Girl description on dating app

When girl / woman in dating app stating this:

curvy = fat

fun sized = short, maybe short and fat

foodie = glutton/cafe hopper/ wants u to drive her to every restaurant she sees on insta or foodking.

wanderlust = someone fake who travels to put photos on insta.

introverted extrovert / extroverted introvert = someone trying to act intellectual and sophisticated.

school: Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry = immature girl who thinks men are attracted to this shiat.

seeking intellectual conversations = girl has no intellect so she needs guys to share while she contributes nothing of intellectual value.

Witty and sarcastic = Obnoxious and actually thinks too highly of herself

feminist = looking for simps who submits to me

So what are terms girls use to describe themselves in dating apps that you think have positive connotations, and hence men should look out for?

No use you name all these common terms girls use and say they're red flags. Where are the green flags?

Loves Yoga = Can spread legs ready to be pumped.

疫苗可以不打, 手枪一定要打!
疫苗可以不注射, 精子一定要远射!

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