Minister Shanmugan : Some countries are trying to mess us up

Is Ah Shan implying someone in the task force is a proxy?? I mean, now who is messing Singapore/Singaporean up?? Go do a survey, I think task force will rank first..

1. I have served the nation in a combat unit for 2.5 + 10 years. I had fulfilled my duty as a citizen, but has the country do it's part for me?
2. I don't know where the threat of CCP is, but I know the threat of CECA is already at my doorsteps
3. I had been called a CCP, JHK, Pinoy, but they never called me a CECA..

He know about the fifty cents gang?
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PAP definitely has messed us up. Just scrutinise MOE quota since 2010 that left us in the lurch without th3 right Opportunities. 

Is it due to lack of foresight? This is beyond comprehension.

Win the World but lost your Soul. 

Look the Chinese actively spread propaganda on social media chatgroups etc. what?

There is American propaganda...there is PAP propaganda and so on

The govt already has power rto remove falsehoods. so what is is actually bias views beliefs ...that forms propaganda.

A lot of the China propaganda is aimed at Chinese speaking who are emotionally elevated by rise of Chjna because they feel proud to be part of this and will do and say anything to support China because part of their being is is connected to China's.

No law or control can stop this. Even if you block they will go and look for pro china material because they feel good watching and reading this type of thing.

Similarly the govt cannot stop one segment of our population that look to up the west and endear themselves to western values and rights. This propaganda come in through movies TV and in many ways that cannot be stopped.

The best thing to do is have citizens that are critical in thought. So they know what the grey areas are.

Problem is the PAP govt itself also use alot of propaganda and does not like criticism....hence they prefer obedient unquestioning citizens....which make the citizens vulnerable to foreign propaganda....something they now want to that only their own propaganda ca exist. Something like China but not as bad.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(04-10-2021, 06:34 PM)kangtangman Wrote:  Wow with that statement made isn’t it clear who he is trying to point to? does this constitute racist?

With both Chinese and chat apps mentioned, don’t we know a specific apps has more subscribers than others?

Instead of making general accusations why don't ah Sham SPECIFICALLY MENTION WHICH COUNTRIES? As a law minister he should be very clear and concise when he makes accusations. Don't you agree? Thinking

tomorrow will be a better day
[+] 1 user Likes surfer's post

din disclose but ask khan to disclose?

In time like this who can be sure.
Real intel is vital. Failure will pay a heavy price.
Let me lead iu nto a blank alley.
Pope will go on stage.

(05-10-2021, 08:48 AM)surfer Wrote:  Instead of making general accusations why don't ah Sham SPECIFICALLY MENTION WHICH COUNTRIES? As a law minister he should be very clear and concise when he makes accusations. Don't you agree? Thinking
If it is true that there are many negative comments globally, then there must be something wrong at our end. Face the truths and facts if that is the case. It is the freedom of speech that wil only improve a country to put things in the right perspectives. There is nothing wrong abt this.

(05-10-2021, 08:57 AM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote:  din disclose but ask khan to disclose?

snake medicine man? Thinking

tomorrow will be a better day

Copying Hong Kong security laws. 

Pappies more commie than CCP.
[+] 1 user Likes Alice Alicia's post

(05-10-2021, 08:48 AM)surfer Wrote:  Instead of making general accusations why don't ah Sham SPECIFICALLY MENTION WHICH COUNTRIES? As a law minister he should be very clear and concise when he makes accusations. Don't you agree? Thinking

I do agree with your comment. As a representation of our country who held with authority passing a genral remarks into the media has a great impact on our diplomacy with foreign countries. 

All the hard works that our predecessor leaders in claiming our unbiased or harmony among races or foreign visitors, what he has said will gain some traction on the Chinese here. Be it locally or foreigners. He has just spark off a discord among other races, in my opinion.

neh ministir always stir?

Singapore really  in dangerous situation.
Can someone calls Lee Kuan Yew back.

(04-10-2021, 09:21 PM)kangtangman Wrote:  Look, as much as you’re assuming that he has “anyhow” blurting out those words, I like to think that what he has said on the Chinese and chat apps may be something that he has some ground with. 

