Former Trump officials are among the most vocal opponents of returning him to W.House

Former US Defense Secretary Mark Esper has called him a “threat to democracy.” 
Former national security adviser John Bolton has declared him “unfit to be president.” 
And former Vice President Mike Pence has declined to endorse him, citing “profound differences”.

Sarah Matthews, a former Trump aide who testified before the House January 6 committee and is among those warning about the threat he poses, said it’s “mind-boggling” how many members of his senior staff have denounced him.

“Those who worked with Donald Trump at the most senior levels of his administration believe he is too dangerous, too selfish and too extreme to ever lead our country again - we agree,” said Biden campaign spokesman Ammar Moussa.

Pence recently said he “cannot in good conscience” endorse Trump because of January 6 and other issues, despite being proud of what they achieved together.

“Fundamentally, a second Trump term could mean the end of American democracy as we know it, and I don’t say that lightly,” Griffin told ABC in December.

Kelly, in a lengthy October statement to CNN, described Trump as “a person who admires autocrats and murderous dictators” and “has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our Constitution, and the rule of law.”

Olivia Troye, a former Pence adviser who left the White House in 2020, and former press secretary Stephanie Grisham, who resigned on January 6, are both outspoken critics who said they didn’t vote for Trump in 2020.

Even Bill Barr, Trump’s former attorney general who has not ruled out voting for him again, has referred to Trump as “a consummate narcissist” who “constantly engages in reckless conduct that puts his political followers at risk and the conservative and Republican agenda at risk.”

In short, his character, mindset and behaviour are not fit to be a President. That's all.

If Biden step aside, Trump will have zero chance. Biden is just too senile to run.

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