Got the gut feeling next year 2024 got GE

Before Nov bah
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someone knows sure lose thus retire by then
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Impossible rah , Pm lee ownself claim " he only pass baton to Lawrence next year this time Nov as PAP celebrate itself ... "

next year still got one more GST Hike.

People will still feel fedup , no doubt they increase CDC amount , GST rebate don't will not smoothen the people yet.

must let time passby , Singaporean always " forgetful ones " so after one year pass will forget and dumb again vote PAP.
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(05-11-2023, 05:59 PM)Jinwului Wrote:  someone knows sure lose thus retire by then
Someone had left behind many scrape goats. And these scrape goats wil be a confused and lost herd.
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(05-11-2023, 05:59 PM)Jinwului Wrote:  someone knows sure lose thus retire by then

You got read below or not.人山人海

Like it or not, he going to step down with clear people mandate

People will not have any more chance to give marks to him as PM.
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Sorry me busy no time to vote...

疫苗可以不打, 手枪一定要打!
疫苗可以不注射, 精子一定要远射!
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(05-11-2023, 06:18 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  Impossible rah , Pm lee ownself claim " he only pass baton to Lawrence next year this time Nov as PAP celebrate itself ... "

next year still got one more GST Hike. 

People will still feel fedup , no doubt they increase CDC amount , GST rebate don't will not smoothen the people yet.

must let time passby , Singaporean always " forgetful ones " so after one year pass will forget and dumb again vote PAP.

Hard to say depends on the February budget announcement

I think PM Lee wants to hand over to the next PM a Singapore which is in good shape and when the waters are calm.

Well, Singapore is in a good shape but the waters are treacherous, first with COVID-19 that lasted 3 years before it got off the highest dorscon and then, there's the Russian invasion of Ukraine which is showing no signs of abating after over a year by now.

And now the Israel-Palestine war.

The developments in China after the untimely demise of LKQ can unsettle China and have ripple effects outside of it. 

We are not in calm waters. 

If PM Lee steps down, I hope he would be retained as a Minister Mentor.

Observer = KILLjoy = starbugstk = Dan = lvlrsSTI = OWNER.
Trying so hard to find my Archilles Point wor. Hehe Love

(05-11-2023, 06:49 PM)Bigiron Wrote:  Hard to say depends on the February budget announcement

even they increase slight more GST rebate, etc don't serve anything to be honest.

Is just a cycle. End of the day GST hike is forever there. Handout just once a while.

there is one professor got mention this on tv which she is right. She claim Govt handout don't ease the people bundle. Govt must try even harder to scout cheaper products, foods import come SG.
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(05-11-2023, 06:51 PM)Oyk Wrote:  


How come the thread become black?

what happen to this thread,, all blackout.
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(05-11-2023, 06:51 PM)Oyk Wrote:  I think PM Lee wants to hand over to the next PM a Singapore which is in good shape and when the waters are calm.

Well, Singapore is in a good shape but the waters are treacherous, first with COVID-19 that lasted 3 years before it got off the highest dorscon and then, there's the Russian invasion of Ukraine which is showing no signs of abating after over a year by now.

And now the Israel-Palestine war.

The developments in China after the untimely demise of LKQ can unsettle China and have ripple effects outside of it. 

We are not in calm waters. 

If PM Lee steps down, I hope he would be retained as a Minister Mentor.
The world is never peaceful so there's never a good time. Important thing is that the 4G must be groomed to be able to steer Singapore in times of turbulence instead peace. If 4 G can do that then he'll have succeeded in his handing over.
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(06-11-2023, 07:16 AM)winbig Wrote:  The world is never peaceful so there's never a good time. Important thing is that the 4G must be groomed to be able to steer Singapore in times of turbulence instead peace. If 4 G can do that then he'll have succeeded in his handing over.

The recent events impacted us, and every country.  Covid, the Russian invasion (that triggered inflation across the entire world)...China is mentioned even though the death of LKQ is a domestic matter - theirs not ours - because if a bad outcome happens there, it will result in a power vacuum and a very unstable China as the rest will fight to try to seize the throne, vacated by force...all these will impact us

911, the death of Saddam Hussein, the final destruction of Osama Bin Laden, and closer to home, Mas Selamat, these were big news but didn't really impact us much.  We read about these things but life went on, we didn't get retrenched or have our salaries cut..

