*NEW WORLD ORDER * Henry Kissinger: ‘We are now living in a totally new era’

(31-03-2022, 06:37 PM)kokee Wrote:  china & russia pair up, unlimitedly, there is no return road for this evil gang.
whole world must sanction them together, treat them as same entity.
after tomorrow EU-chna meeting, hope EU will join US in this china sanction.


moronic china balless, want to lick both side balls of course awkward.
scared of US sanction, scared of russia attack it, kowtow to both sides, super ugly, worse than dog, dog only recognise 1 master.
moronic xi like putin, will never make the tight choice & decision.
If Russia & putin can success in Europe, china will be next to attack by russia, russia will conquer china if they win in Europe, moron also can see but our fattu xi, LOL LOL.
all the know nut comie dog, putin invade ukraine because of NATO, I said 100x here, putin invasion is to build his own umpire like the khan.




russia is like rat today, whole world whack them upside down, so many country chase russia embassy out of their country now.
russia & china tie as one, whole world know, china, another rat kena whack in the world today, both axis of evil.
US, EU & whole world democratic country work together to get rid of these few dictatorship country, cut off tie totally with these evil.
this will be the new world order, chase all these evil out of UN, dont rely & share anything with each other.

全世界紛紛驅逐俄羅斯🇷🇺外交官:老鼠過街人人喊打,姥姥不疼 舅舅不愛,四面楚歌



(02-04-2022, 10:43 AM)kokee Wrote:  russia is like 

【新聞有琴調下集】美國號召力日漸式微 14國紛搶與中國合作!|印泰菲緬外長將訪華 展現友好 @中天新聞 20220330


Simpson is the " new world order "
is having too much coincidence , this cartoon can tell you what will happen in the future.


mention War USSR it happen now

mention Virus, wear mask also happen now.
etc etc

(03-04-2022, 02:46 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  Simpson is the " new world order "
is having too much coincidence , this cartoon can tell you what will happen in the future.


mention War USSR it happen now

mention Virus, wear mask also happen now.
etc etc

But AMTK look down on China and China's potential!  Laughing

(03-04-2022, 02:51 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  But AMTK look down on China and China's potential!  Laughing

haha cartoon is cartoon but seriously is kinda " weird " too much coincidence come Simpson cartoon link with world events.

They actually interview the creator, he just say " coincidence "

(03-04-2022, 02:54 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  haha cartoon is cartoon but seriously is kinda " weird " too much coincidence come Simpson cartoon link with world events.

They actually interview the creator, he just say " coincidence "

The cartoon reflects on the thinking and attitude  of the creator.  Tongue

Top 10 Simpsons Predictions For 2022


(04-04-2022, 07:30 AM)kokee Wrote:  why china so desperate now> china is preparing for post-Ukraine war after russia lost the war.
but who will bother china if russia lost in Ukraine war> this clown.
India before settle border issue will join the democratic world against china, the rest, japan, korea, vietnam, thailand, philipines & most will join the west to cut off tie with china.



去中国化, remove china from global supply chain & cut off tie with china eventually like with russia, Iran & NK, definitely is the new world order theme.
not only dont feed evil, dont rely on evil on any supply to have peace of mind.
Only after china return tibet & more lands back to india, then india will consider to reconcile with china, before that india will join the west when dealing with china.

一周对策 | 印度反出美元霸權 QUAD瀕臨崩解.. 2022 0404


(04-04-2022, 03:14 PM)kokee Wrote:  still got morons here believe in RT> RT almost ban by whole world now, this rubbish communist source of BS.
Lithuania, not only not paying in ruble or Euro, just inform russia to cut off russia gas supply, that is the way, not to feed evil, let them die, they deserve it. Pay slightly more to other to have a piece of mind & safety, also has conscious clear.
russia totally rely on commodity to feed their people & military, whole world must cut russia off totally like lituania, suffer small to exchange for world peace & get rid of evil, same with china.


Lithuania cut off russia gas totally, heard few more cpountry on the way.
russia need to sell more than EU country buying, these country can ration, buy from else where at higher price, but cannot be threatening like russia.
Russia near bankrupt now due to sanction, SWIFT & frozen, ton of debt & bond maturing soon, russia need money urgently, russian shopping malls almost nothing to sell now except russian food.
whole world must join hands to cut off totally to buy from russia, cheap but risky, money pay to russia, they use them to make weapons & rob you, this is what all communist country doing today, Iran, NK, china & russia.

