Hamas says it will stop releasing Israeli hostages throwing Gaza ceasefire into doubt


Israel violated the "ceasefire" by killing palestinians in Gaza

Ceasefire means cease fire


Israel also failed to honor the ceasefire agreement by disallowing what was agreed on humanitarian aid

[Image: IMG-20250211-170055.jpg]

Nutty & the extremists propping up his government have no intention to go to Phase 2

Alastair Crooke, the respected UK ambassador explained that Netanyahu made 2 agreements:

The official ceasefire deal that Trump is pushing him to... and the secret deal with Smotrich where he will abandon phase 2 to restart the war

They are moving towards the latter

Hamas would have known the Israelis very well by now about how they (dis)honor agreements

Since Nutty is not interested in fulfilling phase 1 before even going into phase 2, Hamas has no incentive to release all remaining Israeli POWs.. A deal is a deal

This was why Trump became fed up not just with Hamas but also with the extremist Israeli side and issued the "all hell will break loose" ultimatum by Saturday

His ultimatum is not meant only for Hamas.. people dont understand that

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