I want to apologize to SGTALKERs....for the surge in anti-china threads bumping

A day in the life of an anti-china ib...

see posting time on the right

(05-07-2024, 03:56 AM)Purikura Wrote:  Cannot ban... Cannot ban.... Dr fauci bad.....vaccine bad..... LOLOLOLOL!

jhk clone kena ban no wonder not happy! Tongue Tongue Tongue

(05-07-2024, 10:04 AM)Purikura Wrote:  Third world china is the most evil and corrupted shithole LOLOLOLOL!

Even food money for their own children also want to scam and cheat. Truly no bigger scums out there.

No wonder nobody wants to do business with third world china. Full of scammers and cheaters pui! Just like the wumao Tongue Tongue Tongue

(05-07-2024, 10:32 AM)Purikura Wrote:  Made in third world china shit quality is like that LOLOLOLOL!

Tofu gutter oil construction from shithole china like always, just like wumao fragile hearts and face LOLOLOLOL Tongue Tongue Tongue

(05-07-2024, 11:13 AM)Purikura Wrote:  No wonder third world china is dying and such a failure LOLOLOLOL!

Wumao sure not happy about this! : P : P : P

(05-07-2024, 11:21 AM)Purikura Wrote:  Everyone is leaving and abandoning third world china including the ah tiongs themselves LOLOLOLOLOL!

Third world china is collapsing and everyone knows it.

Now their yuan is like worthless banana notes. No wonder ah tiongs would rather swim their way to the usa than stay in shithole china LOLOLOLOLOL : P : P : P

(05-07-2024, 12:25 PM)Purikura Wrote:  Third world china is sick and pathetic. Going to die soon already.

What a sad failure LOLOLOLOL!

No wonder wumao so worried and triggered LOLOLOLOL : P : P : P

(05-07-2024, 12:46 PM)Purikura Wrote:  Only happens in third world china. Many ah tiongs are lowly educated till can mistake grenade for hammer LOLOLOLOL!

Darwin winner award just like wumao : P : P : P

(05-07-2024, 02:13 PM)Purikura Wrote:  Why do you think so many ah tiongs are jobless and poor? LOLOLOLOL!

All the factories are closing down in third world china. Everyone is abandoning that hellhole.

That's why many ah tiongs are crawling out of third world china to escape LOLOLOLOL! Wumao sure not happy : P : P : P

(05-07-2024, 02:17 PM)Purikura Wrote:  Third world china is full of scammer and cheaters LOLOLOLOL!

Ah tiong one day don't scam than I worry LOLOLOLOL!

Same behaviour like wumao, no wonder so triggered : P : P : P

(05-07-2024, 03:22 PM)Purikura Wrote:  Ah tiong are becoming poorer everyday with no money LOLOLOLOL!

Third world china make enemies with everyone, this is only to be expected.

Shithole country is shithole. Wumao sure triggered LOLOLOL : P : P : P

(05-07-2024, 04:13 PM)Purikura Wrote:  Third world china becoming a violent shithole because ah tiongs have no money and jobs. LOLOLOLOLOL!

Deserving of their rightful place as the sick man of asia in the mao era. Pui!

No wonder wumao so triggered LOLOLOLOL! : P : P : P

(05-07-2024, 04:26 PM)Purikura Wrote:  No choice because third world china have no money and job. Ah tiongs have to desperately save every cent.

This ah tiong bu can't afford to pay 335 dollar which is more than the annual salary in third world china. Most ah tiong only earn 100 dollar per year LOLOLOLOL!

Everyone knows how backwards and poor third world china is, just like the wumao brains : P : P : P No wonder not happy LOLOLOLOL!

(05-07-2024, 04:49 PM)Purikura Wrote:  Third world china is very sick and evil LOLOLOLOL!

They trick their ang moh father russian into invading ukraine until ownself bankrupt. So third world china can backstab and seize ang moh russian land, just like how their cult leader mao betrayed the soviet union. Truly sick!

No wonder Russian Ang moh distrust ah tiong the most : P : P : P

(05-07-2024, 06:07 PM)Purikura Wrote:  Third world china is good for nothing except for scam and cheating LOLOLOLOL!

No wonder nobody want to invest in that scamming hellhole china anymore.

That's why ah tiongs have no jobs and are fleeing their shithole bankrupted country. Wumao sure not happy : P : P : P

(05-07-2024, 06:13 PM)Purikura Wrote:  Third world china is a very sick place with no morals LOLOLOLOL!

So shameless like wumao to strip naked in a school to expose old body to students. Only in third world china LOLOLOLOL! : P : P : P

(05-07-2024, 09:04 PM)Purikura Wrote:  Ah tiongs are very poor and living in poverty because china is a third world shithole. You can easily find many articles of them pang sai everywhere.

Now the ah tiongs have to scam and beg for money. Very pathetic.

Truly the sick man of asia. Wumao sure triggered! : P : P : P

(05-07-2024, 09:33 PM)Purikura Wrote:  Only low iq like wumao invest in third world china LOLOLOLOLOL!

All the big investors already abandon that hellhole.

Why do you think so many ah tiongs have no jobs and want to flee their failed country LOLOLOLOL! : P : P : P

(05-07-2024, 09:56 PM)Purikura Wrote:  Third world china already have no money and is bankrupted both financially and morally just like wumao LOLOLOLOL!

Their banana note yuan has been freefalling to become worthless garbage. How to afford like that? Wumao sure not happy : P : P : P

(05-07-2024, 11:38 PM)Purikura Wrote:  What to expect from corrupted third world china which is sick and have no morals?

Such cheating, bribery and scams are a normal everyday thing over there. No wonder wumao not happy : P : P : P

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