北京挑戰石油美元, 支持中東 建集體安全架構 2022 0401


Germany food prices jump 20~50% in ONE day

China has stopped OBOR input via Khazakhathan mid-pt Berlin-Beijin
with Putin Gold is Money and currency properly defined meaning papergolds will burn
CRAB double pincers attack mode
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-05-04-55-13.png]

(04-04-2022, 03:30 PM)kokee Wrote:  去中国化, remove china from global supply chain & cut off tie with china eventually like with russia, Iran & NK, definitely is the new world order theme.
not only dont feed evil, dont rely on evil on any supply to have peace of mind.
Only after china return tibet & more lands back to india, then india will consider to reconcile with china, before that india will join the west when dealing with china.

after US recent action on china, china trade down easily >70% in recent months to quarter, plus covid, likely down near 90% now.
with all the investment & fund pull out at super fast pace now, china jobless easily>300 mil now, 1 bil on debt is nothing, with stock & property crashing now, most property are negative asset, china still have foreign reserved or negative now>
dont talk about oil price, covid inflation & economy halted, domestic market almost died, russia also need ton of money from china, LOL LOL.
retrenchment, cut pay, loan & bond default, more sanction on the way, block of all technology transfer, china will sink much faster now.




【盧秀芳辣晚報】去美元化加速! "一帶一路"5國夥伴 欲與大陸建立新貨幣體系@中天新聞 精華版


(09-04-2022, 09:42 AM)kokee Wrote:  already said 50x here, what happen if ruble cut it rate to 10% or even 0%, how much will it plunge>
ruble strong or weak, who bother> comie dogs & brainless only look at ruble rate, but reality is ruble cannot buy anything after sanction & more sanction on russia last 1-2 days, frozen & SWIFT, russian inside russia today is living like beggers, no good & product to buy except russia food, what is the meaning of life> like NK & Iran today, those with money all want to change USD & run out of russia.
all these know nut comie can only con & brainwash brainless here, more sanction on the way, already>6000 items & events of sanction, not stopping yet, more sanction coming, very nice, LOL LOL.

30年來最糟 俄羅斯總理:制裁規模冷戰也未見


all these know nut comie dogs, wet dream of USD status, RMB> give them 100 yrs, they can only go more backwards from here. They bark whatever, all the oil & gas, trade & reserved, all still quote in USD, only china & saudi use RMB to deal but still quote in USD, just do a conversion. RMB is a total capital control currency, not even free float, no one will recognised such a currency, risk is super high. Ruble> total valueless, no one care as no one will use it totally, LOL LOL.

bark all these rubbish is totally meaningless & useless as factory & investment now pulling out from china at historical speed now, sanction china also ongoing now, eventually all trade with china will remove like russia today, cut off china totally from global supply chain & trade, wait patiently. 
what russia get today, sanction, frozen & SWIFT, china will all get it in time to come.

中共最担心的事情:海外资产会一朝归零;重磅!美国正式取消俄罗斯最惠国贸易地位 全面禁止进口其能源;中立国无法中立了 瑞士冻结俄80亿美元资产

4大行起诉20万断供房奴,断供潮来了 !请求延迟还贷上热搜!国际订单绕着中国走,唯一增长支柱外贸熄火,萧条的信号全面发出


RMB internationalization? Be a little patient!

Why The U.S. Dollar May Be In Danger

Can the Chinese Yuan Replace the US Dollar?

(11-04-2022, 05:42 AM)kokee Wrote:  if above is what comie dogs here bark east rising, then there is no civilization in this world.

what china has invented in modern technology> nothing, all is steal or copy cat.

dictatorship is east rising> all those dont want freedom & human right can go back to enjoy their slavery in china but no one want, only want to bark to ask there to go back, all these shameless comie liars here.

in term of civilization, freedom, right & humanity, east is so much behind.
with covid & sanction, let see china can last how long.



above is for china, as for US is the only country can fight 2 wars at the same time in WW2 & won. In asia & Europe, they defeated japan & germany, that is why today we are living in today world, if not of US in WW2, all of us here are studying japanese language & kowtow to japan emperor everyday now.
US invention & innovation power is strong, whether your internet, pc, hp, EV or whatever technology, started from there, may not be by american but by their freedom & open minded system.
we talk fact & truth here, not interested in skin color or rubbish.



全球進入兩油體系 中國將因此獲利 2022 0411

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運20深入歐洲 vs 北約東擴中國家門口 2022 0413


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