarantine or stay put!
all these 1 case, 99% is minor & recover in few days without taking medicine!
all the factories shut down, all economy activities stops, all lying down song song, LOL LOL!
lock down till insane & crazy, those try to be funny & dont follow instruction, go to jail!

all these china slavery, really for nothing kena poke everyday & kena fence & lock inside home with strip like prisoners for days to weeks to months like shanghai in march to june!
almost 600 mil to 1 bil in this condition today in china!
ton on the road also sleep in highway for days to weeks with no toilet, no food! cant go home, cant get out of highway, most places today, cant enter & exit! no work, no income!
real crazy, because of OMICRON! LOL LOL!



(26-08-2022, 09:21 AM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  [Image: C5-D22-D5-A-464-E-4-D42-881-F-0-E773-DE3320-A.jpg]

[Image: 1-F85-B5-EF-4-CD2-4595-BD03-2-A4-CE938-FF18.jpg]

[Image: 31-F99-FE2-635-D-4-A2-C-9-F07-97029427-EAEF.gif]

what is the right resolution for my monitor

Moronic kokee your daddy laughs at you cheo kau peng hor

Bankrupt loser kokee howling jealous 

https://media.tenor.com/uTA52cSjTXoAAAAM/bananei.gif https://media.tenor.com/VYXW5kr8O4IAAAAM...ounger.gif https://media.tenor.com/zwayiygD3o8AAAAM...-mafer.gif 
Kokee go take your medicine bananas (in Cantonese)

more new places getting infected & many places getting more serious!
more lock down, extend lock down almost everywhere!




(26-08-2022, 09:21 AM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  [Image: C5-D22-D5-A-464-E-4-D42-881-F-0-E773-DE3320-A.jpg]

[Image: 1-F85-B5-EF-4-CD2-4595-BD03-2-A4-CE938-FF18.jpg]

[Image: 31-F99-FE2-635-D-4-A2-C-9-F07-97029427-EAEF.gif]

what is the right resolution for my monitor

Moronic kokee your daddy laughs at you cheo kau peng hor

Bankrupt loser slavery kokee howling jealous 

https://media.tenor.com/GmmLLPUs70UAAAAM...aitano.gif https://media.tenor.com/3KPr6V2O-xIAAAAM...-smile.gif https://media.tenor.com/jZHfzn9i1iwAAAAM...rvivor.gif 
Slave kokee go take your medicine bananas

Newe only report of covid hit areas. Heard from friends in other parts of China, life is still good.

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