George Yeo: I am pro-China

(25-08-2022, 05:25 AM)kokee Wrote:  as above, so comie dogs here is using GY to cover their brainwash work here!
so GY pro-china, then GY pro-Russia, so GY is opposition of spore?
GY pro-russia, then he supports russia invades Ukraine? same to all comie dogs here!
very dangerous for comies dogs here try to use all these ccp propaganda here to stir shit & sell their communism to brainwash moronic brainless here, not true?
all these comie dogs here go ahead & play with fire! all know who they are in this thread!
all these easily kena influenced brainless supporters here!
continue to sell & spam your extremist leftish & xxxxxxxxx here! comie dogs here spam their communist sources of fake & lies
comie dogs here stir more, stir more together!
all can see who are the comie dogs in this forum in this threads & thread starter!!


(25-08-2022, 02:45 AM)ROFLMAO Wrote:  CCP wumaos please note 新加坡人also 不是中国人

all these moronic comie dogs here & their brainless supporters here!
simple chinese above, cannot understand? 
you want to find your ancestor, go ahead, more importantly, your country is spore, not china!
the one you must loyal to is spore, not china! so simple thing, comie dogs here argue like morons here, refuse or cannot accept, F off back to china with your rubbish family! china need you to fill the number to sacrifice your life to dictator there!

all these brainless comie dogs here, spore already in a very difficult position today due to 75% pf our population is chinese yet these dogs here want to give more problems & trouble to spore instead!

all these dogs here, speechleess! really eat shit dogs! inconsiderate, inhuman & real dogs!
they are pro-china, pro-ccp communist, pro-russia invade Ukraine & anti-west!
these dogs here can sell away their country for $$ & pro-china as from this thread & forum you know they already brainwashed & insane, also try  very hard to brainwashed brainless here day & night!

(25-08-2022, 11:03 PM)watchfirst9 Wrote:  You talk like western media without checking the reality,
we can see clearly Ughurs and Tibetans still able practise their culture and speak their own languages.
As compare Ukraine, who banning use of Russian language, stations and severe all the historical links
giving fertile ground for Crimea to revolt after elected govt is toppled in 2014.
Sure China has propaganda machine but so do the West,
China like to boost about their govt perform while the West is paint black or smear other countries so that its people 
has illusion their own country is very well run.

...I supposed George Yeo had seen the REAL China vs some of the garbage we often hear of western media...

Or perhaps having work and live in Greater China region in private capacity had changed his view from the years he spend as a minister or gov official

I am also surprised he even claim that he is philosophical way without in conflict with his Catholic background...upbringing - that itself is a reflection of what being a Chinese is about...

(25-08-2022, 04:32 PM)CHAOS Wrote:  Welcome to Indiapore

I cannot imagine what SG will become if our ethnic proportion hadn't been managed as such since those critical years of nationhood...

[Image: World-Data-ethnic-composition-pie-chart-Singapore.jpg]

Why kokee never attack him?

(07-09-2022, 10:58 PM)Manthink Wrote:  ...I supposed George Yeo had seen the REAL China vs some of the garbage we often hear of western media...

Or perhaps having work and live in Greater China region in private capacity had changed his view from the years he spend as a minister or gov official

I am also surprised he even claim that he is philosophical way without in conflict with his Catholic background...upbringing - that itself is a reflection of what being a Chinese is about...

Sgbutt too should visit China and see for himself the state of affairs there, rather than just relying on youtube and hearsay.

He pro- Devil and approved Casino

He pro- India and Pro- CECA, lah

He signed the CECA and imported CECA freely

Now, he pro- China

Sounds like a Hypocrite like Jac Lau

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

(08-09-2022, 12:43 PM)Ola Wrote:  He pro- Devil and approved Casino  He pro- India and Pro- CECA, lah He signed the CECA and imported CECA freely

Now, he pro- China Sounds like a Hypocrite like Jac Lau

Its all pro $ lah - CECA was signed soon after LHL became the PM.. GY was following his boss orders.

(24-08-2022, 12:46 PM)SotongOngTee Wrote:  Without CCP, wondering if China only occupies a tiny enclave today.

The fun FACT Is CCP won't have existed if the West hadn't disrespected the Chinese in the 1919 Versailles treaty..

That so-called "peace treaty" after WW1 ultimately led to WW2 and China turning to  communism after the Civil War.

[Image: thetreatyofversaillesandchina-1204230219...1659432199]

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