Malaysia new MM2H scheme to help S'poreans retire explained...

(28-12-2023, 12:32 PM)moonrab Wrote:  Which is the main reason for Chinese Malaysian friends to emigrate. 
That's the truth from my Chinese Malaysian friends.

Just to add on a lot of Jiuhu Chinese complain they are being treated badly by their govt due to bumi policies etc. But they need to reflect on themselves country defence is borned by brown color skin. They risk their lives to protect the country (e.g Lahad Latu incident die brown color skin soldiers and polis never die Jiuhu Chinese). So the brown color skin take it as their given rights to be entitled to better preferential treatment for their contribution. Jiuhu Chinese only contribute in the economic department but not the defence department. This is the main difference and why they are treated sub-par from the brown color skin majority ppl.

Hence most migrate out of Msia to escape the unfair treatment. But they need to also acknowledge they do nothing for country defence so this part need to buck up if they want equal treatment from brown color skin ppl.

(28-12-2023, 03:34 PM)sgh Wrote:  Just to add on a lot of Jiuhu Chinese complain they are being treated badly by their govt due to bumi policies etc. But they need to reflect on themselves country defence is borned by brown color skin. They risk their lives to protect the country (e.g Lahad Latu incident die brown color skin soldiers and polis never die Jiuhu Chinese). So the brown color skin take it as their given rights to be entitled to better preferential treatment for their contribution. Jiuhu Chinese only contribute in the economic department but not the defence department. This is the main difference and why they are treated sub-par from the brown color skin majority ppl.

Hence most migrate out of Msia to escape the unfair treatment. But they need to also acknowledge they do nothing for country defence so this part need to buck up if they want equal treatment from brown color skin ppl.

Once a Malay Malaysian reflected your point to me too.
I guess it is a sentiment amongst the Malay overthere.

There is no NS conscription in Malaysia  except for a 3 months physical training. 
I think currently scraped too.
Maybe it is too expensive for them to pay, since population is about 34 million. 
And their regular soldier's salary is low in international standard. About 2k MYR monthly. 
So cannot attract the Chinese Malaysian to make it as their career.

Whatever the case, for a foreigner, especially Chinese Singaporean, it is not the most ideal place to emigrate. 
Or obtaining a PR / long-term visa. 

There are better choices, with even bigger space, cheaper living cost. With much better legalities proficiency, living conditions and opportunities in investment / carreer.

(28-12-2023, 05:35 PM)moonrab Wrote:  There is no NS conscription in Malaysia  except for a 3 months physical training. 
I think currently scraped too.
Maybe it is too expensive for them to pay, since population is about 34 million. 
And their regular soldier's salary is low in international standard. About 2k MYR monthly. 
So cannot attract the Chinese Malaysian to make it as their career.

When you serve to protect the country it is not about dollars and cents it is about a privilege which our MIW MP say one. It is a privilege to serve. Jiuhu Chinese all talk monies got monies then do so serve country also same. If we apply those Jiuhu Chinese thinking to Spore how? Spore disappear liao lor. I serve 2.5 years and lost so much earn monies compared to a Jiuhu Chinese same as my age who no need to serve. Also Jiuhu Chinese elders got a popular saying 好男不当兵 their mindset is die other races sons can but ownself sons cannot die. This thinking lead to being bullied by brown color skin majority ppl lor. In a way Jiuhu Chinese deserve the sub-par treatment as they themselves selfish cannot die. If cannot die then give more monies lor so simple then we hear the Jiuhu Chinese kpkb about being got sub-par treatment.

Since CLOB was brought up. Here's an explanation what CLOB (Central Limit Order Booking) is and its advantages and disadvantages as a trading mechanism in stock exchanges throughout the world.

(27-12-2023, 11:47 AM)Huliwang Wrote:  The important things to consider for place of retirement are...

 whether the place is convenient and friendly for old people whose mobility is not so good especially in the last 5 or 10 years of your life. At that age say 80 yo you most probably returned your class 3 driving license and must take public transport. Are the busses there cater for wheel chair and pma to board? Also are the pathways there handicap friendly where you can move your pma or wheel chair to higher levels without using the steps.

Next is medical facilities like our polyclinic to get subsidies medicine and treatment. If not, it would be much suffering to come all the way back here for medicines.

Next is safety of the place like robbery. Is there a need to wear knife proof vest when moving around at night?

These are just some examples. Those videos posted by ah butt are selling you a good life for people who are young, can still jump and run. He might not be saying the same thing when he had to walk around with a walking stick or wheelchairs 20 or 30 years later.      Rolleyes

I always tell people this too. Healthcare (whether it's subsidised for foreigners), access to amenities/food (walking distance), transportation, safety etc. 

There's also taxation. Some countries tax capital gains, so your passive income might get taxed there. Some countries have high property taxes relative to Singapore (Singapore's property tax rate is negligible. Using my flat as an example, the tax rate is about 0.027%) so if you bought a property and stayed there, you may have to fork out a 4-figure sum per year unlike in Singapore.
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