IF FT policy is so beneficial & more FTs create jobs - why is this happening....

This news before the pandemic so you cannot blame the virus.

We can brush it off to say it's not true everything is fine.
But let's for one monet accept these facts.

1. S'pore PMETs are retrenched in banking and infocom...precisely where we import many FTs.

2. Many are retrenched above 40. Is it possible that companies can do this to improve their demographics as there is ample supply from external labor source.

3. Economist tracking the data said these have been happening for nearly a decade.....what happened one decade ago?...do a check.

What is reality and the facts. What is the truth.?

Did Singaporeans imagine all the problems and are misinformed of the causes?

[Image: FrLZ1TQ.jpg]

SINGAPORE — Jeremy Ho* (not his real name) began his job hunt even before receiving his retrenchment notice in June, having heard about impending job cuts at the bank where he had spent six years.

But 20 applications and three interviews later, the 39-year-old remains jobless.

Ho is part of a growing group of Professionals, Managers, Executives and Technicians (PMETs) that seem unable to break out of the retrenchment rut. According to the Ministry of Manpower’s (MOM) latest labour report, while retrenchments fell from 3,230 in the first quarter to 2,320 in the second, the number of PMETs who lost their jobs increased from 1,440 to 1,680, making them the bulk of those retrenched.

Nearly half of those told to go had a degree, and 70 per cent were over 40.

“PMETs continue to form a much larger share of retrenched workers compared to their proportion in the workforce,” said DBS senior economist Irvin Seah. PMETs made up 57 per cent of the resident workforce in 2018.

Seah calls PMETs “the newly vulnerable”, noting that the percentage share of PMETs among all retrenched workers has been rising over the past nine years despite their skills and qualifications.

He cited their “persistently much lower” rate of re-entering the workforce after six months of retrenchment - 57.8 per cent in the second quarter, lower than the 59.9 per cent average.

Part of the problem could be an expectations gap. Seah noted, "Most of them are white-collar, skilled workers who command a higher salary and have many financial and family commitments. They are looking for jobs that can support (their lifestyle), but (these) are not readily available anymore."

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

Foreigners= FWs +  FTs + Dependents + PRs + Foreign Students + . . . 

Some FTs create jobs BUT likely HALF do not ie Non- tech professions, below Director level . . .

Foreigners create jobs BUT for themselves

CECA  create some jobs BUT their Dependents do not create jobs for us

CECA create some jobs BUT caused Poverty for us

CECA create some jobs BUT we ended up with Intervention of Welfare - Progressive Wage

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 
[+] 1 user Likes Ola's post

The parliamentary debate in protecting india variant CECA is like slapping each other face when independent news report says otherwise .... they are illiterate lah

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

(17-09-2021, 10:51 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  What is reality and the facts. What is the truth.?

Did Singaporeans imagine all the problems and are misinformed of the causes?

Actually the problem is much bigger than you see. We are in some kind of "catch 22" situation. 

FTs dun create jobs but jobs appeared because PAP let them into Singapore's job market with CECA. It is because of this, large foreign companies feel assured that workers are readily available here and thus confidently moved here which is a much preferred place than moving to India. If we stop these FTs from coming, I believe the large companies will have no choice but to move out when they face a labour crunch.

Because of this, problems arise for Singaporeans. Jobs are taken by them, dignity is lost by locals working under foreigners, filling up the streets with so many foreigners from one particular country also irks Singaporeans, the locals must put up with their high caste arrogance and a ton more of other issues.

Actually all these difficulties can be solved but you need and extremely caring government which you seems lacking. It appears they dun see the problem at your level and just brushed aside your moanings.

A caring government is needed to micro manage the import and hiring process at all levels.
They must ensure that companies employed locals first.
They must ensured that FTs are not mainly from one country to prevent them from forming cliques at work undermining the interest of  locals.
They must ensure that imports come from many countries to give FTs competition and also not flooded our streets with one particular country's people.

And the list of ensure goes on....... Rolleyes

 Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge
                    Carl Jung

Companies will not move out because of labour crunch. They just downsize and shift some FTs in the Dept from India back to India office.

Basically, this will also save them alot of money as Ruppee Currency is much lower.

Win the World but lost your Soul. 

(17-09-2021, 01:39 PM)5354 Wrote:  Ladies and gentlemen

Shake off your xenophobic racist stench

The only truth that matters - majority of the jobs created had gone to Singaporeans born and bred here

[Image: gcigwKD.jpg]

If FT Policy is good, why 99% of the countries do not adopt it?

FT Policy seems to be like Fast & Easy Rule to solve manpower issues that PaP is not capable of handling.

That is why MOE curb our Future and Career with Quotas so that they can give away 350,000 jobs to FTs.

Win the World but lost your Soul. 

(17-09-2021, 02:08 PM)5354 Wrote:  As expected, no takers for my offer to help jobless PMETs here

Perhaps because only ONE ccbai here jobless PMET

And ONE lj here jobless, but not PMET but a fast fooder who refused to work, prefer to tikam stocks

You lie too often until you have no credibility. Your lies convince no one. You are going round our own lies like Bollywood Dance.

You create rubbish jobs that cannot fit 99.99% citizens. 

If so good, why are you a Failure? Why you cannot compete with CECA? Why you cannot earn $20k salary now? 


Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 
[+] 1 user Likes Ola's post

if gov cannot create good job for local and need importing why we still need them? cast your vote wisely . no point to keep importing FT where we local are jobless, stop making sg look not so sg now. totally cannot forgives. our times is up , sg is not a place we once called home.

Singaporeans are always seen to be more expensive because of the 17% employer's CPF contribution.

It is time to impose a 17% levy on EP and SP holders to level out this anomaly. Use this money to improve living conditions of work permit holders.

(18-09-2021, 01:37 AM)starbugs Wrote:  Singaporeans are always seen to be more expensive because of the 17% employer's CPF contribution.

It is time to impose a 17% levy on EP and SP holders to level out this anomaly. Use this money to improve living conditions of work permit holders.

actually now people feel confusing, in the sense why study so much?
End up become food delivery rider, PHV, Hawker , etc

Is not look down on these job, because these jobs no need study so much also can do.
If one plan to full time doing it must well don't study so much save parents money. Education fee is not cheap either. Yes Gov so call help make sure everyone can afford to study.
Is about daily expenses, misc things in School.

Now study degree also not cheap don't mention Master.
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(18-09-2021, 01:41 AM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  actually now people feel confusing, in the sense why study so much?
End up become food delivery rider, PHV, Hawker , etc

Is not look down on these job, because these jobs no need study so much also can do.
If one plan to full time doing it must well don't study so much save parents money. Education fee is not cheap either. Yes Gov so call help make sure everyone can afford to study.
Is about daily expenses, misc things in School.

Now study degree also not cheap don't mention Master.

If no study and no degree how to talk intelligently with those high brows in this forum. They might PM each other calling you illiterate, how you get into this forum or you from lousy school....... Rolleyes

 Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge
                    Carl Jung

That why so many stock guru increases recently years. They out in number to scam those jobless.
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How to produce enough local talents from our lousy schools? We need more CECAs.
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If foreign talents are so good then govt should also have some foreign talent imported to make critical decision.

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