New Naval Military toys.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

Given the shallow depth (< 100m) of South China Sea, these subs will just be sitting ducks during time of war.
Space-based reconnaissance can now probe up to 200m deep.
And if the subs are to move, the minute surface disturbance wave can also be picked up by better SAR imaging or sea surface lasing satellites.
Quote:The deepest a laser device has been able to penetrate through ocean water and still provide reliable results so far is 200 meters, a depth record set by a device created by the Pentagon's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), according to the South China Morning Post.
Quote:Over the deep oceans, provide SSH within each swath with a posting every 2 km x 2 km, and a precision not to exceed 0.5 cm when averaged over the area.

[Image: the-simpsons-tax-time.gif]

Its just a plan to create more jobs for our local...because the private sector really dont have much good jobs for them liao. They will have stable long term jobs a regular..not too high not too low just enough for them to get BTO..

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