Half of Americans favor defending Taiwan if China invades

(28-08-2021, 10:16 AM)singlon Wrote:  Youforgot inDIA. Actully Taiwan has the ability. The Dam already cracked.

Got your rat brain cracked by rat28 and rat29 aka century ? Smile
[+] 1 user Likes amata's post

Toes r laughing...how dare they go for another fight after this afganistan debacle..

Talk is cheap ...fight half way, they will run away like a coward...

All these angmos dont learn geography, they tot taiwan is near US...when they see the map n show them where taiwan is, their kukus will shrivel.

All those ill-bred syonan lickers are simply brainless and shameless, they were just born to suck whatever goat balls.

Yankee trash lost all those Korean War, Vietnam War, ..., even when China was very weak. Now they got ball to win a war with a mighty China today? lol

To all low-bred syonan scum: dun come to insult all sinkees by keeping to dream wet on your goat daddies, and to show off your wordclassed retardiness and lowliness lah. Smile
[+] 1 user Likes amata's post

There is no need to sacrifice precious pilots to take out theDam.
Use Drones.
With this formular:
The package+atmospheric pressure+ht of water column.
Just assist the Dam crackings.
Of cos we are beri happy if Eyes with Bunker C fuels added to increase and direct the water dumping into China.

(28-08-2021, 07:15 PM)singlon Wrote:  There is no need to sacrifice precious pilots to take out theDam.
Use Drones.
With this formular:
The package+atmospheric pressure+ht of water column.
Just assist the Dam crackings.

You think China has no air defence?  Thinking

Which era are you living in?

(28-08-2021, 07:17 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  You think China has no air defence?  Thinking

arr study the drones attacks in Isreal. Those defences not useful. We have swarms of drones in a wet situation.
Once the Ball rolling Dola supports for china in the grand chess game is changed forever.
We have world GDP of 80 trillions.
We have bettings for supports of the Dola which allow such luxury are in the quadtrillions Dola meaning Thousands of trillions Dola.
All will sober up.

(28-08-2021, 07:19 PM)singlon Wrote:  arr study the drones attacks in Isreal. Those defences not useful. We have swarms of drones in a wet situation.

Do you know that China has many more drones?

(28-08-2021, 07:15 PM)singlon Wrote:  There is no need to sacrifice precious pilots to take out theDam.
Use Drones.
With this formular:
The package+atmospheric pressure+ht of water column.
Just assist the Dam crackings.
Of cos we are beri happy if Eyes with Bunker C fuels added to increase and direct the water dumping into China.

There are mainly 2 kinds of drones - 1. those hobbyist kind which are small and so can only carry limited payload and travel short distance, 2. larger ones which can travel much further

The first kind can't cross the straits because of its own inherent weakness while the second has a big signature. You think the Chinese are blind to let them reach the dam?

(28-08-2021, 07:22 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  Do you know that China has many more drones?

we just like to assist in that cracking

(28-08-2021, 07:25 PM)singlon Wrote:  we just like to assist in that cracking


Who are "we"???? Ghosts of 7th month?  Thinking

China has become beri quiet. Only Biden is at work with ISIS replacing Talibans with the j.ew behind the curtain.

(28-08-2021, 07:26 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  "We"???

Who are "we"???? Ghosts of 7th month?  Thinking

Suicide Drones no need to return.
Even Singapore plays all stop. HDB rises etc etc. Need real works sweat baby sweat.
Soni slant eyes cannot makes it.
YOU cannot imagine how much POWER in that dam.
And you forget their water transfer to  OBOR in the grand chess game.

slant eyes sing b4 her time

(28-08-2021, 07:28 PM)singlon Wrote:  Suicide Drones no need to return.
Even Singapore plays all stop. HDB rises etc etc. Need real works sweat baby sweat.
Soni slant eyes cannot makes it.
YOU cannot imagine how much POWER in that dam.
And you forget their water transfer to  OBOR in the grand chess game.

You have lost control of your train of thought again?  Thinking

I prefer the Indonesians
They are not impressed

(28-08-2021, 07:43 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  You have lost control of your train of thought again?  Thinking

They are comunie. They have to do spring cleaning themselves.
Take out our Freedom?
Wait long long.

(28-08-2021, 07:50 PM)singlon Wrote:  They are comunie. They have to do spring cleaning themselves.
Take out our Freedom?
Wait long long.

Uncle, you have lost part of your cognitive capacity?  Sad

Using thousands of drones to blast the dam is a good idea but can drones fly 1300 km from Taiwan to the three gorges dam? I think the max distance drone can only do aroud 10 km  currently........ Rotfl
Even if the attack is successful with 1000 drones, at most it will cause a dent or a small leak which is not disastrous. 

