Malay leaders speak out against activists who disrupted Meet-The-People Sessions

Interfaith advocate and director of Dialogue Centre Mohamed Imran Mohamed Taib took to Facebook to pip the group for “juvenile activism”, adding that their acts drew attention to their “rowdy and rude” behaviour rather than the issues they care about.

“Policies are not changed – at least in Singapore – by shouting, marching and breaking laws,” he wrote."

Aiyo sia suay our Singaporean Malay bro image le...
Following the Western wokism shouting, berating and rude behaviour in Townhall Meeting cannot work in Singapore la..🤭

Our population believes in law and order. And we never entertain showboating. 💪

Malay leaders or PaP people?
[+] 1 user Likes Wy:Nox's post

(9 hours ago)Wy:Nox Wrote:  Malay leaders or PaP people?

Mohamed Imran Mohamed Taib is an independent researcher, dialogue facilitator, writer and interfaith advocate. 
He is director of Dialogue Centre; and a founding Board member of Centre for Interfaith Understanding (CIFU). 
His writings have appeared in journals and dailies, such as Channel NewsAsia, Today, The Straits Times, Berita Harian, BeritaMediacorp, The Jakarta Post, The Malaysian Insight and South China Morning Post. 

He was editor of Malay sosioreligious journal, Tafkir (2008), and has published several books, including Budi Kritik (2019, 2020), an essay compilation on Malay society. 
Imran is a graduate in Philosophy and his research and writing focuses on inter-religious/ethnic relations, multiculturalism and Malay/Islamic thought. 

He is currently working on a project on autonomous knowledge in Southeast Asia. 
He is also currently writing 3 books, focusing on history, heritage and memory.

Not qualified to be a Malay leader?..🤔
What's is the criteria?...
That 2 with Press is the Malay leader?
I hope not in my opinion. For Singapore's future sake.

Usual warrior Palestine terrorist

Paid by Iran
[+] 1 user Likes grotesqueness's post

(8 hours ago)grotesqueness Wrote:  Usual warrior Palestine terrorist

Paid by Iran

Omg...I hope not.
Singapore so tiny, what they expect to gain from us?..🙄

(8 hours ago)moonrab Wrote:  Omg...I hope not.
Singapore so tiny, what they expect to gain from us?..🙄

The truth will shock you
There was a time where a Singapore airliner was hijacked by Islamic terrorist

It is not about gain
It is about we are sandwich by Islamic country north and south
It is about spreading the DISEASE
[+] 1 user Likes grotesqueness's post

(8 hours ago)grotesqueness Wrote:  The truth will shock you
There was a time where a Singapore airliner was hijacked by Islamic terrorist

It is not a out gain
It is about we are sandwich by Islamic country north and south
It is about spreading the DISEASE


I wish all Singaporean can be wise enough to see the truth. For the sake of Singapore and all Singaporean. 
Don't destroy ourselves and our future over geopolitical conflicts. That's outside our limitations.
[+] 1 user Likes moonrab's post

(8 hours ago)moonrab Wrote:  😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

I wish all Singaporean can be wise enough to see the truth. For the sake of Singapore and all Singaporean. 
Don't destroy ourselves and our future over geopolitical conflicts. That's outside our limitations.

As long as country aline with their Islamic border neighbors
Like India
Like Russia
Like Israel
Even china Xinjiang
Myanmar and Bangladesh

There will be religion political conflicts

Cannot escape
That is how Muslim spread by conflicts

Thats why we support Isreal..not palestine tiny.

(6 hours ago)Sharexchange Wrote:  Thats why we support Isreal..not palestine tiny.

I am a Singaporean. I served my NS. Please don't include me in your "we".

Now, why do you support a country that is committing genocide?

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