But he is representing Singapore with the deliberate intend to say it in the public, says much about his representation of both his party as well as his superior. And of course not forgetting the country too.

Though I agree with you that this sort of behaviour is not right, but then again he hold the authority as you have said. Which allows him to simply making such a generic remarks into the media. This is not being diplomatic in his representation. 

By calling out a certain race and the apps in itself shows that there is some biased in his remarks. Just my opinion.

There is certainly some biased. He has been calling out time and again...Same race mentioned. Look at all the western chat and video sites are undermining China. Nobody care...

[+] 1 user Likes Niubee's post

This case opposition shud ask Shame to be specific on which country like him asking Khan which police station. I think this is Shameful again..... Big Grin

 Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge
                    Carl Jung

Welcome to Indiapore

(05-10-2021, 10:19 AM)Niubee Wrote:  There is certainly some biased. He has been calling out time and again...Same race mentioned. Look at all the western chat and video sites are undermining China. Nobody care...

The Western media or propaganda are identifiable and has been there for last 50yrs.....alot of it is uncoordinated just viewing events through a common western lens.....democracy human rights etc.

The China propaganda is more concerning mainly because there is large Chinese population in sg. There are issues  like  South China Sea and Singapore is good friends with USA and Europe.

So any China propaganda coming in is seen as China trying to sway Singaporeans against our govt position. Sometimes these propaganda is not targeted at Sjngaooreans but anti American in nature.

I prefer the law to be clearer and targeted given Singapore govt has substantial Intel capabilities. If a Singaporean is paid by foreign govt to sway political opinion to favor a foreign country against interest of Singapore - I am okay with such a law but not the FICA which is vague and can be abused. 
There has to be evidence that person us out to hurt Singapore.. If it is propaganda that China is victim of USA bulky and all the rubbish constantly pumped out of China don't waste time on it as it has nothing to do with Singapore.

One example why I don't trust PAP with their tendency to make " unsubstantiated" accusations and insinuations now they have the power to go further.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
[+] 1 user Likes sgbuffett's post

(05-10-2021, 10:19 AM)Niubee Wrote:  There is certainly some biased. He has been calling out time and again...Same race mentioned. Look at all the western chat and video sites are undermining China. Nobody care...

Precisely. As such he being a representative of our government as well as a law minister shows that he is biased in his view which question on his position and claims.

(05-10-2021, 10:35 AM)kangtangman Wrote:  Precisely. As such he being a representative of our government as well as a law minister shows that he is biased in his view which question on his position and claims.
What you say is in effect bias and rubbish. I do not like him but he is surrounded by Chinese colleagues and his boss is Chinese. Nothing he says does not go pass his bosses....who are Chinese ....

So what you say is just a bias view ignoring facts

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
[+] 1 user Likes sgbuffett's post

(05-10-2021, 10:41 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:   
What you say is in effect bias and rubbish. I do not like him but he is surrounded by Chinese colleagues and his boss is Chinese. Nothing he says does not go pass his bosses....who are Chinese ....

So what you say is just a bias view ignoring facts

Dont give us the Bullshit u are unbiased. Whether or Not, is not for u to say. Outsider seen it more clearly... Because it is subconscious.

The only unbiased person is dead men.


(05-10-2021, 10:41 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:   
What you say is in effect bias and rubbish. I do not like him but he is surrounded by Chinese colleagues and his boss is Chinese. Nothing he says does not go pass his bosses....who are Chinese ....

So what you say is just a bias view ignoring facts

Well if being among Chinese colleagues equate to having an unbiased view is enough for you as fact.   Then continue to believe in what you believed in. I am not trying to change anyone here, but more in sharing my views.

And it also goes to show your simple mind and further confirmed my believe in your “frog in the well views”. And due to your limitation in perspective, has simply blinded or challenges your believes and cognitions. More importantly you can’t accept that there are more than what is outside of your values. 

As a government representative like our Law Minister, he is more than that in view of diplomacy. Especially things that he says is a representations of our country and our leaders.

If LKY is still around such statement given by our minister, I strongly believe he will not allow it to come under the public eyes. 

