Iran attacks Israel

伊朗200導彈轟炸以色列了 拜登縮了稱美國絕不淌渾水 新聞大白話@tvbstalk 20240414


Iron Dome is not as good as it claims. So many missiles landed on their base and light up the skies. I believe the missiles are not the old design kind. Iran use this chance to test it out and I must say it is a success. Israel and US now busy trying to find out how advanced has Iran missiles design evolved through the years.

isreal is estimated to have at least 10 iron dome batteries each with 60-80 missiles.

their accuracy shows the super good characteristic of the iron dome. very accurate. just very expensive.

after this round of attack. looks like large number of missiles of their batteries may be expanded.
all up to their factory abilities to build fast. or the next 2-3 rounds of attack leave them with little defence.

With supplies being disrupted at sea only way is to use plane fly supplies in. Even with supplies how fast can they replenish the expended missiles? They want to test how advanced missiles Iran have and they got it. With fragments on the ground they can examine. Maybe lure Iran to fire a few more salvos so can collect more for research.

Like this quite similar to thirty years ago Saddam Huisen fired the Scud missiles to Saudi and almost all shot down by patriot missiles...during the Gulf war....(lousy one)

Scud missile 200k. Patriot 1 million. So who got monies who will be safe. Not 100% safe but higher chance. Then must see how fast to replenish Scud vs Patriot.

Tomorrow SGX will plunge or not?

(14-04-2024, 07:49 PM)Harry Lee Wrote:  Tomorrow SGX will plunge or not?

TEHRAN: Iran on Sunday (Apr 14) urged msg to Israel not to retaliate militarily, b4 to do so, is no right, ok, an unprecedented attack overnight, which Tehran presented  to UN as a justified response to a strike that destroyed its consulate building in Damascus earlier this month. Rolleyes

"The matter can be deemed concluded, is settled," Rotfl

I think what Iran is trying to say is Israel hoot them so they hoot back each party hoot one time so now all is fair and square aka concluded.

Methinks Israelis are a vengeful race I seriously doubt they will let it conclude. In fact they will escalate instead. Even US is finding it hard to keep a rein on the mad dog on fire.


【麥玉潔辣晚報】伊朗亮劍擊! 成功摧毀以色列境內目標 | 伊朗導彈 精準命中這地 精華版@CtiNews


Good keep it up ; now the game is 1--1 ; got second half or game over already ?..


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A waste of time to watch YouTube video. They r not any better than you or me.

(15-04-2024, 11:59 AM)revealer Wrote:  A waste of time to watch YouTube video. They r not any better than you or me.

You are the "BESTEST"!  Rotfl

Iran's hypersonic missile hits! The United States and Israel dare not retaliate
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(15-04-2024, 11:55 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  

Iran's hypersonic missile hits! The United States and Israel dare not retaliate

There is a difference between hypersonic and normal missile travel and hit, 
There are videos of 4 hits, its speed and explosion look ordinary.

(16-04-2024, 07:17 AM)watchfirst9 Wrote:  Source?
There is a difference between hypersonic and normal missile travel and hit, 
There are videos of 4 hits, its speed and explosion look ordinary.

In this video :

【盧秀芳辣晚報】以沒攔住! 美專家:伊朗至少7高超音速飛彈擊中!|伊朗導彈沒攔住 以色列認了@CtiNews 精華版

is hypersonic missile. can see the re-entry vehicle slamming into the air field.

【The Truth About Iranian Strike On Israeli That U Don’t Hear From Mainstream Media(s)】

Western media didn't report that Iran's missile attack completely shocked Biden and his generals and also the Israelis on what they can do. That's why Biden immediately want de-escalation and Israel war cabinet decided not to retaliate.

The Iranians tested a 3-stage attack and succeeded. First the drones went in to absorb Israel's iron dome missiles,  a 2nd missile followed and fired a burst of bomblets (like flares) to activate the Patriots and before a 3rd heavy missile with a warhead that detaches from its body, activates a propulsion to fire quickly into the ground.

They used this to hit Nevatim military airbase and demonstrate to the Israelis that they can penetrate their iron dome and hit any target throughout Israel. This caused massive panic with the Israelis.

Israeli PM Netanyahu and his generals immediately went into the bunkers once their military analyst told them what's happening.

Iran spent $68m vs Israel's $1.1b and it is totally unsustainable to survive another few waves of Iranian attack. Remember the the US and NATO has run out of defense systems to give to Ukraine.

The surrounding Arab states except Jordan informed the US under the base treaty, they are activating a veto. The US therefore cannot use their airspace for offensive attacks against Iran. This constrained US jets and cruise missiles that could be fired from the Red Sea to attack Iran launch sites. US jets used up all their million dollar missiles firing at cheap UAVs.

Israel's President is forced come out on mutiple western media to say Israel is not seeking a war which is unlike how the US and Israel normally reacts to an attack of this scale. Israel just found out that Iran has the means to annihilate them today.

US News Media like CNN and BBC are all lying about Israel winning by shooting down 98% of drones. If Iran attacks in a massive scale without giving Israel a 9 hour notice with the loudest possible drones and start using their advanced missiles, Satanyahu will be completely screwed.

For Gaza, 14 April Sunday was the first day since the war that no Palestinians were killed in Gaza. Iran forced Israel to move all their assets to defend themselves.
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Iran so smart.  Exhausting Israel expensive Iron Dome and Patriot missiles with cheap drones and limited missiles in their first wave attacks.

It's fantastic to see that the Iron Dome can be easily tricked and penetrated by Iranian missle attacks.

Time for Israel to withdraw and for Palestine to be recognized as a soveirgn nation!

Iron dome become iron tomb.

(16-04-2024, 09:19 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  In this video :

【盧秀芳辣晚報】以沒攔住! 美專家:伊朗至少7高超音速飛彈擊中!|伊朗導彈沒攔住 以色列認了@CtiNews 精華版

so called experts comment, no video to support. 

Below video does not have hypersonic charateristics.
When an object travel at 5-6 or higher times sound speed hit anything, the impact will be significant.

nevertheless able to defeat the three Isr huguoshengqi is quite remarkable, 
so I cannot deny it could be hypersonic ones
Iron Dome, David's Sling, Arrow: Israel's air defense against Iran, explained
The Washington Post...



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