Govt with weak foresight brings chaos and disaster to that country

The ability to see far is an absolute prerequisite to be a good government...!

If a government has weak foresight, that government only brings chaos and disaster to that country...!

If the agenda in a country is constantly changing, daily, sometimes even hourly, we must know that we are governed by ignorance, inefficiency and incompetence...!

And perhaps worse, we are run by treacherous traitors who only serve foreigners and foreign countries' interests...!

A nation which accepts to live a third-class life is just a third-class nation...!

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(14-10-2021, 11:00 PM)pinkypanther Wrote:  The ability to see far is an absolute prerequisite to be a good government...!

If a government has weak foresight, that government only brings chaos and disaster to that country...!

If the agenda in a country is constantly changing, daily, sometimes even hourly, we must know that we are governed by ignorance, inefficiency and incompetence...!

And perhaps worse, we are run by treacherous traitors who only serve foreigners and foreign countries' interests...!

A nation which accepts to live a third-class life is just a third-class nation...!

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Clapping Thumbsup
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Jaliat lor

The article was written by a lady named Constant Chew, where she is implying that our government is lacking of foresight, ignorance, inefficient and incompetent. And worse run by quote ”treacherous traitors who serve foreigners and foreign countries”unquote.

She failed to mention that our government never held any accountability and/or responsibility for their failed executions.

With the stands that they keep allowing foreigners to enter the country, we continue to have many under declared foreigners with symptoms entering into Singapore. Which ended up straining our medical care services and facilities and resulting many who were found contracted with the virus requires to quarantine or self heal at home. Risking those other family members to get infected.

And now with those who are vaccinated deaths are climbing they execute the banning on the unvaccinated lots from dining at hawker centre, are just punishing them from having their basic necessities privilege taken away.

And our leaders are telling us to be understanding and patient while we should see a decline in the daily infection rate. But all these in the expense of death on both vaccinated and unvaccinated people, they seem to forget one death is too many. Because a family member’s life has diminished due to their poor executions. The pain and loss as well as anxiety that brought to the family is something that these group of people so called leaders or task force, who executed with poor planning will not understand. Because all the things that was said and things that they have executed tells a vast difference, and both empathy and accountability has no inkling presence with these leaders.

We are just a number games to them. In my opinion.
[+] 3 users Like kangtangman's post

If they are tired, they should let a new group of fresh people take over to run the country.
[+] 4 users Like dynamite's post

Should have at least advise what to eat to help the recovery faster.
Poorly plan opening.

Are they open to see around the world.
Learn from all success examples whether it is from third world as long is successful we must learn.
Be humble, do not become first world failure.
[+] 3 users Like watchfirst9's post

Still paid in millions for the quality of their job done. Wuhahahah

I am just a tiny plankton in the ocean.

(15-10-2021, 08:01 AM)watchfirst9 Wrote:  Should have at least advise what to eat to help the recovery faster.
Poorly plan opening.

Are they open to see around the world.
Learn from all success examples whether it is from third world as long is successful we must learn.
Be humble, do not become first world failure.

They are only good at solving problem at those ppl who have questioned them? Thinking

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

Now citizens are brain washed to "live with COVID"... when gov failed to contain them with their poor policies, measures and executions.

Yet they still claimed they did a good job. Especially rat face OYK, he has absolutely no clue that his policies are divisive (punishing unvac) and he has blood in his hand for all the deaths due to his flawed policies and measures !!

And to think they are paid millions of tax payers money.. is truly a disgust!
[+] 3 users Like Cestlavie's post

(15-10-2021, 10:50 AM)Cestlavie Wrote:  Now citizens are brain washed to "live with COVID"... when gov failed to contain them with their poor policies, measures and executions.

Yet they still claimed they did a good job. Especially rat face OYK, he has absolutely no clue that his policies are divisive (punishing unvac) and he has blood in his hand for all the deaths due to his flawed policies and measures !!

And to think they are paid millions of tax payers money.. is truly a disgust!

From day one, many had advocated that the ministers here are grossly over paid, with over a million dollars in annual remunerations... Angry
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(15-10-2021, 11:11 AM)debono Wrote:  From day one, many had advocated that the ministers here are grossly over paid, with over a million dollars in annual remunerations... Angry

You nailed it accurately....... Clapping

 Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge
                    Carl Jung

(15-10-2021, 11:11 AM)debono Wrote:  From day one, many had advocated that the ministers here are grossly over paid, with over a million dollars in annual remunerations... Angry

You forgot that Woody mentioned that they are only paid peanuts. When you pay peanuts you get monkeys. Laughing

tomorrow will be a better day

Actually, only 20% foresight is needed while 80% depends on good management.

But of course, PAP lack both lah.

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 
[+] 2 users Like Ola's post

lol today Bloomberg news troll SG , open out but cannot control the infection cases locally and deaths keep increasing.

(14-10-2021, 11:00 PM)pinkypanther Wrote:  The ability to see far is an absolute prerequisite to be a good government...!

If a government has weak foresight, that government only brings chaos and disaster to that country...!

If the agenda in a country is constantly changing, daily, sometimes even hourly, we must know that we are governed by ignorance, inefficiency and incompetence...!

And perhaps worse, we are run by treacherous traitors who only serve foreigners and foreign countries' interests...!

A nation which accepts to live a third-class life is just a third-class nation...!

More at

A govt which 'morning order evening Change' = 朝令夕改 wont last long.

It is rubbish 3G lead 4G, then 4G lead 5G . . . all into the Ditch.

So now the Dormitory safety protocol, basic care lapses . . . .same mistakes repeating again.

[Image: Tan-SL-JT-is-a-good-mentor-Sept-21.png]

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 
[+] 3 users Like Ola's post

(15-10-2021, 10:50 AM)Cestlavie Wrote:  Now citizens are brain washed to "live with COVID"... when gov failed to contain them with their poor policies, measures and executions.

Yet they still claimed they did a good job. Especially rat face OYK, he has absolutely no clue that his policies are divisive (punishing unvac) and he has blood in his hand for all the deaths due to his flawed policies and measures !!

And to think they are paid millions of tax payers money.. is truly a disgust!

At the start of the pandemic when the cases are quite low, they implemented lockdown. Purpose of lockdown? So that they can conduct election and stay in power lah. Now that they are in power, can suka suka liao. Laughing
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(15-10-2021, 12:43 PM)Ola Wrote:  Actually, only 20% foresight is needed while 80% depends on good management.

But of course, PAP lack both lah.

The 80/20 law.....?

(15-10-2021, 11:20 AM)surfer Wrote:  You forgot that Woody mentioned that they are only paid peanuts. When you pay peanuts you get monkeys. Laughing

Is paying a person millions per year peanuts....then that will be a very expensive monkey....... Rotfl

(16-10-2021, 10:41 AM)babygirl Wrote:  Clapping

(15-10-2021, 08:01 AM)dynamite Wrote:  If they are tired, they should let a new group of fresh people take over to run the country.
They will not be tired when they think how much millions hv filled their pockets without having to do anything.

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