I am not here to demand that you accept my views, just because I see a different perspective as yours. But more in sharing my opinion.
[+] 1 user Likes kangtangman's post

(05-10-2021, 10:35 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  The Western media or propaganda are identifiable and has been there for last 50yrs.....alot of it is uncoordinated just viewing events through a common western lens.....democracy human rights etc.

The China propaganda is more concerning mainly because there is large Chinese population in sg. There are issues  like  South China Sea and Singapore is good friends with USA and Europe.

So any China propaganda coming in is seen as China trying to sway Singaporeans against our govt position. Sometimes these propaganda is not targeted at Sjngaooreans but anti American in nature.

I prefer the law to be clearer and targeted given Singapore govt has substantial Intel capabilities. If a Singaporean is paid by foreign govt to sway political opinion to favor a foreign country against interest of Singapore - I am okay with such a law but not the FICA which is vague and can be abused. 
There has to be evidence that person us out to hurt Singapore.. If it is propaganda that China is victim of USA bulky and all the rubbish constantly pumped out of China don't waste time on it as it has nothing to do with Singapore.

One example why I don't trust PAP with their tendency to make " unsubstantiated" accusations and insinuations now they have the power to go further.
I totally agrees with you with all these substantiated valid points.  There is no doubt about it.

(05-10-2021, 10:35 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  The Western media or propaganda are identifiable and has been there for last 50yrs.....alot of it is uncoordinated just viewing events through a common western lens.....democracy human rights etc.

The China propaganda is more concerning mainly because there is large Chinese population in sg. There are issues  like  South China Sea and Singapore is good friends with USA and Europe.

So any China propaganda coming in is seen as China trying to sway Singaporeans against our govt position. Sometimes these propaganda is not targeted at Sjngaooreans but anti American in nature.

I prefer the law to be clearer and targeted given Singapore govt has substantial Intel capabilities. If a Singaporean is paid by foreign govt to sway political opinion to favor a foreign country against interest of Singapore - I am okay with such a law but not the FICA which is vague and can be abused. 
There has to be evidence that person us out to hurt Singapore.. If it is propaganda that China is victim of USA bulky and all the rubbish constantly pumped out of China don't waste time on it as it has nothing to do with Singapore.

One example why I don't trust PAP with their tendency to make " unsubstantiated" accusations and insinuations now they have the power to go further.

but yr first para is funny

(04-10-2021, 07:05 PM)Gemstar Wrote:  Needless to say, it is obviously racism.

LHL also bias come NDP rally , show an example Racism employment Need only chinese.

HEY WHY HE NEVER SHOW CECA job ad in SG ??? ONLY Hindi can apply

No proof no name is as good as firing blank and it is only point toward one conclusion. Fake

Collecting pay to create fake news? Better return all the money collected and claw back to your horn non stop cuntry

So is what he is talking considered then as ahneh privilege? Big Grin

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin
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We don't even need other countries to mess us up when our ministers can do that very well.
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(05-10-2021, 01:25 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  We don't even need other countries to mess us up when our ministers can do that very well.
Thats correct. This Shame ........ Angry

 Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge
                    Carl Jung
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Quote:Mr Shanmugam, who did not name the aggressor, said: “Many of these were in Mandarin and targeted our Chinese-speaking population, these contents also widely circulated via chat apps and aim to influence sentiments amongst Singaporeans.”

Ah Shan is not being very clever here. If countries are trying to influence us, why would they not do it in English? Since he's insinuating that China is behind it, does he truly believe that China need to use Mandarin for propaganda. They have enough people fluent in English to do that. By using Mandarin, China at most is able to influence the old folks who are not as vocal nor are they are in positions high enough (generally speaking). 

Instead, I've seen more people in HWZ using English to bash China in every way, most time illogical. Just yesterday, I debunked a video which a HWZ forumer put out to try to put Xi in a bad light. The truth is, that guy didn't show the entire video, which I eventually scoured and put there. For those interested, this is the link -

Singapore should instead investigate these people who try to incite hatred towards another country and damage our relationship.
[+] 1 user Likes Blasterlord2's post

Is Shanmugam xenophobic?

CECA mess us up is OK. But other mess them up, cannot??

Double Standard.

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 
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