G7 aims to raise $600 billion to counter China's Belt and Road

G7 aims to raise $600 billion to counter China's Belt and Road

SCHLOSS ELMAU, Germany, June 26 (Reuters) - Group of Seven leaders on Sunday pledged to raise $600 billion in private and public funds over five years to finance needed infrastructure in developing countries and counter China's older, multitrillion-dollar Belt and Road project.

U.S. President Joe Biden and other G7 leaders relaunched the newly renamed "Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment," at their annual gathering being held this year at Schloss Elmau in southern Germany.

[+] 1 user Likes Bigiron's post

now then they realise they hv many catch-up work to do. and the easiest is to copy and steal ideas from china
[+] 2 users Like WhatDoYouThink?'s post

wa POKKAI can challenge ?
[+] 1 user Likes singlon's post

Sibei ho kangtao

[+] 1 user Likes Niubee's post

USA's own infrastructure also got no money to refurbish!  Rotfl
[+] 1 user Likes cityhantam's post

Don't park your money and assets in places that the West Nato EU EC can reach and sanction and freeze 

See what happened to Russia's 300 billion dollars 

In the famous words of LKY 'with the stroke of a pen'
[+] 1 user Likes Odessy's post

[+] 1 user Likes cityhantam's post

china OBOR still exist? my foot, not counter china OBOR, to counter china in general including sanction.
G7 aim is to counter russia, ban russia gold totally, many more sanction on russia on the way.
china OBOR brother, 1 by 1 left china, sri lanka, laos, pakistan, kazaksthan, now africa, Europe side no need to talk anymore.
so russia economy collapse is just a matter of time, Ukraine war, fight my foot.

七国集团又聚集 这一招将痛击俄罗斯经济


(27-06-2022, 08:17 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  

[+] 1 user Likes WhatDoYouThink?'s post

(27-06-2022, 09:17 AM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote:  没钱还想当穷老大?

Kokee can help mah!  Rotfl

Didn't we sign trade pact on orob

(27-06-2022, 07:07 AM)Bigiron Wrote:  G7 aims to raise $600 billion to counter China's Belt and Road

SCHLOSS ELMAU, Germany, June 26 (Reuters) - Group of Seven leaders on Sunday pledged to raise $600 billion in private and public funds over five years to finance needed infrastructure in developing countries and counter China's older, multitrillion-dollar Belt and Road project.

U.S. President Joe Biden and other G7 leaders relaunched the newly renamed "Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment," at their annual gathering being held this year at Schloss Elmau in southern Germany.


Just reading the headline, I thought for a moment that the G7 is finally getting serious in offering something to developing nations. Then this weasel phrase "$600 billion in private and public funds" appears right at the first paragraph --- not a good sign as there is no breakdown how much exactly is private how much is public. This phrase is so generic and wide enough that $0.1billion committed public and $599.9billiion "potential" private funding can also fit into it.

The reality is if the risk value proposition is tenable private investors would have been there in a heartbeat, they don't need seven old politicians to wayang in front of the cameras to tell them they can invest in developing nations. So the question really is how much government money has actually been committed from this G7 meeting?

From the same article, we get these really miserable and derisory actual government commitments:

Quote:Together with G7 members and the EU, Washington will also provide $3.3 million in technical assistance to Institut Pasteur de Dakar in Senegal

Quote:U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) will also commit up to $50 million over five years to the World Bank’s global Childcare Incentive Fund

These amounts are so pathetic that Biden had to throw out a $2billion number of some solar power project in Angola which is in fact a private investment by a private US company Urban Green Technologies (UGT). The only role the US government played in this project was to instruct the government controlled Export-Import Bank to provide loans to UGT for this project. Like that also count?

(27-06-2022, 08:23 AM)kokee Wrote:  china OBOR still exist? my foot, not counter china OBOR, to counter china in general including sanction.
G7 aim is to counter russia, ban russia gold totally, many more sanction on russia on the way.
china OBOR brother, 1 by 1 left china, sri lanka, laos, pakistan, kazaksthan, now africa, Europe side no need to talk anymore.
so russia economy collapse is just a matter of time, Ukraine war, fight my foot.

七国集团又聚集 这一招将痛击俄罗斯经济

as above, all these comie liars BS.
Now even Africa also want to cut off from china.
china today, almost isolate from the world now, nice? still has friends? who? russia? Iran? these are real friends?
even Africa also F china now. Putin never F Xi? what happen to all the OBOR shit? sri lanka, laos, pakistan all bankrupt, where is china? suck dry dry run road?
who still give a shit to china today? now africa also ask china to F off.
china is surrounded now.



G7 can aim as long as they want. $600 billions need 600 billion aims. ....... Big Grin

 Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge
                    Carl Jung
[+] 1 user Likes Huliwang's post

Aiyah.........these angmo gao chwee gong lampar song niah niah.
[+] 1 user Likes SotongOngTee's post

(27-06-2022, 07:57 AM)Odessy Wrote:  Don't park your money and assets in places that the West Nato EU EC can reach and sanction and freeze 

See what happened to Russia's 300 billion dollars 

In the famous words of LKY 'with the stroke of a pen'
Worse, they robbed Afghanistan 's peoples money openly. 
No moral, cruel and evil.
[+] 2 users Like Migrant's post

600 billion? 
Talk wind. 
Who is paying?
EU will be begging by winter.

so sending first world engineers earning >$10k to work with locals earning $200??? its not only about money... Even EU depend on China to build the infra for them...


