Intel vs AMD stock - the valuation dilemma

Should you buy an expensive stock growing faster or a cheap stock not growing so fast.

If you are chasing a stock for quick gains no doubt AMD is the one.

Suppose your time horizon is 5yrs or 10yrs. Which one?

I like AMD alot because leadership is excellent. But that doesn't meant I will pay any price for the stock.

AMD valuation relative to Intel...has has lower cashflow, lower earnings and much higher price of stock as correctly explained by the video below.

But the thing is since this video is made AMD has gone up by 10% and Intel has fallen by 10%. Cheap becomes cheaper and expensive become more expensive.

I was assessing both companies when I was deciding which one. Using classic analysis the AMD valuation makes no sense at all. Even if it takes the whole Intel market share and Intel shrink to AMD market share the valuation if off. ...but AND keeps going up. 

It's like is now valued above all the top 5 car makers combined but makes only a tiny fraction of the cars they make and much lower profits but investors can project all the wonders  Elon Musk can do and the sky is no limit Tesla went above $1000 yesterday....making all doubters feel silly.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

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