Further, attacking the dam can killed 400 million civilians if it really collapsed is a crime against humanity which will  justify the Chinese to invade Taiwan which can be achieved within 72-hours where the culprit of the dam attack will be hunted down. 
In such situation no allies will stand with Taiwan and that's for sure....... Rotfl

 Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge
                    Carl Jung

(28-08-2021, 07:50 PM)singlon Wrote:  They are comunie. They have to do spring cleaning themselves.
Take out our Freedom?
Wait long long.

You rat got what freedom, freedom for ball licking? lol

You rat got beri wet for talking big and taking kock? Smile

(28-08-2021, 07:28 PM)singlon Wrote:  Suicide Drones no need to return.
Even Singapore plays all stop. HDB rises etc etc. Need real works sweat baby sweat.
Soni slant eyes cannot makes it.
YOU cannot imagine how much POWER in that dam.
And you forget their water transfer to  OBOR in the grand chess game.

You taiwan educated?  so xxxxx

The US is a fair weathered friend.  They stalemated in Korea, and ran away from Vietnam and now Afghanistan.  Even during WWII they refused to enter until the Japs bombed Pearl Harbour Angry

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

I think .. if China choose to invade Taiwan

it will be like HK 1997

peaceful .. all sides to talk

hand over and 1 country 2 systems

bec China dont like war , the taiwanense also dun like war, the Americans know they cannot win and also will not commit soilders on the ground

After watching a report on US withdraw from Afghan made by the Taiwanese news media.

You get to understand that the American deliberately left behind some of the weapons that allow the Taliban to gain their fire power stands. This will bring threat to the neighbouring countries.

America will never help any country without gaining something out of it.

News just in that Hilary Clinton has just told in the Congress hearing, that America went into Afghan was with the intend of preventing Russia from having control over Central Asia.

To think that the Americans will go help Taiwan in fighting against China, this is a dream. When both China & Taiwan are one country with two different parties. Why would America wants to take sides, the fire arms sales gain from Taiwan is just not enough to cover the losses which the American business that they have invested in China.

So to think the Americans are the good guy better think again. They have caused many world chaos for many years, ranging from financial crisis to conflicts between two countries, to refugees in many countries.

(29-08-2021, 07:10 AM)keys Wrote:  I think .. if China choose to invade Taiwan

it will be like HK 1997

peaceful .. all sides to talk

hand over and 1 country  2 systems

bec China dont like war , the taiwanense also dun like war, the Americans know they cannot win and also will not commit soilders on the ground

Beiping model surrender..


(28-08-2021, 07:19 PM)singlon Wrote:  arr study the drones attacks in Isreal. Those defences not useful. We have swarms of drones in a wet situation.
Once the Ball rolling Dola supports for china in the grand chess game is changed forever.
We have world GDP of 80 trillions.
We have bettings for supports of the Dola which allow such luxury are in the quadtrillions Dola meaning Thousands of trillions Dola.
All will sober up.
What controls the drones or missiles to the target? Disrupt them and all will go haywire and drop from the sky.

(29-08-2021, 08:03 AM)kangtangman Wrote:  After watching a report on US withdraw from Afghan made by the Taiwanese news media.

You get to understand that the American deliberately left behind some of the weapons that allow the Taliban to gain their fire power stands. This will bring threat to the neighbouring countries.

America will never help any country without gaining something out of it.

News just in that Hilary Clinton has just told in the Congress hearing, that America went into Afghan was with the intend of preventing Russia from having control over Central Asia.

To think that the Americans will go help Taiwan in fighting against China, this is a dream. When both China & Taiwan are one country with two different parties. Why would America wants to take sides, the fire arms sales gain from Taiwan is just not enough to cover the losses which the American business that they have invested in China.

So to think the Americans are the good guy better think again. They have caused many world chaos for many years, ranging from financial crisis to conflicts between two countries, to refugees in many countries.

America has no permanent friend, only permanent interest.

(28-08-2021, 07:19 PM)The singlon Wrote:  arr study the drones attacks in Isreal. Those defences not useful. We have swarms of drones in a wet situation.
Once the Ball rolling Dola supports for china in the grand chess game is changed forever.
We have world GDP of 80 trillions.
We have bettings for supports of the Dola which allow such luxury are in the quadtrillions Dola meaning Thousands of trillions Dola.
All will sober up.

If push comes to shove, monetary decoupling will occur.  Do you think the derivative big hole matters anymore?

(28-08-2021, 09:35 PM)amata Wrote:  You rat got what freedom, freedom for ball licking? lol

You rat got beri wet for talking big and taking kock? Smile
crying ur eyesight is so jialat you need to use bold for all ur comments? please ask Winnie for more 仙丹

Watch the water
Singapore now 24 degree C
China now say3 gorges dam caused earthquates.
Fake news.
space rods of God- DOD NASA and some others
All nuclear plants are out due to the earthquates as a result.
Remember this is a Sting operation.
Dam is cracked but allow to drain and flood.

Three Gorges earthquake | scientist concluded giant dam triggered more earthquake
This is fake news. It is space Rods that did them.

Space rods:

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