Govt won’t rule out return to circuit breaker or heightened alert !!!!!!

The Government will not rule out a return to a heightened alert phase or imposing a circuit breaker like it did last year if the number of Covid-19 cases admitted to intensive care units (ICUs) goes up sharply, Finance Minister Lawrence Wong said on Monday (Sept 6).

The number of infections have gone up when more activities were allowed to resume recently, but it is not the absolute numbers that are of concern — it is the “reproduction rate”, or the rate at which the coronavirus is spreading.

Mr Wong said that the reproduction rate is more than one and cases are doubling every week. “And if we continue on this trajectory of infection. It means we could have 1,000 cases in two weeks, or possibly 2,000 cases in a month.”

Speaking to the media, the co-chair of the national Covid-19 task force said that the Government is doing its best to refrain from placing stricter controls and it is trying to slow the virus’ transmission through aggressive contact tracing and more widespread Covid-19 testing.

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[+] 1 user Likes pinkypanther's post

if one going back to circuit breaker, it will not hurt the rich.
is killing the low income hawker,taxi drivers, pdvl, tutors, self employed that depends on
people to people contact to survive. after 1 1/2 years of covid-19, this type of extreme
measure should only be used in extreme conditions.
[+] 1 user Likes sclim's post

Not live with the virus meh?  Thinking
雷声大, 雨滴小。

I still thought 5000cases/day then they will reverse the plan.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

If this can curb the spread, let us all grit our teeth for another round.

We are getting used to staying at home for the past 18 mths.

Win the World but lost your Soul. 

Govt trying to scare us only lah. They got $$ to go for another circuit breaker meh?

(07-09-2021, 03:28 PM)winbig Wrote:  Govt trying to scare us only lah. They got $$ to go for another circuit breaker meh?

Min can go another CB. Some estimated that we can go another 6 CB without breaking the bank. Temasek also made sizable profit from covid...

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