So when you say the world is never at peace, we need to also see whether the external environment impacts us badly or not.

Besides, the history of the world, or of mankind, is not all bad news.  There are ups and downs with periods of calm and growth/prosperity, some of the time, and periods of turbulence, wars, rising prices, and recessions, most of the time.  We or rather PM Lee just want to do a handover at a time when the waters are not treacherous.  If PM Lee hands over the baton when the waters are tossing and sinking boats, it might be construed as shirking his duty and passing the shit to someone else.  In layman's words, he is trying to elak or run away when the going is tough.

LKY and GCT managed to pass over the leadership in such times.

Observer = KILLjoy = starbugstk = Dan = lvlrsSTI = OWNER.
Trying so hard to find my Archilles Point wor. Hehe Love

(05-11-2023, 06:39 PM)KILLjoy Wrote:  Anybody wants to zhut zhut my ranjiao?  I am a chao gay.   Love

Sorry man.  I am straight.  Give me Nutella zeh zeh anytime.    Laughing

And don't disturb me today.  I am busy reading the posts written by Multiversal kor kor.  Since you don't have a life anyway,  come and join me there.  But you'd better behave yourself there because you ain't the Owner and Admin of edmw.  You'd get pbanm faster than your mother can zhut zhut Observer... Rolleyes

Spinnin Quirk
Actually what's the point of this thread?

Is TS trying to suan the guy or s
uan the girl? Or both?

Cos the more I think about it, the more I feel this date shouldn't have taken place in the first place:
Guy who wants to save money for the right girl and kids, kenna accused as ngiao ji.

Girl who wants to be pampered and sponsored on the first date but 2023 is the year of gender equality.
Plus usually many times when there's a one-sided story from a female, EDMWers will say no judgment until the
y hear the other party's story.

Why now this time so many EDMWers auto-conclude the guy is ngiao ji? Why isn't it deemed that the guy takes money very seriously, can be trusted with money and spending it wisely?

On the contrary, many EDMWers don't agree with Jap wife taking all the husband's earnings every month.
She's the wife and the manager of the household, isn't she?

Why so many lopsided, contrarian conclusions?

And even got people getting personally offended, though I'm just discussing and attempting to refute the points being made.

I just want to shoot the message, but people with shoulder processors (Intel Inside) get offended and try their hardest to shoot the messenger.
You made some very interesting observations, and I would agree that these observations or reasons are true now and before, and will still be so in the future.
In fact, what you wrote are only a few scenarios or paradigms because the human mind is so varied and complicated, such that the Chinese saying was not encapsulated as "One kind of rice feeds a few men" but "..........a hundred men" where "hundred" is used to refer to a very large number of men (and women) that's actually uncountable.
We often say "It is hard to read a person's mind".  We really cannot know for sure how a person would respond to our words and/or actions.  The same thing (output) can happen because of different reasons (inputs)  while the same reason (input) can lead to not the same but different actions (output).
Input and output, action and reaction, cause and effect,  are not necessarily correlated in a fixed set format, but are dependent on the mind of the person, and how he/she processes inputs.
Wow that's deep
You say deep, but if you think deeper, you'd know that this is because of what we call testosterone.  It leads to a man being active-aggressive which leads to fights, killings, and sexual aggression.
Generally, as a man ages, his testosterone level drops and we say "He mellowed down".
So you don't often find women going around fighting, killing or being the active-aggressive party
But the lust for money, for immense wealth is common both to the man and the woman.  It is not determined by testosterone levels but by the mind which has fallen captive to a world of greed and materialism after the Fall at the "Garden".

Observer = KILLjoy = starbugstk = Dan = lvlrsSTI = OWNER.
Trying so hard to find my Archilles Point wor. Hehe Love

(05-11-2023, 06:51 PM)Oyk Wrote:  my happy family

thereafter my karma
[+] 1 user Likes KILLjoy's post

Maybe GE in December 2024
When gst rises up

No weapons that forms against me shall prosper
No tongue that rises against me I shall condemn 

With the handover speech I am just like the rest GE will most likely be held in 2024. Only is it start, middle or end of year. My thinking is should be after the Budget is announced cuz can give chicken wings aka monies and then peasants will vote for them. Then they take back the entire chicken via other means.

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