Musk:Cede Crimea region to Russia and make other concessions as part of a peace deal.

“This is highly likely to be the outcome in the end — just a question of how many die before then,” Musk said in a Twitter thread Monday.

(04-10-2022, 07:11 AM)theold Wrote:  “This is highly likely to be the outcome in the end — just a question of how many die before then,” Musk said in a Twitter thread Monday.

Fucked off

Laughter-13  Laughter-13


I agree with Musk

There has to be an exit plan otherwise it will be another 20 yr old war

Russians have lost too many and will not just walk away empty handed..remember they have Nukes and many other options

Ukranians are highly dependent on the wimps of EU and US to give them money and weapons some point this will end..

we are starting to seed leaders replaced bec the cost of living and disruption to their lifes are bec of this war

Millions of Ukranians have flooded the EU as refugees ..adding more cost to the EU

China like Iran will likely help Russia when they r loosing

When everything is quite now, a big storm might be coming ahead.


(04-10-2022, 07:11 AM)theold Wrote:  “This is highly likely to be the outcome in the end — just a question of how many die before then,” Musk said in a Twitter thread Monday.

I'm sure the Europeans would love to see that happen and that’s probably the most sensible thing for Ukraine to do, but the key question nobody is asking is: What’s in it for Zelenskyy and the US?
Once the war is over in Ukraine, US and EU would lose interest in Ukraine. Zelenskyy would be left with a country in tatters without any means of economical production. The chances of internal conflict is extremely high and Zelenskyy might end up being the target of Ukrainian anger for having ceded territory.
Best case scenario for Zelenskyy will be to go into exile while worse case scenario he might get lynched by the angry Ukrainians. Contrast this to the current situation where he gets plenty of western media attention and get to play the war hero, I think his choice is clear.
The same goes for US. US is having a good time blackmailing the European powers and also encouraging some of its vassal European states in the East to stir shiit and dissolve EU from within. Having Russia as the perpetual bad guy is also good for internal politics and distracts the masses from real problems facing their own country, so Biden’s choice in this is obvious as well.

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