California Democrats are locked in one of the most consequential disputes in modern state history over the future of the Los Angeles-to-San Francisco high-speed rail project after a decade of troubled construction.

The $105 billion bullet train project — for which $10.3 billion has been spent so far — would be the largest single investment in state history, the most ambitious civil works effort in the nation and now a symbol to many experts of how not to build a railroad, all of which define the stakes in the current impasse.

The feud has festered for 16 months, since Gov. Gavin Newsom asked the Legislature for a $4.2 billion appropriation in early 2021. The request has triggered a standoff with Assembly Democrats, who have steadfastly refused to hand over the last remaining funds from a 2008 bond measure for high-speed rail.

“The project is not proceeding according to a robust plan, which results in waste and other inefficiencies,” said Bent Flyvbjerg, a business expert in mega projects at the University of Oxford’s Saïd Business School and IT University of Copenhagen.  “Given the political divisions, the cost growth, the schedule delays and the lack of a sound future revenue source, this project is going to the graveyard of famous boondoggles.”  Rotfl

Biden talks big only but nothing gets done even in the U.S., the HSR project between LA and San Francisco got suspended due to short of funding. European countries’d better resolve their energy crises caused by their own sanctions on Russia first, recession is coming.

American president likes to talk big but after that no detailed plan and no follow up just like IPEF. Biden does this to help him to win the year end midterm election only, that’s his intention. He only has 2 years left in office., the next president will discard everything. Unlike China that has 10 year, 20 year and 30 year roadmap and plans, the U.S. only has short term plans as the government only last 4 years.

Biden left 2 more years will step down?
Talk Big nia… Who is still serious with him?

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

Likely they will use 600 billion to buy weapons and fund wars in Ukraine and other parts of the world in the name of infrastructure development.

buy dung already gong gong liao, what can he do?

(27-06-2022, 07:07 AM)Bigiron Wrote:  G7 aims to raise $600 billion to counter China's Belt and Road

SCHLOSS ELMAU, Germany, June 26 (Reuters) - Group of Seven leaders on Sunday pledged to raise $600 billion in private and public funds over five years to finance needed infrastructure in developing countries and counter China's older, multitrillion-dollar Belt and Road project.

U.S. President Joe Biden and other G7 leaders relaunched the newly renamed "Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment," at their annual gathering being held this year at Schloss Elmau in southern Germany.

I am so glad these 7 World's richest countries are (AGAIN) making another promise....cause their previous ones tend to disappear into thin air when they change presidents, PM, gov or they simply forget those promi$es ...

Also, we only have China and the G20 nations to thank as their rise has force those G7 members to respond... The not-so-rich countries had been growing over the last decades....partly thanks for China's BRI investment in last 10 years.

[Image: g7-g20-shares.jpg]

By the time the 7 squabble over who pay how much ………..  Rotfl
Also 2024/25 ….. Trumpet becomes President again ……..  Laughing

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

(27-06-2022, 11:34 AM)RiseofAsia Wrote:  Biden left 2 more years will step down?
Talk Big nia… Who is still serious with him?

Biden looks increasingly like a 1-Term POTUS...He began his presidency in 2021 promising $ to rebuild America infra...now 1.5 years on still zero $ is going to a single HSR project.. Today with more $ going to weapons funding the Ukriane Conflict and pressure from Super High inflation....the politics of it has gone from bad to worst. US recessions is increasingly likely... So I guess the latest G7 $600Bliion in next 5 years is like another magic wish..


European nations had ruled the world for hundreds of years and never helped poor countries in Africa and Asia develop infrastructure and improve their standard of living, all they did was taking their gold, diamonds, oil & gas and wealth away and bring back to Europe, now they want to push for infrastructure development? Who will believe? Even among the countries in Europe they fight one another, can’t agree among themselves.

Why waste time quarrel over these self seeking unseemly politicians?
$600billions spend to "attack" one country instead of using the money to make their citizens or other needy ppl elsewhere life's better .Why dun they attack speculator causing high inflation affecting the whole society livelihoods?
[+] 1 user Likes Ernesto's post

(27-06-2022, 12:03 PM)Tangsen Wrote:  By the time the 7 squabble over who pay how much ………..  Rotfl
Also 2024/25 ….. Trumpet becomes President again ……..  Laughing

They will point at China and ask China to pay!  Rotfl

(27-06-2022, 07:07 AM)Bigiron Wrote:  G7 aims to raise $600 billion to counter China's Belt and Road

SCHLOSS ELMAU, Germany, June 26 (Reuters) - Group of Seven leaders on Sunday pledged to raise $600 billion in private and public funds over five years to finance needed infrastructure in developing countries and counter China's older, multitrillion-dollar Belt and Road project.

U.S. President Joe Biden and other G7 leaders relaunched the newly renamed "Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment," at their annual gathering being held this year at Schloss Elmau in southern Germany.


This world is indeed now MESS UP more.

- SG support One road map by China

Now with this?

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