Indonesia mulls over $14b sea wall to save sinking Jakarta

Yah right ... So many publications 20 years ago also say this sink patterns and that submerge patterns ... Rinse and rerinse ...

(12-01-2024, 07:37 AM)red3 Wrote:  Yah right ... So many publications 20 years ago also say this sink patterns and that submerge patterns ... Rinse and rerinse ...
Quite a few low lying islands have sunk and disappeared you sure it jw wise to take the risk and assume nothing will happen?

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

Around 40% of North Jakarta now lies below sea level, with many homes and buildings sinking into the ground.

(12-01-2024, 09:10 AM)Simplemen Wrote:  We go there often .. sprawling city with spanking new buildings & HUGE malls nothing here can beat them

Everything is cheap..Grab is $1 or $2 within city, travel so far only $15

Strangely I dont see any signs of sinking whatsoever.. Could be an excuse to justify spending billions for a new capital in Borneo

Yah, the malls are huge. But that's usually so in large countries.

Grab is cheap but when I was working there, the traffic was always jammed. 

The sinking is in north Jakarta.

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